Race Relations Exam 1 Review Flashcards
Thomas Theory
Majority belief shapes perceived reality.
Cultural identity, not determined by race
Melting Pot
Ideal of cultural blending; largely theoretical.
Celebration of cultural differences within society.
Examines race’s role in societal stability.
Conflict Theory
Racism leads to societal conflict and decline.
Caste System
a social structure in which classes are determined by heredity
Negative attitudes based on group membership.
Belief in superiority of one’s culture.
White Privilege
Unearned benefits for being white.
Scapegoating Theory
Blaming minorities for societal problems.
Authoritarian Personality Theory
Personality traits influencing prejudice likelihood.
Exploitation Theory
Racial subordination linked to capitalism.
Normative Approach
Prejudice shaped by societal norms.
Ethnic Enclaves
Communities preserving cultural identities.
Ranking of groups based on social value.
Labeling Theory
Explains why some are viewed as deviant.
Self-fulfilling Prophecy
Expectation influences behavior and outcomes.
Indian Removal Act
1830 law facilitating Native American land annexation.
Allotment Act
1887 act dividing reservation land into parcels.
Indian Reorganization Act
1934 law reversing Allotment Act policies.
Termination Act
1953 act ending federal services for tribes.
Social movements uniting diverse Native American groups.
de facto discrimination
The way things are organized
de jure discrimination
direct result of a law or policy
Smith v. Alwright (1944)
ended white primaries
Plessy v. Furgeson
Separate but equal
Shelly v. Kraemer
outlawed restrictive covenants
restrictive covenant
A provision in a deed to real property prohibiting its sale to a person of a particular race or religion. Judicial enforcement of such deeds is unconstitutional.
March Against Fear
March started by James Meredith who was shot on the second day; MLK (SCLC) & Stokely Carmichael (SNCC) came in to finish the march; Stokely began the chant “what do we want - black power” despite MKL’s dissapproval
Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee
Black Power Movement
founded by Stokely Carmichael, movement that called for African American independence
synonym for Civil Rights Timeline
synonym for native american policies
Civil Rights Timeline
Emancipation Proclomation
13th Amendment
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
Plessy v Furgeson
White Primaries Outlawed (Smith v Alwright)
Restrictive Covenants Outlawed (Shelly v Kraemer)
Brown v Board of Education
Civil Rights Bill
Native American Policies Timeline
Indian Affairs Bureau
Indian Removal Act
Allotment/Dawes Act
Reorganization Act
Termination Act
Employment Affairs
The Ghost Dance Movement
The last effort of Native Americans to resist US domination and drive whites from their ancestral lands, came through as a religious movement.