RAB: Ch. 3: INteraction Of Radiation With Matter Flashcards
It is the transfer of some of the incident particles’ energy to electrons in the absorbing material, promoting them to electron orbits FARTHER from the nucleus (i.e. higher energy level).
The energy transfered to an electron DOES NOT EXCEED its binding energy.
How does excitation and ionization occur?
They occur when charged particles lose energy by interacting with orbital electrons in the medium.
Note: Energetic charged particles interact with matter by electrical (i.e. columbic) forces and lose kinetic energy via EXCITATION, IONIZATION and RADIATIVE LOSSES.
Following excitation, the electron will return to a lower energy level, with the emission of the excitation energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation or ____ electrons. This process is referred to as _________.
Auger electrons
If the transfer energy EXCEEDS the binding energy of the electron, _______ occurs, whereby the electron is ejected from the atom.
The result of this is an _____ _____ consisting of the ejected electron and the positively charged atom.
Sometimes, the ejected electrons possess sufficient energy to produce further ionizations called ______ ________. These electrons are called _______ _____.
Ion Pair
Secondary ionization; delta rays
It is the average number of primary and secondary ion pairs produced per unit length of the charged particle’s path.
Expressed in ion pairs (IP/mm)
It increase with the square of the electrical charge (Q) of the particle and decreases with the square of the incident particle velocity (v)
Specific ionization
As the alpha particle slows, the specific ionization increases to a maximum (called the _______), beyond which it decreases rapidly as the alpha particle acquires electrons and becomes electrically neutral, thus losing its capacity for further ionization. The large ________ associated with heavy charged particles has applications in radiation therapy
Bragg peak
It is defined as the distance the particle travels
Path length
It is defined as the depth of penetration of the particle in matter
Range of a particle
While specific ionization reflects all energy losses that occur before an ion pair is produced, the ___________ is a measure of the average amount of energy deposited locally (near the incident particle track) in the absorber per unit path length.
It is often expressed in units of keV or eV per um.
The ____ of a charged particle is proportionla to the square of the charge and inversely proportional to the particle’s kinetic energy.
Linear Energy Transfer (LET)
The LET of a particular type of radiation describes the local energy deposition density, which can have a substantial impact on the biologic consequences of radiation exposure. In general, for a given absorbed dose, the dense ionization tracks of “___ LET” radiations (alpha particles, protons, etc.) deposit their energy over a much shorter range and are much more damaging to cells than the spare ionization pattern associated with “___ LET” radiations. Low LET radiation includes energetic electrons (e.g., B- and B+) and ionizing electromagnetic radiation (gamma and x-rays, whose interactions set electrons into motion). By way of perspective the exposure of patients to diagnostic x-rays results in the production of energetic electrons with an average LET of approximately 3 keV/um in soft tissue, whereas the average LET of 5-MeV alpha particles in soft tissue is approximately 100 keV/um.
It refers to an interaction that deflects a particle or photon from its original trajectory
It is what you call a scattering event in which the total kinetic energy of the colliding particles is unchanged.
For example: Billiard Ball collisions
When scattering occurs with a loss of kinetic energy (i.e., the total kinetic energy of the scattered particles is less than that of the particles before the interaction), the interaction is called _____?
For example, the process of ionization can be considered an ______ interaction if the binding energy of the electron is negligible compared to the kinetic energy of the incident electron (i.e., the kinetic energy of the ejected electron is equal to the kinetic energy lost by the incident electron).
If the binding energy that must be overcome to ionize the atom is not insignificant compared to the kinetic energy of the incident electron (i.e., the kinetic energy of the ejected electron is less than the kinetic energy lost by the incident electron), the process is said to be _______.
While most electron interactions with the atomic nuclei are elastic, electrons can undergo inelastic interactions in which the path of the electron is deflected by the positively charged nucleus, with a loss of kinetic energy. This energy is instantaneously emitted as electromagnetic radiation (i.e., x-rays). Energy is conserved, as the energy of the radiation is equal to the kinetic energy lost by the electron.
The radiation emission accompanying electron deceleration is called _______, a German word meaning “braking radiation” (Fig. 3-4). The deceleration of the high-speed electrons in an x-ray tube produces the ________ x-rays used in diagnostic imaging
The energy of a bremsstrahlung x-ray photon can be any value up to and including the entire kinetic energy of the deflected electron. Thus, when many electrons undergo bremsstrahlung interactions, the result is a continuous spectrum of x-ray energies. This radiative energy loss is responsible for the majority of the x-rays produced by x-ray tubes
As mentioned above, all energetic electrons (positively and negatively charged) lose their kinetic energy by excitation, ionization, and radiative interactions.
When a positron (a form of antimatter) reaches the end of its range, it interacts with a negatively charged electron, resulting in the annihilation of the electron-positron pair and the complete conversion of their rest mass to energy in the form of two oppositely directed 0.511-MeV ______.
This process occurs following radionuclide decay by positron emission?
0.511 MeV annihilation photons
Positron Annihilation
Unlike protons and electrons, these cannot cause excitation and ionization via coulombic interactions with orbital electrons.
They can, however, interact with atomic nuclei, sometimes liberating charged particles or nuclear fragments that can directly cause excitation and ionization.
These often interact with atomic nuclei of light elements (e.g., H, C, O) by scattering in “billiard ball”–like collisions, producing recoil nuclei that lose their energy via excitation and ionization.
In tissue, energetic ______ interact primarily with the hydrogen in water, producing recoil protons (hydrogen nuclei). _______ may also be captured by atomic nuclei. Neutron capture results in a large energy release (typically 2 to 7 MeV) due to the large binding energy of the neutron.
Four major types of interactions of x-ray and gamma-ray photons with matter:
[the first three play arole in diagnostic and nuclear medicine)
(a) Rayleigh scattering,
(b) Compton scattering,
(c) photoelectric absorption, and
(d) pair production.
In this type of interaction, the incident photon interacts with and excites the TOTAL ATOM [as opposed to infividual electrons as in Compton scattering or Photoelectric effect.
It occurs mainly with very low energy x-rays, such as in mammography (15 to 30 keV).
Rayleigh Scattering
During this event, the electric field of the incident photon’s electromagnetic wave expends energy, causing all of the electrons in the scattering atom to OSCILLATE in phase.
The atoms electron cloud immediately radiates this energy, emitting a photon of the same energy but in a slightly different direction.
Rayleigh Scattering
In this interaction, electrons are not ejected, and thus, ionization does not occur.
In general, the average scattering angle decreases as the x-ray energy increases. In medical imaging, detection of the scattered x-ray will have a deleterious effect on image quality
However, this type of interaction has a low probability of occurrence in the diagnostic energy range
Rayleigh Scattering
In soft tissue, this type interaction accounts for less than 5% of x-ray interactions above 70 keV and at most only accounts for about 10% of interactions at 30 keV.
These interactions are also referred to as “coherent” or “classical” scattering
Rayleigh scattering
It is the predominant interaction of x-ray and gamma-ray photons in the diagnostic energy range ith soft tissue.
It not only predominates in the diagnostic energy range above 26 keV in soft tissue but also continues to predominate well beyond diagnostic energies to approximately 30 MeV.
Compton Scattering
This interaction is most likely to occur between photons and outer (“valence”)-shell electrons
Compton Scattering
This interaction is most likely to occur between photons and outer (“valence”)-shell electrons
The electron is ejected from the atom, and the scattered photon is emitted with some reduction in energy relative to the incident photon
Compton Scattering
This type of interaction results in the ionization of the atom and a division of the incident photon’s energy between the scattered photon and the ejected electron. The ejected electron will lose its kinetic energy via excitation and ionization of atoms in the surrounding material
Compton scattering
In this type of interaction, The energy of the scattered photon can be calculated from the energy of the incident photon and the angle (with respect to the incident trajectory) of the scattered photon
Compton Scattering
In this type of interaction, the incident photon energy must be substantially greater than the electron’s binding energy before it could take place.
Thus, the relative probability of this interaction increases, compared to Rayleigh scattering or photoelectric absorption, as the incident photon energy increases. The probability of Compton interaction also depends on the electron density (number of electrons/g x density
Compton scattering
In this type of interaction, all of the incident photon energy is transferred to an electron, which is ejected from the atom.
Photoelectric effect