RAAS/HTN Pharmacology Flashcards
Describe RAAS activation in setting of decreased BP
Renin converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I
Angiotensin I converted to angiotensin II by angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor that acts to increase TPR as well as increase ECF volume by stimulating thirst, aldosterone secretion [retains sodium], and ADH secretion [retains water]
End result is increased BP
RAAS inhibition effects on the kidney
Angiotensin II tone (overall increased TPR) helps maintain resistance in efferent arterioles
GFR falls due to ACE inhibition, meaning serum creatinine increases in all patients — this preserves kidney function in hyperfiltering diabetics (note that <30% increase is okay as long as there is not hyperkalemia)
ACE inhibitors used in HTN
Enalapril (enalaprilat) — prodrug available IV
[note benazepril and lisinopril are now widely used d/t longer half life permitting 1x/day dosing]
MOA of captopril
Competitive inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE inhibitor)
Prevents conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, thus preventing vasoconstriction and CV remodeling
Also leads to increased plasma renin activity and decreased aldosterone secretion
Overall lowers BP
Clinical applications for captopril and other ACE inhibitors
HTN (can add thiazide or loop diuretic as needed)
Acute HTN emergency
Heart failure with reduced EF
LV dysfunction following MI
Diabetic nephropathy
Off-label: aldosteronism, delay the progression of nephropathy, reduce risks of cardiovascular events in DM
Potential toxicities of captopril and other ACE inhibitors
Angioedema (anaphylaxis)
Hypotension, HA, drowsiness, dizziness, loss of/altered taste, myalgia, weakness, polyuria, renal failure, renal insufficiency
Rarely cholestatic jaundice, agranulocytosis, neutropenia, anemia, pancytopenia, or thrombocytopenia
Angiotensin receptor antagonists
Valsartan — noteworthy: not a prodrug requiring activation
Candesartan — noteworthy: irreversible binding
MOA of losartan
Competitive nonpeptide angiotensin II receptor antagonist with 1000x greater selectivity for AT1 than AT2 receptor
Blocks the vasoconstrictor and aldosterone-secreting effects of angiotensin II
Induces a more complete inhibition of the RAAS system than ACE inhibitors
Does not affect response to bradykinin
Clinical applications of losartan and other angiotensin receptor antagonists
Tx of diabetic nephropathy with increased SCr and proteinuria in type 2 diabetes and HTN
HTN (alone or with other anti-HTN drugs)
HTN with LV hypertrophy to reduce risk of stroke
CKD and HTN regardless of race or diabetes status, to improve kidney outcomes
Heart failure (if intolerant of ACE inhibitors)
Off-label: marfan syndrome
Toxicities associated with losartan
Hypotension Fatigue Dizziness Fever Hypoglycemia Hyperkalemia Diarrhea Gastritis Nausea Weight gain Anemia Weakness Back/knee pain Cough (
MOA of aliskiren
Direct renin inhibitor, resulting in blockade of conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin I
Results in decreased formation of angiotensin II, aldosterone release, and sodium retention
Note that ACE inhibitor and ARB therapy can potentially be offset by increases in plasma renin activity, which is blocked by direct renin inhibitors
Clinical applications of aliskiren
Tx of HTN, alone or in combo with other antihypertensive drugs
This drug is new, expensive, and has no obvious benefits over other drug classes — but there is evidence of increased risk of adverse events
Toxicities associated with aliskiren
Skin rash
> 300% increase in creatine phosphokinase
Increased BUN and serum Cr
Hyperkalemia, especially if combined or predisposing factors such as renal dysfunction or diabetes mellitus
ACE inhibitors and ARBs work well when added to what other drug class?
Which of the antihypertensive drug classes acting on the RAAS system is contraindicated in pregnancy?
ACE inhibitors
[cause malformations during 1st trimester so must be discontinued ASAP if pregnancy occurs]
Drugs interfering with angiotensin II can lead to increased efferent tone — what does this mean for their use in clinical practice?
Can precipitate renal failure in pts with bilateral renal stenosis
Can help preserve renal function in diabetic pts
Are the following clinical features more likely in essential (primary) HTN, or renovascular HTN?
Duration <1 year Age at onset > 50 Grade 3 or 4 fundi Abdominal bruit BUN >20 K < 3.4 Urinary casts Proteinuria
Renovascular HTN
Effects of blockade of RAAS in pts with renovascular HTN d/t unilateral renal artery stenosis [elevated plasma renin]
Reduced arterial pressure
Enhanced lateralization of diagnostic tests
GFR in stenotic kidney may fall
Should renal revascularization surgery be performed in pts with renovascular HTN?
Probably not, surgery fails to materially recover kidney function or add clinical benefit beyond that with current drug therapy
Recommendation is to tx with drugs that block RAAS as well as statin therapy
A definite contraindication for the use of ACE inhibitors and ARBs
Bilateral renal stenosis