RA9484 Flashcards
RA 4419
RA 4419
RA 768
This Act shall be known as “The Philippine Dental Act of 2007”
Section 1. Title.
The State recognizes the importance of dentists, dental hygienists and dental technologists in nation-building. Hence, it shall develop and nurture competent, productive, morally-upright, and well rounded dentists, dental hygienists and dental technologists whose standards of professional practice and service shall be excellent, qualitative, world-class and internationally recognized, globally competitive through regulatory measures, programs and activities that foster their continuing professional development.
Sec. 2. Statement of Policy
This Act provides for:
(a) The regulation, control, and supervision of the practice of dentistry, dental hygiene and dental technology in the Philippines;
(b) The giving of licensure examination to graduates of recognized dental schools of dentistry, dental hygiene and dental technology for the purpose of registration;
(c) The accreditation of the various specialties of dentistry;
(d) The promotion and development of continuing dental education and research in the country;
(e) The enforcement of the Code of Ethics and Code of Dental Practice in the Philippines; and
(f) The stipulation of penalties for infractions or violations of this Act or any other laws, rules and regulations authorized under the provisions of this Act.
Sec. 3. Objectives.
(a) Dentist - refers to a person who is a holder of a valid certificate of registration and professional identification card in Dentistry who renders dental service
(b) Dental Hygienist- renders oral health promotion and preventive measures, performs scaling and polishing, oral examination, taking brief clinical history, taking radiograph, and giving oral health education to patients under the supervision of a licensed dentist.
(c) Dental Technologist - refers to a person who is a holder of a valid certificate of registration and professional identification card and who renders technical services such as mechanical construction of artificial denture and other oral devices under the supervision of a licensed dentist, and has finished a two year certificate course in dental technology from any government recognized school.
Sec. 4. Definition and Scope of Practice
There is hereby created a Professional Regulatory Board of Dentistry, hereinafter referred to as the Board, under the administrative control and supervision of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) , hereinafter referred to as the Commission, composed of a chairman and four members who shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines from the recommendees chosen and ranked by the Commission from a list of nominees submitted by the accredited and integrated professional organization.
Sec. 5. Composition of the Board.
The Board shall have the following powers and functions:
(a) Promulgate, administer and enforce rules and regulations necessary for carrying out the provisions of this Act;
(b) Administer oaths in connection with the administration of this Act;
(c) Study the conditions affecting the practice of dentistry, dental hygiene and dental technology in the Philippines;
(d) Adopt or recommend such measures or discharge such duties, as may be deemed proper for the advancement of the profession and the vigorous enforcement of this Act;
(e) Ensure, in coordination with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) , Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) , the Accredited Professional Organization, and the Association of Dental Colleges, that all educational institutions offering dentistry, dental hygiene, and dental technology comply with the policies, standards and requirements of the course prescribed by the CHED or TESDA in the areas of curriculum, faculty, library, and facilities;
(f) Supervise and regulate the registration, licensure and practice of dentistry, dental hygiene and dental technology in the Philippines;
(g) Adopt an official seal of the Board;
(h) Issue, reinstate, suspend or revoke the certificate of registration and professional identification card or cancel special permits for the practice of dentistry, dental hygiene and dental technology;
(i) Prescribe and/or adopt a Code of Ethics and a Code of Dental Practice for the practice of dentistry, dental hygiene and dental technology;
(j) Prescribe guidelines and criteria in the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program for dentistry, dental hygiene and dental technology;
(k) Hear or investigate any violation of this Act, its implementing rules and regulations, and the Code of Ethics for dentists as shall come to the knowledge of the Board and for this purpose, issue a subpoena duces tecum to secure the appearance of witnesses and the production of documents in connection therewith;
(l) Accredit various specialties, dental societies! organizations; and
(m) Perform such other powers and functions as it may deem necessary to carry out the objectives of this Act.
Sec. 6. Powers and Functions of the Board
The chairman and members of the Board shall, at the time of his/her appointment, possess the following qualifications:
(a) Be a natural-born citizen of the Philippines and a resident thereof;
(b) Be a duly registered dentist in the Philippines with a valid certificate of registration and professional identification card;
(c) Be a member of good standing of the accredited professional organization for the last five years: Provided, That a member of the Board may not qualify in any position, whether elective or appointive or serve as an officer of the accredited and integrated professional organization of dentists, dental hygienists, and dental technologists during his/her incumbency as such;
(d) Have at least ten (10) years of continuous experience as a dentist and preferably with three (3) years of teaching experience;
(e) Not be a member of the faculty of any school, college, or university where undergraduate and graduate courses in dentistry are taught and where dental hygiene and dental technology courses and review courses are offered, nor shall have, directly or indirectly, any pecuniary interest in such institution; and
(f) Not be connected in any capacity with any business enterprise, firm or company in the buying, selling or manufacture of dental goods, equipment, materials or supplies.
Sec. 7. Qualification of the Chairman and Members of the Board
The chairman and the members of the Board shall serve for a term of three years from the date of their appointments and may be reappointed for another term. The member serving the last year of his term shall automatically become the chairman 0 the Board and shall not be able to succeed himselflherse1f immediately after the expiration of his/her term of office so that the term of one member shall be due to expire every year: Provided, however, That all appointments as chairman shall be approved by the President
Sec. 8. Term of Office
The chairman and members of the Board shall receive compensation and allowances comparable to that being received by the chairman and members of existing regulatory boards under the Commission as provided for in the annual General Appropriations Act.
Sec. 9. Compensation and Allowances of the Board
Any member of the Board may, upon the recommendation of the Commission after due process of law and investigation conducted by the Commission, be suspended or removed by the President from office for cause such as neglect of duty, abuse of power, oppression, incompetence, unprofessional, unethical, immoral or dishonorable conduct, commission or toleration of irregularities in the conduct of examination or tampering of the grades therein, or for any final judgment or conviction of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude by the court after having been given the opportunity to defend himse1fl herself in a proper administrative investigation.
Sec. 10. Suspension and Removal from Office
The secretary of the Board shall be appointed by the Commission subject to the provisions of existing laws and all records and minutes of the deliberation of proceedings of the Board and other confidential documents shall be kept under the direct custody of the Commission. The Commission shall provide the secretariat and other support services to implement the provisions of this Act.
Sec. 11. Supervision of the Board
The Board shall, within sixty (60) days after the close of each fiscal year, prepare and submit an annual report to the Commission, giving a detailed account of the proceedings of the Board during the year, recommending measures to be adopted, with the end in view of upgrading and improving the conditions affecting the practice of Dentistry in the Philippines.
Sec. 12. Annual Report.
All applicants for registration for the practice of Dentistry, Dental Hygiene and Dental Technology shall be required to undergo a licensure examination to be given by the Board in such places and dates as the Commission may designate subject to the compliance with the requirements prescribed by the Commission in accordance with Republic Act No. 8981.
Sec. 13. Examination Required
a) For Dentistry - An applicant for the licensure examination for dentists shall establish to the satisfaction of the Board, that:
(1) he/she is a citizen of the Philippines, or if a foreigner, must prove that the country of which he/she is a subject or citizen permits Filipino dentists to practice within its territorial jurisdiction on the same basis as the subjects or citizens of such country;
(2) he/she has not been convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude;
(3) he/she is a graduate of a recognized and legally constituted university, college, school or institute with a degree of doctor of dental medicine or its equivalent; and
(4) he/she has completed the refresher course required after failing three consecutive licensure examinations.
Sec. 14. Qualification for Admission to the Licensure Examination
(a) For Dentists - General anatomy, oral anatomy, general and microscopic anatomy and embryology, general and oral physiology, general and oral pathology, pharmacology, microbiology, nutrition, dental materials, restorative dentistry, prosthodontics, orthodontics, pedodontics, pediatric dentistry, oral physiology, anesthesiology, oral diagnosis and treatment planning, endodontics, periodontics, roentgenology, oral surgery, dental jurisprudence and ethics, community dentistry and practice management.
Sec. 15. Scope of Examination
The licensure examination shall consist of both written and practical tests and in order to pass the examination, an examinee must obtain a general weighted average of at least seventy-five percent (75%) , with no rating below fifty percent (50%) in any subject.
Sec. 16. Ratings in the Examinations
The Board shall submit to the Commission the ratings obtained by each candidate within twenty (20) days after the last day of examination unless extended for just cause.
Sec. 17. Report of the Results of the Examinations
All successful examinees and registrants without examination shall be required to take a professional oath before any member of the Board or any other person authorized by the Commission or by law before they start their practice.
Sec. 18. Oath.