RA.7722 Flashcards
RA.7722 approval date
May 18,1994
RA.7722 presidential term
Fidel V. Ramos
Higher education act of 1994
Declaration of policy
Creation of commission on higher education
Composition of the commission
The commission shall be composed of ______ fulltime members
Five (5)
Who appoints the secretary of education?
the President may appoint the Secretary of
Education, Culture and Sports as ex officio chairman of the Commission for a
maximum period of ?
One year (1)
the President shall appoint a
Chairman of the Commission and ______ commissioners, who shall be holders
of earned doctorate(s), who have been actively engaged in higher education
for at least ten ___ years,
Four(4),10 years
Term of office
The fulltime chairman shall hold the office for a term of ?
4 years
The next 2 commisioners shall hold the office for a term of?
3 years
The last 2 commisioners shall hold the office for a term of?
2 years
Rank and emoluments