RA 9288: NEWBORN SCREENING ACT OF 2004 Flashcards
kapoy basta
was made into a law to safeguard the rights of an individual citizen to life and the quality of life especially right after
they were born.
RA 9288 (Newborn Screening Act of 2004)
date of approval
April 7, 2004
number of sections
blood from heel of newborn
specimen collector
physicians, nurses, midwives, nursing aides, traditional birth attendants and trained health professionals.
Newborn screening (NBS) is done by collecting blood samples after __ hours
to diagnose any genetic or metabolic conditions.
acts as the lead agency in the implementation of the law
DOH/Department of Health
metabolic dsd. screened in the National Newborn Screening program (6)
Hypothyroidism or CH
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia or CAH
Phenylketonuria or PKU
Galactosemia or Gal
Maple Syrup Urine Disorder or MSUD
Dehydrogenase Deficiency or G6PD deficiency
how many disorders are added in the NBS panel of disorders due to increasing number of inborn errors of metabolism
section 1
Short Title
“Newborn Screening Act of2004.”
section 2
Declaration of Policy
section 3
objectives of RA 9288
1) To ensure that every newborn has access to newborn screening for certain heritable
conditions that can result in mental retardation, serious health complications or death if
left undetected and untreated;
2) To establish and integrate a sustainable newborn screening system within the public
health delivery system;
3) To ensure that all health practitioners are aware of the advantages of newborn screening
and of their respective responsibilities in offering newborns the opportunity to undergo
newborn screening; and
4) To ensure that parents recognize their responsibility in promoting their child’s right to
health and full development, within the context of responsible parenthood, by protecting
their child from preventable causes of disability and death through newborn screening.
section 4
newborn screening system… to address the heritable conditions; and evaluation activities to assess
long term outcome, patient compliance and quality assurance.
Comprehensive Newborn Screening System
the monitoring of a newborn with a heritable condition for the purpose of ensuring that the newborn patient complies fully with the medicine of dietary prescriptions.
mean hospitals, health infirmaries, health centers, lying-in centers or puericulture centers with obstetrical and pediatric services, whether public or private.
health institutions
means physicians, nurses, midwives, nursing aides and traditional birth attendants.
healthcare practitioners
means any condition that can result in mental retardation, physical
deformity or death ifleft undetected and untreated and which is usually inherited from
the genes of either or both biological parents of the newborn.
heritable condition
NIH stands for
National Institute of Health
a child from the time of complete delivery to 30 days old.
the process of collecting a few drops of blood from the newborn onto an appropriate collection card and performing biochemical testing for determining if the newborn has a heritable condition.
newborn screening
means a facility equipped with a newborn screening
laboratory that complies with the standards established by the NIH and provides all
required laboratory tests and recall/follow-up programs for newborns with heritable
newborn screening center
the central facility at the NIH that defines
testing and follow-up protocols,
as the Secretariat of the Advisory Committee on Newborn Screening.
Newborn Screening Reference Center
the various means of providing parents or legal guardians
information about newborn screening.
parent education
a procedure for locating a newborn with a possible heritable condition for
purposes of providing the newborn with appropriate laboratory to confirm the diagnosis
and, as appropriate, provide treatment.
provision of prompt, appropriate and adequate medicine, medical, and surgical management or dietary prescription to a newborn for purposes of treating or mitigating the adverse health consequences of the heritable condition.
article 1
general provisions
article 2
definition of terms
article 3
Newborn screening
section 5
obligation to inform
Appropriate notification
and education regarding this obligation shall be the responsibility of what agency