R.A. 7719 (WEEK 5) Flashcards
What is R.A 7719
National Blood Services Act of 1994
It is the National Blood Services Act of 1994
R.A. 7719
When was the old one?
June 16, 1956
Old Republic Act
R.A. 1517
New Republic Act
R.A. 7719
This is during the term of?
Fidel V. Ramos
What are the aims of this R.A.?
- Promote volunteerism
- Classification of Blood Services Facilities
It sets a price-scheme for blood products
R.A. 1517
How much for ABO?
35 pesos
Payment for donor?
5 pesos
It established guidelines in setting commercial blood banks
R.A. 1517
When was R.A. 7719 implemented?
When did R.A. 7719 start?
To phased out commercial blood banks
R.A. 7719
R.A. that tells “blood is free”
R.A. 7719
You can be in prison for how long?
1-6 months
You can be fine of how much cost?
5,000 - 50,000 pesos
An act promoting voluntary blood donation, providing for an adequate supply of safe blood, regulating blood banks, and providing penalties for violation thereof
R.A. 7719: National Blood Services Act of 1994
Who enacted this Law?
Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress
This Act shall be known as the “National Blood Services Act of 1994”
SECTION 1. Title
In order to promote public health, it is hereby declared the policy of the State:
SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy
Qualified to donate
110 lbs and above
Encourage voluntary blood donation and states that blood donation is a humanitarian act
R.A. 7719: National Blood Services Act of 1994
How often can you donate blood?
Once every three months