RA 5527 Flashcards
RA 5572
Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969
Approved in ___________________
June 21, 1969
President: ________________
Ferdinand Marcos
RA 5572 contains ____ sections
Medical Technologist
A person who engages in the work of medical technology under the supervision of a pathologist or licensed physician authorized by the Department of Health in places where there is no pathologist and who having passed a prescribed course.
A duly registered physician who is specially trained in methods of laboratory medicine, of the gross and microscopic study and interpretation of tissues, secretions and excretions of the human body and its
Amendments of RA 5527
RA 6138
PD 498
PD 1534
Sections Amended in RA 6138
3 Sections: 16 21 22
Sections Amended in PD 498
11 Sections: 2 3 4 7 8 11 13 16 17 21 29
Sections Amended in PD 1534
3 Sections: 3 8 13
Amendments in PD 498
- Added MT Laws to the Histotech making it 10% of the board subject
- Terms of Board members: 3 years
- Examiner should be at least 2 years not a faculty
Composition of Council of Medical Technology Education - PD 1534
Chairman; Director of CHED Vice-Chairman: Chairman of PRC Members: Director of BRL-DOH Board Members (2) Representatives of the Deans of Schools of MT Presidents of PSP PAMET Members
Composition of Council of Medical Technology Education - RA 5527
Chairman; Secretary of Education Vice-Chairman: Director of BRL-DOH Members: Board Members (2) Dean of UP Institute of Hygiene President of PSP President of PAMET
Composition of Council of Medical Technology Education - PD 498
Chairman; Secretary of Education Vice-Chairman: Director of BRL-DOH Members: Board Members (2) Dean of UP Institute of Hygiene President of PSP President of PAMET
Minimum Required Course
4 years including 1 yr internship
Current Board Members
Current Board Members
Chairman: Marilyn Cabal-barza
Members: Marian Tantingco, Marian Atienza +
Medical Technology Bord
Chairman who is a _________ and two members who are medical technologist and should be appointed by the ____________________
Chairman who is a PATHOLOGIST and two members who are medical technologist and should be appointed by the PRESIDENT OF THEPHILIPPINES
Medical Technology Board are;
Medical Technology Board are;
Remove/Appointed: President
Recommended: PRC
Nominated: PAMET
Terms of MT Boards
3 years and 1 Reappointment
Section 8. Qualifications of Examiners
Filipino Citizen Good Moral Character Registered Pathologist & Medical Technologist Work experience of at east 10 yrs Not a school affiliated for 2 yrs
Section 11, Inhibition against Practice of Medical Technology
Duly Registered Physician
MT from other countries
MT in service of US armed force
Places of Examinations
Date of Examinations is given ____ a year between;
TWICE a year
Board Examination is a ___ day examination of 6 subjects
2 days
Written notices of such examination shall be published at least ___________ newspapers of national circulation for at least _____ days prior to the date of examination
3 newspapers
30 days
Scope and Coverage of Examination
Major Exams (20%) Clinical Chemistry Microbiology Hematology IHBB
Minor Exams (10%)
Clinical Microscopy
Section 19.
Ratings of Examination
General Average: at least
No rating below _____ of any major subject
Has not failed in at least ___ of the subjects computed according to relative weight
No further examination after ___ fails
3 fails
After 3 fails of the Boards, should have taken;
- 2.
After 3 fails of the Boards, should have taken;
- 12-month refresher course
- 12-month postgraduate training
A MT can only supervise ___ Medical Technician
2 Medical Technician
Qualifications of a Medical Technician
- Passed the CSE for Medical Technician
- Finished 2 years college course and 1 year experience
- Board exam general rating of 70%
Release of MTLE Results
120 days after the date of completion of
Current: at least 3-5 working days
No certificates for below ____ years old
21 years old
Certificates should be placed in the work place particularly in ___________ area
Receiving/Releasing Area
Section 23. Refusal to issue Certificates
Criminal Offense involving moral fortitude
Immoral or dishonorable conduct
Unsound mind
Incurable communicable diseases
Section 24. Administrative Investigation-Revocation or Suspension of Certificates
Conducted by atleast ___ members and __ legal officer - Hearing Committee
Section 24. Administrative Investigation-Revocation or Suspension of Certificates
Conducted by at least 2 members and 1 legal officer - Hearing Committee
Section 24. Administrative Investigation-Revocation or Suspension of Certificates
Revocation: ________ votes; Permanent
________: Majority Vote; up to 2 yrs
Section 24. Administrative Investigation-Revocation or Suspension of Certificates
Revocation: UNANIMOUS votes; Permanent
SUSPENSION: Majority Vote; up to 2 yrs
Section 24. Administrative Investigation-Revocation or Suspension of Certificates
Final after ____ days
Section 24. Administrative Investigation-Revocation or Suspension of Certificates
Final after 30 days
Section 22. Fees
Certificate of Registration:
New certificate for replacement:
Section 22. Fees
Certificate of Registration: 50.00
New certificate for replacement: 10.00
Payment for Issuance of Certificate
Replaced the Council of Medical Technology Education
Technical Panel in Medical Technology Education (TPMTE)
Technical Panel in Medical Technology Education (TPMTE)
Technical Panel in Medical Technology Education (TPMTE)
Chairman: President of PASMETH Members: President of PAMET Representative of the Boards/PRC Representative from PAMET Representative from PASMETH