RA 11166 (Part 1) Flashcards
RA 11166
Philippine HIV and AIDs Policy Act
Who signed the 21-year-old Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998 (Republic Act 8504)?
Former President Fidel Ramos
Who signed into law the Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act of 2018 (Republic Act 11166)
Former President Rodrigo
When did President Rodrigo
Duterte sign into law the Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act of 2018 (Republic Act 11166)?
Dec. 20, 2018
The basis for the new achievable targets
RT 1: 90% diagnosed
RT 2: 90% on HIV treatment
RT 3: 90% suppressed
If 90-90-90 reaching targets are met we can then achieve the next set of goals to end AIDS by 2030 through?
95-95-95 for treatment
1. 95% knowing their HIV status
2. 95% knowing their status on treatment
3. 95% on treatment with suppressed viral loads
An Act Strengthening the Philippine Comprehensive Policy on Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Prevention, Treatment, Care, and Support, and, Reconstituting the Philippine National Aids Council (PNAC)
RA No. 11166
RA No. 11166 repealed what RA?
Republic Act No. 8504: Philippine Aids Prevention and Control Act of 1998
One of the purposes of RA No. 11166 is appropriating Funds to all HIV /AIDS National program.
RA No. 11166:
Senate Bill No. _______ and House Bill No. _______
RA No. 11166:
Date of Approval
December 20, 2018
Section 3:
Article 1:
shall be reconstituted and streamlined to ensure the implementation of the country’s response to the HIV and AIDS situation
an agency attached to the DOH with a separate budget under the General Appropriations Act (GAA)
Section 4:
PNAC shall have its own secretariat and staffing pattern that shall be headed by a/an?
executive director
Section 6:
The members of the PNAC shall be appointed by?
the President of the Philippines
Section 6:
criterion for heads of the government agencies
not lower than ASEC or its equivalent
Section 6:
Appointed not later than ______ after the date of enactment of this Act ( Dec. 20, 2018 )
30 days
Section 6:
frequency of PNAC meeting
at least once every quarter
Section 6:
Who are involved in PNAC meeting?
Chair or Vice-chair
at least 10 other PNAC members
Section 6:
permanent chair
DOH Sec of Health
Section 6:
elected from the government agency
Vice chairperson
Section 6:
Term of service
3 years (renewable) max. of two (2)
consecutive terms
Secretariat personnel are appointed every 3 years.
permanent appointments
(according to civil rules and regulations)
Section 7:
Secretariat - Headed by _____________ – under the direct supervision of ____________
executive director,
chairperson of the PNAC (Sec. of Health –DOH)
a National Multi-Sectoral Strategic Plan to prevent and control the spread of
HIV and AIDS in the country
Aids Medium Term Plan (AMTP)
The PNAC shall formulate and periodically update the ___-year AMTP
Section 9:
The ______________ of the DOH , which shall be composed of qualified medical specialists and support personnel with permanent appointments, and with adequate yearly budget – identified from AMTP.
National HIV and AIDS and STI prevention and Control program (NASPCP)
shall maintain a comprehensive HIV and AIDS monitoring and evaluation program that shall serve 3 purposes
epidemiology Bureau
Considerations in the HIV and AIDS education and prevention programs:
1. _____-appropriate
2. based on up –to-date ________ and scientific strategies
3. actively promote _______ __________, universal awareness, knowledge of health
safe practices
Section 16:
The _____ shall develop the standardized and key messages on
the prevention and control of HIV and AIDs based on current
and updated information on the disease.
Section 16:
The ______ for the private sector, the _____ for the public sector ,
and the _____ and _____ for the uniformed service shall
implement this provision
DOLE: private sector
CSC: public sector
AFP & PNP: uniformed service
The standardized basic information and instruction shall be conducted by DOLE for the private sector at a reasonable cost to the employers and employees.
no cost
Section 19:
____________ funds and other sources may be utilized for these purposes.
Gender and Development (GAD)
Section 21:
Appropriate information shall be attached to, or provided with every _________ offered for sale or given as donation.
Article 2
Article 3
The presence of used or unused prophylactics shall be used as basis to conduct raids or similar police operations in sites and venues of HIV prevention interventions. (Section 24)
shall not be used
Donation of tissue or organ , whether gratuitous or onerous, shall be accepted by a laboratory or institution with no further tests needed. (Section 26)
only after a sample from the donor has been tested negative for HIV
All donated blood shall also be subjected to HIV testing (Section 26)
All donors whose blood, organ or tissue has been tested positive shall be deferred from donation, notified of their HIV status, counselled , and referred for care and clinical management as soon as possible (Section 26)
Donations of blood, tissue, or organs testing positive for HIV may be accepted for all purposes (Section 26)
for research purposes only, and shall be subject to strict sanitary disposal requirements
Only 1 test can be demanded as a matter of right by the blood , tissue , or organ recipient or his/her immediate relatives before transfusion or transplant , except during emergency cases. (Section 26)
A second testing can be demanded
Section 27:
Lawful consent to HIV testing of a donated human body , organ, tissue , or blood shall be considered as having been given when legacy and a donation are executed in accordance with Section __ and ___ respectively , of RA no. ______ , otherwise known as the “___________________”.
Section 3 & 4
RA No. 7170
Organ Donation Act of 1991
Section 28:
Which department issues guidelines on medical management of PLHIV and protocol on precautions against HIV transmission?
DOH (in consultation with concerned professional organizations and hospital associations)
Section 28:
Situations where guidelines on different procedures are applied
during surgical , dental , embalming , body painting , or tattooing that
require the use of needles or similar procedures
Section 28:
Which department issues guidelines on the handling and disposal of cadavers , body fluids , or wastes of persons known or believed to be HIV-positive.
Article IV
As a policy , the state shall encourage voluntary HIV testing.
Section 29:
HIV testing shall be made available under what circumstances?
- at least 15 years old (15-17 - no need for a guardian’s consent)
- below 15 years old who is pregnant or engaged in high-risk behavior shall be eligible for HIV testing and counseling with the assistance of a licensed social worker or health worker (no need for a parent’s consent)
- In other cases, below fifteen (15) years of age or is mentally incapacitated: needs parent’s consent.
*If the parent/ guardian cannot be located or refused to give consent, the minor shall also be required prior to the testing.
Parent’s consent is required for people below 18 years old to be eligible for HIV testing.
15 & above: no consent
below 15: with parent’s consent (unless pregnant or in high-risk behavior)
If the person subject to HIV testing is below 15 and is pregnant/ in high-risk behavior, parent’s consent is still needed.
not needed
(consent given by the child)
Section 30:
Enumerate instances in which HIV testing shall be allowed only
- charged with any of the offenses punishable under specific acts/ articles
- when it is necessary to resolve relevant issues under EO No. 209
- as a prerequisite in the donation of blood
Section 30:
HIV testing is compulsory if the person is charged with any of the offenses punishable under what specific acts/ articles?
- Articles 264 and 266 on serious and slight physical injuries
- Article 335 and 338 on rape and simple seduction
- Act No. 3815 or the “The Revised Penal Code”, as amended
- as also amended by Republic Act. No. 8553, otherwise known as “The Anti-Rape Law of 1997”
Section 30:
HIV testing is compulsory when it is necessary to resolve relevant issues under EO No. 209 otherwise known as?
“The Family Code of the Philippines”
Section 30:
HIV testing is compulsory as a prerequisite in the donation of blood in compliance with the provisions of which RAs?
- RA No. 7170: “Organ Donation Act of 1991”
- RA No. 7719: “National Blood Services Act of 1994”