R6 - Other Entities, Professional Responsibility Flashcards
Taxation of Estates (2 taxes)
Estates are subject to 2 separate taxes:
- Income tax: due annually based on income earned during the year while estate is in existence
- Estate tax: a one-time transfer tax based on the value of the decedent’s estate
Tax Return Preparer Penalties - Unethical behavior
- Failure to provide copy to TP - $50 each failure
- Failure to sign return • $50 each failure
- Failure to furnishID# • $50 each failure
- Failure to retain records • $50 each failure
- Max penalty for each 1-4 is $25,500 per year - Negotiation of IRS check - $510 each failure
- Failure of diligence of El credit - $510 each failure
- Wrongful disclosure- $250 each disclosure
- Aiding & abetting understatement • $1,000
IRS Disciplinary Action
IRS Disciplinary Actions
-Criminal penalities: beyond reasonable doubt, burden on government to prove. May be imprisoned for up to 3 years &/or fined$100,000 {500,000 corp)
-Civil penalties: preponderance of evidence, burden
is on the TP. Can prohibit from practicing or fines.
What does the SEC enforce
-Civil penalties only, no jail. Only investigates criminal action & then turns over to police. May
censure, suspend, or revoke right to practice before
the SEC. Fines of up to $100,000 {500,000 firm)
Gift exclusion
- To be eligible for gift exclusion, must be complete & present. Gift is considered incomplete if its either
1) conditional or 2) revocable.
Distributable Net Income DNI
- limit on amt the T/E can deduct w respect to distr to beneficiaries:
Estate (trust) gross income (includes all cap gains)
(estate (trust) deductions)
=Adjusted total income
+ Adjusted tax-exempt interest
(capital gains) (attributable to corpus or principal)
= Distributable Net Income {DNI)
-Income distribution deduction equals the lesser of:
1. Actual distribution to beneficiary
2. DNI (Iess adjusted tax-exempt interest)
Estate Transfer Tax
Gross Estate (at date of death or alt val date) (Nondiscretionary deductions) =Adjusted Gross Estate (Discretionary deductions) =Taxable Estate x Tax rate =Tentative Estate Tax (unified credit) =Federal Estate Tax
Tax due on current gifts:
Gross Gifts in a Calendar Year (at FMV) (exclusion of 15,000 per donne/per year) (unlimited marital deduction of gift to donor's spouse) (charitable gifts) = taxable gifts this year \+ taxable gifts of prior years = Cumulative Lifetime Gifts
Tax on cumulative lifetime gifts (calculate)
(gift tax paid on prior gifts)
(applicable credit)
= tax due on current gifts
Understatement due to unreasonable position
A position is deemed to be unreasonable, unless:
1. substantial authority for the position, regardless of disclosure
exists {>33% but <50%}
2. reasonable basis for a disclosed position exists {>20%}
3. it’ s reasonable to believe that a tax shelter or reportable transaction position would meet the more-likely- than -not standard {>50%}
-Penalty for understatement for ord neg: equal to the greater of
1. $1,000, or
2. 50% of the income the preparer received for tax prep services
-Penalty due to will full or reckless conduct: greater of
1. $5,000, or
2. 50% of the income the preparer derived w respect to return
After IRS Audit
- If agreement is reached, TP signs Form 870. Interest stops accumulating on deficiency 30 days after form is filed.
- If agreement is not reached at rev-agent level, TP receives
copy of report & 30 day letter notifying TP of right to appeal. TP has 30 days to request an admin appeal w appeals officer. - If agreement is reached with the Appeals Division, TP signs
Form 870- AD. Interest stops accumulating when IRS gets form. - If agreement not reached, 90 day letter is issued. TP has 90 days to pay or file a petition with the U.S. Tax Court . If TP wants
U.S. District or U.S. Court of Fed Cl aims they must pay tax first.
Taxpayer Penalties
- El credit penalty: if negligently claimed, cannot claim for 2 subsequent years, 10 if fraud.
- Penalty for failure to make sufficient estimated income tax pmts
- Failure to file: 5% of amount of tax due for each month return is late, up to 25%. (if no tax due, no penalty)
- Failure to pay: 1/2 of 1% {.005} per month on unpaid tax, up to 25%
- Negligence penalty understatement not substantial: pay what you owe+ 20% penalty on understatement
- Penally for substantial understatement: 20% + what you owe.
- Fraud penaltv