R5 Flashcards
The term “listed transaction” means?
transaction specifically identified by the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department as a tax avoidance (legal) transaction.
Reportable Transaction?
any transaction with respect to which information is required to be included with a return or statemen because such transaction is of a type which the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department has determined as having a potential for either tax avoidance (legal) or tax evasion(illegal)
Least stringent to most stringent standard of tax reporting?
not frivolos- less than 20%
Reasonable basis-20%-33%
Substantial authority- 33%-50%
More likely than not- more than 50%
Tax preparer’s penallty for understatement of taxpayer’s tax liability?
Good faith and has reasonable basis- no penalty.
Due to unreasonable position- greater of 1000 or 50% income received
DUe to willful or reckless conduct-greater of 5000 or 50% income.
Tax preparer’s penallty for failure to sign or give client a copy of tax return? or retain tax return, claims or cliant ID for 3 years?
Tax preparer’s penallty for failure to be diligent in Determining a Client’s Eligibility for the Earned Income Credit?
What is a reliance opinion?
A written advice with a confidence level of at least more likely than not likelihood that the significant federal tax issue would be resolved in the taxpayer’s favor.
Who does Circular 230 apply to?
Tax practitioners
What are covered oponions under circular 230?
Written or electronic advice by a practitioner concerning fed tax issues and arising from: listed transaction, tax shelter, or entity having as a significant purpose federal tax avoid/ evasion,if the advice is a reliance opinion, a marketed oponion, subject to conditions of confidentiality, or contractual protection.
Who can impose criminal penalties to CPAs? Civil?
The IRS.
Civil- state boards of accountancy; AICPA and state cpa sosciety, IRS, SEC.PCAOB
Who has the sole power to license, suspend or revoke CPAs?
State boards of accountancy.
Who can impose criminal penalties to CPAs? Civil?
The IRS.
Civil- state boards of accountancy; AICPA and state cpa sosciety, IRS, SEC.
Public company accounting oversight board should consist of ?
5 members- 2 CPAs and 3 Non CPAs.
How long should auditors retain all audit and review workpapers? Penalty?
7 years.
Criminal - imprison for no more than 10 years and or fine.
Statute of Limitations for Securities Fraud?
The earlier of 2 years after discovery or 5 years after fraud.