R4 - big topic 2/3 - partnership Flashcards
I. Formation of the partnership
No gain or loss is recognized.
B. Exceptions - taxable to the partner
- Service = ordinary income = FMV
- Excessive liability (Boot) = PARTNER BASIS - par’s individual liab.
Nolan receives an interest in the partnership for services performed. The services are valued at the fair market value of what is received (the partnership interest) of $120,000, regardless of what Nolan’s normal billing for these services might have been.
I. Formation - Core formula
Basis of contributing partner’s interests
1. initial basis
Cash - amount
+Property - adjusted basis
+Services - FMV
- (Liability) - incoming par’s liabilities assumed by others**the remaining part is still my problem. not in here. = (1 - my share%) total liability
+ Liability - other’s liability assumed by incoming par
= Initial Basis
Initial basis can NEVER go negative.
any access is taxable gain (boot).
I. Formation - Basis of contributing par - 2. Property Subject to a (excess) liability
core formula cash \+ property @ adj basis \+ service @ fmv - liability (1-my share%) \+ liability (my share% * other liability) = basis
if (cash + property @ adj basis + service @ fmv + liability (my share% * other liability) > (- liability 1-my share%))
- > basis = o
- > excess is taxable gain.
I. Formation - Build-in gain or loss allocation
if fmv > adj. basis or fmv<adj. basis, build-in gain/loss exists and MUST be allocated back to 主人.
I. Formation - Partnership Basis
partnership basis = GREATER of contributor basis (NBV) or assumed liability (100% liability)
II. Operations - Core Formula
Beginning CAPITAL Account (cash+ nbv pro+fmv srv -%liab)
+ % ALL INCOME (ordinary + capital + tax free)
- (% ALL LOSSES) (up to his basis)
= Ending capital account
+% Recourse Liabilities
= Year End Basis
**Partnership basis = Capital account + my % liability
III. Taxation (Form 1065 + Schedule K and K-1) -
A. tax periods
A. due date - 4/15; max deferral - oct., nov. dec (3 months)
When terminate
- operations cease
- 50% + total partnership interests in both capital and profits is sold in 12 months
- less than 2 partners
Termination effect:
1. deem old par’s contribution -> 2. 假装recontribution and move into a new partnership
III. Taxation (Form 1065 + Schedule K and K-1) -
B. Transactions between par and partnership
B. Transactions between par and partnership
GR - partnership and par trading = partnership trading with outsider.
2 limits about 50% holding par
1 - Loss = no allow WRaP - controlling par (50%+ holding) = relative. Loss is not allowed.
2 - Gain = Ordinary income
III. Taxation (Form 1065 + Schedule K and K-1) -
C. Determination of par’s share of income, credit and deductions
- taxable income
- tax losses
- taxable income (ALL income * partner%)
- Tax Losses
- can offset ordinary income
- the “3” Hurdles
a. tax losses limited to Tax Basis
Limitation = Par’s adjusted basis = capital account + my%x other’s liability
b. at-risk
c. passive loss
***Carryforward -> can be carried forward and offset future basis.
Capital account and Basis
Capital Account = Cash + FMV@ Service + NBV@Property - (1-my%)xmy liab.
Basis = Cash + FMV@ Service + NBV@Property - (1-my%)xmy liab. + my%x other’s liability
III. Taxation (Form 1065 + Schedule K and K-1) -
C. Determination of par’s share of income, credit and deductions
- Guaranteed Payments
- Guaranteed Payments = reasonable compensation paid to partner for services WITHOUT regard to his ratio of income.
TWO DEDUCTIONS - on partnership and income to the partner
V. Nonliquidating distribution
A. General - non taxable
B. Basis reduction on par’s basis = cash or adj. basis
C. Property = adj. basis
**D. reduction limitation
assigned basis CANNOT exceed basis in partnership.
1. par’s basis > adj. basis of prop received
no gain recognized. new basis = old basis - adj. basis
- par’s basis < adj. basis of prop received
new par basis = 0 (Stop at Zero)
new basis on property = left over
E. Gain on excess cash
gain only recognized when cash distributed > par’s basis (Before distribution)
Nonliquidating distribution - new basis for distributed property
Hart’s adjusted basis in Best Partnership was $9,000 at the time he received the following nonliquidating distributions of partnership property:
Cash $5,000
Adjusted basis 7,000
Fair market value 10,000
- 5,000 (cash distributed)
= 4,000 (remaining basis)
- 7,000 (land adjusted basis)
= 0 (stop at zero)
new land basis received = 4,000 -> non-liquidating partnership
如果是loss, exceed loss 可以carryforward 为offset以后的basis. 但这里是distribution。
VI. Liquidating Distributions
- complete withdrawal
- sale of partnership interest
- retirement of death
VI. Liquidation - 1. complete withdrawl
Nontaxable Liquidation
- get the par basis on the withdrawal date
Adjusted basis @ withdrawal date
- cash Withdrawal
= left over (ALL allocated to ASSETS WITHDRAWAL)
彻底清零 - Gain recognized
那是那个gain = Money received > par basis
只有这么一个gain - Loss recognized
if cash withdrawal + property basis > par adj basis
VI. Liquidation - 2. sale of partnership
Sales of partnership = Capital gain or loss (general)
Core Formula Beg. Capital Account \+/- % income or loss = Capital account @ sale date \+ my% of partnership liab. = Adjusted basis @ Sale Date - Sales price (= cash + my% of partnership liab (cod) + FMV Property ) ------------------------------- Gain or loss (Capital)
***Exception (Ordinary Income) HOT ASSETS - unrealized (cash basis)receivables - Appreciated inventory - "recapture income"
VI. Liquidation - 3. Retirement of Death of Partner
capital gain or loss