R3- M5- S Corporation Overview Flashcards
1 Eligibility and Electing S Corporation Status 2 Termination of an S Corporation 3 S Corporation Income or Loss 4 S Corporation Shareholder Stock Basis and Debt Basis: Part 1 5 S Corporation Shareholder Stock Basis and Debt Basis: Part 2 6 Accumulated Adjustments Accounts
C corporation Criteria before electing to be an S Corporation
- Domestic corporation
It can own stocks on another C Corporation even 100% that’s fine but it cannot file a consolidated return with that Investee C corp.
It can create an S Corp subsidiary and invest 100% stock- file as one entity
- Eligible shareholder
Individuals, trusts, trusts, qualified retirement plans, 501 c organizations
Corporations (C corp) and Partnerships are NOT ALLOWED
- Up to 100 shareholders
- One class of stock
Common stock with different voting stocks are ok
Taxable year and ITR due date
Calendar year- Form 112OS
March 15- 15th day of the 3rd month
S Corp status election
ALL Shareholders must consent
On or before March 15- takes place jan 1 of the current year
After March 15, Jan 1 of the following year
Form 2553
- Voluntary revocation
Shareholders owning MORE THAN 50% consent to the revocation
Effective on the specified date, otherwise
Filed on or before March 15- Takes effect Jan 1 of the CY
Filed AFTER March 15- Takes effect Jan 1 of the Following year
- Any of the Basic qualifications as mentioned on the first slide have not been met
- Passive Investment income is MORE THAN 25% for 3 consecutive taxable years ONLY if the corporation has PRIOR Earnings and Profits (from being a C Corporation) .
The termination will take effect Jan 1 of the 4th year
On the 4th year, its going to be MORE THAN 90% Passive income Receipts for the status to be TERMINATED.
Fringe Benefits
Deductible by S Corp in calculating Ordinary Business Income
- Non shareholder employee
- Shareholder employee owning 2% and less
Not deductible if for SH owning
OVER 2% and treated as Includible in the Gross Income of the shareholder in his schedule C - little company!
unless that’s included in Shareholder’s W-2 then C Corp can DEDUCT it as expense
Gross Income
Allowable expenses subject to ordinary tax rates- if they are deductions with different tax rates, limits etc then they are exluded here and reported as Separately Stated Items
Short tax years
s corp election can result in 2 short tax years one being an s corp and the other part being a c corp
This happens due to the ff:
Voluntary revocation that specified date of effectivity
or failure to meet one of the requirements of S Status
In this case:
- Allocate based on relative no of days
- Close the books on the date of conversion
Re electing S Status
Beginning of the fifth year after the year of termination
Guarantee of Corporate debt and debt basis in an S corp
Guarantee of Debt does not create a debt basis
Only direct loans to the corporation create debt basis.
Business interest expense like savings account interest
Interest income from a business account
Is this part of the ordinary business income or separately stated Item?
Business interest expense like savings account interest is deducted as part of Ordinary Income. so its not an SSI
Only investment interest expense is an SSI subject to up to interest income+ 30% of TI + Floor plan on Inidvidual shareholder’s return
But the interest income is an SSI
Tax Basis of a C corp
C Corporations are not flow through entities and the owner’s basis is not affected by profits, losses, or loans made by the corporation.
LLC tax basis
Limited liability companies, absent an S corporation election, are taxed as C corporations or partnerships,
C corp is not flow through not affected by tax basis
Is Tax exempt Income and Non deductibleexpense included in the tax basis computation of an S CORP?
A shareholder’s basis in an S corporation is increased by his or her proportionate share of all income, including TAX EXEMPT INCOME
Can an S corp has 1 sole shareholder?
Tax basis and Accumulated Adjustment Account items differences
Tax basis computation include tax exempt income and expense related to tax exempt income
Accumulated AA does not include Tax exempt income and does not include expense related to tax exempt income
Allocation basis of Ordinary business income/ loss and SSI gains/ loss
Percentage ownership of the shareholders in an S Corporation because this is a CORPORATION
Not the profit sharing agreement which applies to Partnership only
S corp and partnership nuance
S corp separates Stock and debt basis
Partnership only maintains total basis combined stock and debt
s corp debt basis of partner is on the direct loan of partners to the s corp
partnership debt basis may both include partners liability and partnership liability
s corp allocation of ordinary business income and ssi are based on PERCENTAGE OWNERSHIP because its a corporation it has no PROFIT SHARING AGREEMENT
partnership is based on PROFIT SHARING AGREEMENT not necessarily the same with their percentage of ownership
s corp reinstatement of basis first applies to debt basis before stock
partnership does not have priority on reinstatement of basis
s corp has Accumulated adj account - this does not include tax exempt income and expense related to that tax exempt income
partnership maintains everything on the capitals account
partnership basis= ending capital account + debt basis