R3- C Corporations, Deprecation and MACRS Flashcards
What are the tax consequences for a Corporation upon formation?
No Gain or loss recognized
What is the basis of property that a corporation receives upon formation?
Basis is greater of -
- Adjusted basis or property i.e. NBV
- Debt assumed by Corporation
What are tax consequences for a Shareholder upon formation of a Corporation?
No Gain or Loss recognized if 2 conditions met-
1.80% Control
2. Boot not involved
Cash withdrawn
Receipt of debt securities
Excess of liabilities taken by Corp over NBV =boot
What is the basis of stock for shareholder?
a. Cash
b. Property-NBV
Adjusted basis is reduced by any debt taken over by Corp.
Gain recognized by the shareholder i.e when debt exceeds NBV is added to bring the stock basis to 0
c. Services@ FMV
No Boot if liabilities do not exceed basis
but liabilities reduce basis of stock
What are the temporary differences in calculating
taxable income of a corporation?
Cash received in advance
- Interest in Advance
- Rental Income in advance
- Royalty Income in advance
What are the permanent differences in calculating
taxable income of a corporation?
Some GAAP Income is not includable as taxable income
- Interest income from municipal or state obligations/bonds
- Life insurance proceeds of key person policy- Corporation is beneficiary
- Federal Income Taxes
What kind of Trade and Business deductions are allowed?
Ordinary and necessary Expenses
Trade and Business Deductions- Domestic Production Deduction
9% Deduction of the lesser of -
Domestic Production gross Receipts
=Qualified Production Activities Income
Trade and Business Deductions- Executive Compensation
- 1,000,000 to CEO or 4 other most highly compensation officers
- Other Entertainment Expenses may be deducted only to the extent included in the income
Trade and Business Deductions- Bonus Accruals
- paid by accrual basis taxpayer
- deductible if paid within 2 1/2 months after year end
i. e March 15 if dec 31 year end
Trade and Business Deductions- Bad debts
Specific Chargeoff Method- Deduct when specific AR is written off
Accural Basis
Cash Basis not allowed
Trade and Business Deductions- Business Interest Expense
Prepaid Interest- must allocate to correct period- incurred and paid
Trade and Business Deductions- Charitable Contribution
10% of Adjusted Taxable Income Limitation
- must be paid within 2 1/2 months
- carryforward 5 years
Trade and Business Deductions- Business Losses or Casualty Losses related to Business
- Partially Destroyed- Loss limited to lesser of-
a. decline in value
b. adjusted basis of property after casualty - Fully Destroyed- NBV
No $100 Deduction
No 10% AGI limit
Trade and Business Deductions- - Organizational and Startup costs
- $5000
- Excess over $5000 amortized over 180 months
- Carefully look for month of startup
-Costs Allowed- Legal and Accounting Services
-Costs Not allowed- Selling expenses i.e. underwriters fees, transfer of assets to corp,
commissions for selling stock
Trade and Business Deductions- Amortizations, Depreciation and Depletion
Non-tangible Assets- Amortized at 15 yr SL method
Trade and Business Deductions- Life insurance premiums
- Corporation is beneficiary- Non-Deductible
2. Insured employee named as beneficiary- Tax Deductible
Trade and Business Deductions- Business Gifts
$25 per person per year
Trade and Business Deductions- Business Meals and Entertainment
50% TAx Deductible
Trade and Business Deductions- Penalties and Illegal Activities
Trade and Business Deductions- Taxes
Deductible Taxes-
3Federal Payroll
Not Federal Taxes
Trade and Business Deductions- Lobbying and Political expenditures
Trade and Business Deductions- Capital Gains and Losses
- Capital Losses Deductions not allowed
- Capital Loss Carryover- 3 back 5 forward
- Capital Gain Tax- taxed at ordinary income rate
Trade and Business Deductions- Net Operating Losses
2 Back 20 forward
Note: For calculating NOL
1. NO Charitable Contribution Deduction allowed
2. DRD deduction is allowed
Trade and Business Deductions- Inventory Valuation Methods
A Change in inventory method is considered change in accounting method and has to be approved by IRS
- Basic Valuation Methods-
a. Cost Method
b. Lower of Cost or Market Method
c. Rolling Average method
d. Retail Method
Common Inventory Identification Methods-
c. Specific identification Method
Uniform Capitalization Rules Impact
Trade and Business Deductions- General Business Credit
Credit may not exceed net income tax less the greater of-
a. 25% of regular tax liability abover 25000
b. Tentative Minimum tax for the year
Unused Credit
1 back 20 forward
What is Dividend Received Deduction?
- it is to prevent triple taxation
- DRD is allowed for dividend received from a corp to another corporation, based on percentage owned
- Corp share holder must own the investee stock for at least 46 days during the 91 day period beginning on the date 45 days before ex dividend date of the stock
% Owned DRD Allowed
0-<80% 80%
80% or more 100%
What are the requirement for DRD Deduction?
- 1st Corporation is taxed
- Owned 45 days before or after
Dividend Income -100% (owned 80-100%) Consolidate -80%(20-under 80%) Large Investment -70%(0-under 20%) Unrelated Corp. -Exception if taking the full % of dividend Income, it creates or adds to corp. loss
Taxable Income limitation for DRD
DRD is lesser of-
a. % Dividend Recevied
b. % of taxable income computed without regard to DRD, any NOL deduction or capital loss carryover
What is the loss rule for DRD Exception?
If taking lesser of (%DRD or % Total Income) deduction adds to NOL, take the higher of DRD Or TAxable Income
What are MACRS Rules for Property other than Real estate?
-Machinery and Equipment
-MACRS Rules 87 and beyond
-Salvage Value ignored
Half Year Convention
Mid-Qtr Convention- more than 40% property placed in the last qtr of the yr, use mid qtr
MACRS- Real Estate Rules?
- Buildings
- Salvage Value ignored/ subtract land cost
- Residential Property- 27.5 Yr Straight Line
- Non-Residential Property- 39 Yr Straight Line
- Mid Month Convention
- Half month is the month property is placed in service and disposed off.
- Carefully look for month asset used
Expense Deduction in Lieu of Depreciation Rules
Section 179
Not Building
Deduct as expense in lieu of depreciation, a fixed amount of depreciation
machinery, equipment, and computer software