R3: C and S Corporation Taxation and Exempt Organizations Flashcards
Corporation Tax Consequences
- General Rule–No Gain or Loss Recognized (on formation, re-acquisition, or resale)
- Basis of Property received by Corporation- basis is the greater of a) adjusted basis of transferor; or b) debt assumed by corporation
Shareholder TaxConsequences
- No gain or loss recognized if:
a) Immediately after transaction, transferor owns at least 80% of the voting stock and at least 80% of the nonvoting stock
b) Boot not involved (received)
Basis of Common Stock (to shareholder)
a) Cash
b) Property–Adjusted Basis (NBV): 1) Adjusted basis is reduced by any debt on the property; 2) Gain recognized by SH (i.e. when debt exceeds the asset’s adjusted basis) is added to bring basis to zero.
c) Services–Fair Market Value (taxable)
Method of accounting to be used
1) Accrual method of accounting will be required by tax shelters, large C corporations and manufacturers.
2) Cash method may be used by personal service corporations.
Goodwill impairment
180 months (15 years) for tax deduction
Gross Income (M-1 Rec)
Gross Income:
- Temporary differences: Interest, rental and royalty income received in advance
- Permanent differences: Interest income from municipal or state obligations/bonds; Proceeds from life insurance on the life of an officer; and federal income taxes are not deductible on tax return.
Corporate Liquidation
A. Corporation Sells Assets and Distributes Cash to Shareholders.
- Corporation recognizes gain or loss (Sale Price - Basis)
- SH recognize gain or loss (Proceeds - Stock basis)
B. Corporation Distributes Assets to Shareholders
- Corporation recognizes gain or loss (FMV - Basis)
- SH recognize gain or loss (Sale Price - Stock basis)
Tax-Free Reorganization
Type A- Mergers or Consolidations
Type B- Acquisition by one corporation of another corporation’s stock; stock for stock
Type C- Acquisition by one corporation of another corporation’s assets, stock for assets
Type D- Dividing of the corporation into separate operating corporations
Type E- Recapitalization
Type F- A mere change in identity, form, or place of organization
Net Operating Loss
- No offset to Other Income
- Carry back 2 years; carry forward 20 years
Net Capital Loss
- Corporate Net Capital Loss: No offset to other income; Carry back 3; carry forward 5
- Individual Net Capital Loss: $3k maximum offset against other income; No carry back; carry forward indefinitely
Uniform Capitalization Rules Impact
Raw Materials, Direct Labor and Factory Overhead
General Business Credit
- Included Credits:
- Investment Credit
- Work Opportunity Credit
- Alcohol Fuels credit
- Increased research credit
- Low-income housing credit
- Small employer pension plan start-up costs credit
- Alternate motor vehicle credit
- Other infrequent credits - Formula:
- 25% of regular tax liability above $25k, or
- Tentative minimum tax for the year
Dividends Received Deduction
- Applies when a taxed corporation gives dividends to a small corp with ownership of 45 days or more.
- Equals the lesser of:
1. 70% (0-20% ownership) or 80% (20-80% ownership) dividends received; or
2. 70% (or 80%) of taxable income computed with regards to the DRD, any NOL deduction, capital loss carryback, or domestic production activities deduction.
DRD does not apply to:
- Personal Service Corporations
- Personal Holding Companies
- (Personally taxed) S Corporations
Accrual Basis of accounting is required for:
- Accounting for purchases and sales of inventory.
- Tax shelters
- Certain farming corporations
- C corps with more than $5M of average annual gross receipts for the three year period ending with the tax year.
AMT Adjustments
- Long-term Contracts
- Installment Sale Dealer
- Depreciation Adjustments
AMT Preferences
- Percentage depletion
- Private activity-issued post ‘86 tax exempt interest income
- Pre ‘87 ACRS excess depreciation
AMT Adjusted Current Earnings (ACE)
- Muni interest income
- Organizational expense amortization
- Life insurance proceeds on key employees
- Difference between AMT and ACE depreciation
- Dividends received deduction (under 20% ownership)
AMT Calcualtion
Regular Taxable Income \+- Adjustment \+ Preferences =Unadjsuted AMT Income \+- ACE -AMT NOL Deduction =AMTI -AMT Exemption =AMT Base x 20% Gross AMT -Foreign tax credit =Tentative Minimum tax (TMT) -Regular tax liability =AMT