R22 Emergency Procedures Flashcards
Power failure between 8 and 500ft
1-lower collective 2-adjust collective to stay between 97-110%3-flare4-at 8agl level and pull collective
Power failure below 8ft agl
1-apply right pedal to prevent yawing 2-let ac settle3-raise collective
Max glide distance
Airspeed 75kiasRotor rpm 90%
Air restart
1-mixture full rich2-primer down and locked3-throttle closed then cracked4-actuate starter with left hand
Emergency water landing power off
1-follow same procedures as with over land until contacting water. If time permits unlatch doors prior to contact2-apply lateral cyclic on water to stop blades3-release seatbelt and clear ac when rotors stop
Emergency water landing power on
1-Descend to hover above water2-unlatch doors3-passenger exit ac4-fly to safe distance from passenger to avoid possible injury5-switch off battery and alternator6-roll throttle off to detent7-keep ac level and apply full collective as ac contacts water8-apply lateral cyclic to stop rotor9-release seatbelt and quickly clear ac when rotors stop
Loss of tail rotor thrust during forward flight
1-failure indicated by nose right yaw which can’t be fixed2-immediately enter autorotation3-maintain atleast 70kias4-select landing site,roll throttle off into detent and perform auto landing
Loss of tail rotor thrust during hover
1-failure indicated by most right yaw can’t be fixed2-immediately roll into detent let ac settle3-raise collective
Engine fire during start on ground
1-cranking2-if engine starts run at 50-60% for short time,shutdown, inspect damage3-if engine doesn’t start, shutoff fuel and battery4-extinguish fire with extinguisher, dirt, wool blanket5-inspect damage
Fire in flight
1-enter autorotation2-battery off3-cabin heat off if capable4-cabin vent on if capable5-if engines running perform normal landing and immediately shutoff fuel6-if engine off shutoff fuel and execute autorotation landing
Electrical fire in flight
1-battery off2-alternator off3-land immediately4-extinguish fire inspect damage
Tachometer failure
Use remaining tach or rely on governor and land as soon as practical
Governor failure
Grip throttle firmly the switch gov off finish under manual control
Oil light
Check eng tach for power lossCheck oil pressure gaugeIf confirmed land immediately
Chip lights
If no indication land as soon as practicalIf indication by noise,vibration,or rise in temp land immediately
Clutch light
If on for 10 seconds pull clutch circuit and land as soon as practicalIndications of drive failure reduce power and land immediately. Be prepared to enter autorotation
Alternator light
Turn off nonessential electronics and switch alternator off and back on after a second if lights stays on land as soon as practical
Starter on light
Release from start positionPull mixture and turn off batteryService starter motor
Encounter moderate, severe, extreme turbulence
If isolated depart the areOtherwise land as soon as practical
Power failure above 500’
1-lower collective immediately2-establish a steady glide approximately 65kts3-keep collective between 97-110%4-select landing spot5-attempt restart if able6-if unable to restart, turn off unnecessary switches and fuel valve7-at 40agl begin flare8-at 8ft level and raise collective