R04 Chapter 8 Flashcards
What is UFPLS?
Uncrystallised Fund Pension Lump Sum. To access all or some uncrystallised funds without desginating into drawdown.
No PCLS is received, but 25% (typiccally) is tax free and remainder is taxed as pension income.
Only time when TFC paid can be less than 25% is when member is over 75.
Taking an UFPLS is an MPAA trigger.
When paid out, it’s no longer in a pension and no longer in a trust, thus it’s part of the estate for IHT purposes.
When can a member take an UFPLS?
- Must be from uncrystallised or unused funds in a DC.
- Must be at nomrla retirement age, proteted pension age, or meet ill-health criteria
- Below 75 - member must have an amount of LTA remainings that’s greater or equal to the UFPLS they want to take
- OVer 75 - must have some remaining LTA
What are HMRC’s rules for UFPLS?
- No limit on how many payments can be taken
- Can be all funds at once, or mutliple over time
- Part of the fund can be taken as UFPLS an the remainded used to buy a lifetime annuity or go into flexi-access
When can a member not take an UFPLS?
- Can’t be from crystallised funds
- Can’t be taken from pension rights arising from pension credit received from a pension sharing order after a divorce, where the relevant pension was already in payment
- A beneficiary can’t receive death benefits in the form of UFPLS - any uncrystallised benefits upon member’s death become crystallised - so death benefits can only be paid as a lump sum or continuing income
- Member has primary/enhanced protection where the protection of the lump sum right is for more than £375,000
- Member has scheme specific TFC protection that entitles them to a PCLS of over 25% of fund value
- Member has a LTA enhancement factor and the available portion of the member’s lump sum allowance is less than 25% of the proposed UFPLS
W/hat is a drawdown pension?
A way for the mmeber to draw an income from their fund at a frequency and level to suit their needs. Also known as unsecured pensions - linked to investment returns and can be ehausted.
What is a Capped Drawdown pension?
- Only available to members already in capped drawdown pre-5 April 2015.
- Withdrawals per year are capped
- No minimum withdrawal level
- MAx is based on a % of an equivalent annuity that could be purchased with the member’s fund. The quivalent annuity is known as the BASIS AMOUNT and the max income is 150% of the basis amount
What’s the process for calculating the max permitted income withdrawal? (other than for dependants under age 23)
- Calculate member’s age in whole years at reference date (date the calculation will be carried out)
- Obtain gross redemption yield on UK gilts (15 years) for 15th of the month preceeding the month of the reference date
- If yield is not an exact multiple of 0.25%, round it down to the next 0.25%
- Using age from Step 1 and yield from Step 3, look up the maximum withdrawal rate in the male GAD table (Government Actuary Department)
- GAD rates are expressed as an amount of inome per £1,000 (e.g. £56 per £1,000). To determine the max withdrawal, apply this rate to the fund net of PCLS and multiply by 150%. Result should be rounded to the nearest whole penny.
Can you carry forward unused income in a year in a capped drawdown?
No. Max income works on a ‘use it or lose it’ basis.
What happens if the max income in a capped drawdown is exceeded?
The plan is automatically turned into a flexi-access drawdown plan.
What’s the review procedure for a capped drawdown?
The reference date is the date on which funds were designated into the plan. It’s also the date that the scheme administrator has calculated the basis amount. It’s also the first date of the pension year.
For members below 75, the basis amotunt applies for 3 years after which it is recalculated and then again applies for 3 years etc.
When does the 3 year review system stop?
Remains in place until the earlier of the member:
1. Makes a request to end the reference period early and it’s accepted by scheme admin
2. Informing the scheme admin that the pension will now be flexi
3. Using the whole fund to purchase a secure income
4. Dying
5. Turning 75
What happens to the review procedure once the member turns 75?
It’s now done annually, starting at the beginning of the pension year following the member’s 75th b-day.
What circumstanes would trigger the recalculation of the basis amount under a drawdown pension arrangement?
- Part of the fund is used to purchase a lifetime annuity or a scheme pension
- Part of the fund is used to enter flexi-access drawdown
- The member gets divorced and th capped drawdown pension is reduced due to a pension sharing order
- The member designates additional funds to their capped drawdown pension arrangement.
Where any of these occur, the recalculation must occur on the same date as the event triggering th review. So the 60 day window doesn’t apply.
What happens if following re-calculation the basis amount increases/decreases?
- Increases - the increased max income is available to the member immediately
- Reduces - the reduced max income will only apple from the start if the pension year following the event that triggered the review
How were capped drawdown funds set up prior to 6 april 2015?
- Newly designated funds were placed into a new arrangement that ran alongside the existing capped drawdown arrangement. Basis amount was calculated for each separate arrangement, and each had its own three year referece period whilst member was under 75.
OR - Newly designated funds were placed into the existing arrangement. One basis amount applied to all capped drawdown funds and there was only one 3 year reference period. BUT the designation of the new funds meant the basis amount had to be immediately recalculated.