R Outputs Flashcards
two sample t- test
Are the mean ozone levels in gardens A and B equal?
Result: The mean ozone concentrations measured in garden A (3.11 pphm) and garden B (4.98 pphm) differ significantly (t-test, t=-5.3, df = 38, p ≤ 0.001***).
What assumptions need to be met to use this?
linear Regression
What assumptions need to be met to use a linear regression?
Critical assumptions behind linear regression:
− Normality of errors = residuals are normally distributed
− Homescedasticity = constancy of variance
− Additionally, there should not be any strong outliers
What test can be used if the assumptions are not met?
Overview about statistical tests. Wann benutzt man was ?
Classical statistical tests for comparing two means depend on assumptions of normality and variance that have to be checked first.
Common data transformations
What is Multicollinearity?
What are the problems with Multicollinearity?
Multicollinearity: Correlation between 2 or more predictor variables.
* Interpretational problems: Variable effects can not be separated
* Estimation problems: parameter estimates not stable,
leads to inflated standard errors or coefficients
* Extrapolation problem: When making predictions to new data
Estimation: VIF, problem with multicollinearity when the VIF is close to 10
Overall accuracy
Overall accuracy: a+d/n
Sensitivity: a/a+c
Specificity: d/d+b
Kappa and AUC close to 1 -> excellent
a b
c d
predic. a b
c d
a) true positive
b) false positive
c) false negative (prediction)
d) true negative