Quranic Passages Flashcards
Surah 2.255
Allah. There is no god but He, the living, the self-subsisting, eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His
are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permits? He
knows what is before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass any of His knowledge except as He
wills. His Throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving
them for He is the Most High, the Supreme.
(a) theme of this long madinian surah, al Baqarah, is Tawhid. It is known as verse of throne (al kursi). it outlines God’s inimitable attributes that distinguish Him from His creatures. the words ‘al-Hayy-ul-Qayumm’/ ‘Ever living’ and ‘Self subsisting’ refer to His creative and sustaining force behind his existence. Allah is free from human weaknesses eg sleep, tiredness. his authority encompasses the entire universe and He remains totally uninfluenced in establishing His writ over His created world. the word ‘Kursi’ signifies both his authority and knowledge about all his domain because He is its sole creator. thus none of His creations can escape His knowledge in the remotest parts of the universe. it further emphasizes God’s unique right of exercising His authority to the extent that no one can intercede or plead for anyone else unless He himself grants permission for that. The Quran repeatedly mentions “God be exalted, the True King… the Lord of the Throne of Grace.”
(b) This passage by comparing Allah to humans
helps us understand how He is different to us; e.g., He is in control of everything but does not get tired nor sleeps.
Also, it reminds us of Allah‘s oneness, which is a part of the First Kalimah, Tayybiah, as well. Moreover, this passage is very blessed: its reward is equal to a quarter of the Quran.
The message of this verse frees believers from fear of all other powers, visible and invisible. By believing in God’s absolute powers, Muslims tend to develop His fear as is commanded in another verse, “O you who believe! Fear God as he should be feared.” if one recites it before going to bed, there will
be a guard from Allah who will protect him all night; if one recites it after every salah, he will be blessed with Paradise. Thus did the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, declare it to be the greatest Verse of the Quran.
6: 101-103
To Him is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: how can He have a son when He has no
consort? He created all things, and He has full knowledge of all things. {102} That is Allah, your Lord! There
is no god but He, the creator of all things: then worship Him, and He has power to dispose of all affairs. {103}
No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision: He is above all comprehension, yet is acquainted
with all things.
(a) The three verses are a part of Surah Al-An’aam, a late Makhan Surah. Theme of verse is God’s absolute uniqueness. they were revealed ot prepare the Muslims to interact w Christians and Jews living in Madinah who had corrupted the belief of Tawhid. the passage beginds w the word ‘Bad’i’ which refers to God’s power to create anything out of nothing. He only commands ‘Be’ and ‘it so happens’. it proceeds by rejecting any false belief of God having a son or consort as He is far beyond any such needs or relations. the next verse stresses on God being the sole creator and having power to dispose of all affairs. these unmatchable attributes convince Muslims to worship none but Him. The verse further mentions His ability to have knowledge of all things, as endorsed by another Quranic verse ‘For God is He who understands the finest mysteries.’
(b) Firstly, “He created all things” lets us understand that we are not, but Allah is, the creator of our deeds, we are only the doers; thus, it keeps us on the Ahl e
Sunnah‘s path and away from that of the misled like Ahl e Motazilah‘s, who declared that there is no destination by Allah and were thus cursed by the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him. Moreover, as everyone‘s sustenance, death, action, term of life are in His care, it makes us submissive and worship Him all the time. Further, He is the all-seeing and all-knowing as stated in another verse “For We are nearer to him (man) than his jugular vein”
This makes us remember Him in our actions, for example, by avoiding doing sins when we are alone or by avoiding being dishonest in our dealings or in the way we treat other people. Also, it keeps us away
from making others feel small or uncomfortable or stupid, become oppressive or unkind, forcing your own laws or opinions on people in defiance of the Law of Allah.
Among His signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Adore not the sun and the moon, but
adore Allah, who created them, if it is Him you wish to serve.
(a) This verse is from Surah Fussilat, an early Makkahn surah, revealed to the Prophet after the conversion of Hazrat Hamza. The Prophet was in the Kabah where the Makkahns were trying to bribe him , and get rid of the jinns they thought had affected the Prophet. This Surah was recited in response to their ridiculous views. it thus encountered the corrupted belief of Makkahns of adoring God by way of prostrating before the sun and moon. the verse describes Tawhid by refering to the heavenly bodies and cyclic pattern of day and night. it forbids worshipping them as they are merely a reflection of God’s powers over them. the verse teaches that all creatures represent God’s omnipotence, omniscience and wisdom. The Quran supports the same theme by saying “Behold! In the creation of the heavens and earth, in the alternation of the night and the day… are signs for the people who are wise.”
(b) This passage tells us that by seeing the signs of Allah, we should learn our humble nature and, therefore, not be proud nor disobedient. Also, if the night, day, etc. are not the same always then we too would not be kept in one condition; therefore, we should not fear in hardships, nor be boastful in comfort. Further, when we see these signs, we should remember Allah by praying, doing good, which will bring us closer to Him. Furthermore, these signs help us keep and prove to others the true faith; Hazrat Ibrahim also proved that way to Nimrod, ―Ibrahim said, “Well, Allah brings sun from the east; bring it you from the west”, thereupon, the infidels were confounded. Finally, this passage reminds us to worship Allah if we are sincere.
{4} To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth: and He is most high, most great. {5} The heavens
are almost rent asunder from above them, and the angels celebrate the praises of their Lord, and pray for
forgiveness for beings on earth. Behold! Verily Allah is He, the oft-forgiving, the most merciful.
(a) The two verses are from Surah al Shura, revealed in Makkah shortly after Surah Fussilat. the Makkahs used to accuse the Prophet of crafting Quranic verses. the two verses were thus revealed in response to their doubts and surprise over the teachings and message of the Quran. they continue the message of the preceding verse that says ‘Thus God the Almighty, the Knower sends inspiration to you as to those who were before you.” They teach that there is nothing strange or new about God’s revelation as they had been sent all thru the ages. The verses emphasize on God’s unshared authority over the entire universe in contrast to the lifeless idols made by the Makkahns. They also mention the effect of God’s might on the heavens that hardly sustain the divine burden. Finally, the verse mentions the countless angels who are busy in praising Him and seeking forgiveness for the misguided humans.
(b) Firstly, the importance here is that Allah tells
humankind of His power and control over all things, so they should remember that they do not have any power in comparison and should not be proud of anything. Also, as all the angels are reciting Allah‘s praise, this tells us the
importance of reciting His praise and thus of salah; becuase a salah offeror praises Allah while reciting Faithah. This way, it keeps encouraging us to never miss any salah. Moreover, as Allah is so merciful as He has made the angels our well-wishers and helpers, we too should try to be forgiving of others even if we have been wronged by,
e.g., our family members.
Humans are vulnerable to committing sin, but Allah is always ready to forgive them and this is frequently promised in the Quran “O My slaves who have transgressed against themselves! Despair not of the mercy of God, verily God forgives all sins.”
{1} Say: He is Allah, the one and only; {2} Allah, the eternal, absolute. {3} He does not beget, nor is He
begotten, {4} and there is none like Him.
(a) This early Makkahn Surah was revealed in an answer to several queries of the pagans and the Jews about God. the Jews wanted to compare Quranic concept of God with that given in the Tawrah. they asked about God’s gender, powers and composition. similarly pagans asked about the ancestory of God. Once they said “O Muhammad! Tell us the lineage of your Lord” The Prophet awaited the divine guidance and, after its revelation, told his followers that he would recite one third of the Quran. then he recited the Surah and went back home, leaving his followers in a state of surprise. later, he explained his claim about the Surah by saying, “By Him in whose hand my life is, it is equal to one third of the Quran.” The surah sums up the absolute oneness of God by calling him al-Ahad.
(b) This passage shows the central theme of Islam, oneness of Allah, in a very brief and clear way, which is very helpful in avoiding the things into which men and nations have fallen at various times in trying to understand Allah. Also, it helps understand especially children at their early age that Who Allah is and Who they are worshipping. Moreover, as He is matchless, we should make sure that there are no pictures at home so that they do not become modern day idols. Moreover, it is one of the Four Quls recited for protection. Further, reciting it three times gives the reward of reciting the entire Quran. Once Hazrat Anas bin Malik told the Prophet about his love for this Surah. the Prophet replied “Your love for it will admit you into paradise.”
{1} In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful. {2} Praise be to Allah the cherisher and sustainer of
the worlds, {3} most gracious, most merciful, {4} master of the Day of Judgment. {5} You we worship, and
your aid we seek. {6} Show us the straight way, {7} the way of those to whom You have given your grace, not
those who earn your anger, nor those who go astray.
(a) This is the opening Surah of the Quran and the summarized ver of the entire Quran known as Surah Fatiha. due to its importance it is knwon by many other names. first 4 verses describe God as Lord of the worlds, both known and unknwon to humans, His grace and mercy, and his overLordship on the day of judgement. the next two verses teach the believers to worship God alone and seek his help. the last 2 verses ask the to beg God to show them the straight path designed by Him. it is the path followed by those who were blessed by God, not the one that incurred his anger. the right path is contained in rest of Quran and Sunnah of Prophet. another verse mentions it as “ and verily You guide humans to the Right path”
(b) This passage, Surah Fatihah, is also known as
the Mother of the Quran, a reference to its containing the meaning of the entire Holy Quran. Recitation of this Surah in salah is obligatory, not to mention its being repeated five times during the day, as the Holy Prophet,
peace be upon him, said, “Whoever does not recite Surah Fatihah, his salah will not take place”. It is also recited on occasions as diverse as a funeral, a wedding, the birth of a child; so much so that in some lands, funeral services are referred to as fatihah. It is a prayer in which Allah Himself instructed mankind how to pray to Him—thus lets us know how to pray to one true God. Fear of Allah‘s accountability forces us to live our lives in accordance with Allah‘s commands.
{21} O people, adore1 your Guardian-Lord who created you and those Who came before you, so that you may
have the chance to learn righteousness, {22} Who has made the earth your couch2 and the heavens3 your
, and sent down rain from the heavens and by it brought forth fruits for your sustenance. Then do not
set up rivals to Allah, when you know.
(a) the two verses describe te fundamental Quranic message of believing in Tawhid and staying away from Shirk. verse 21 adresses the whol humankind telling the that only one God created them and those before them, thus if they want to protect themselves from God’s anger and hellfire, they should worship Him alone. this will ensure their chances of living a righteous life. verse 22 proceeds to outline Allah’s blessings for the physical and spiritual growth of humans. it refers to an intimate rs bw the earth as a resting place and te sky as a ceiling that also sends rain to stiulate earth to become productive for human survival. this verse also ends w a command to adore God alone and not associate any partners w Him as shirk is unforgivable sin. the Quranic injunction is repeated in many other Surahs eg “…there is no god but I; therefore worship and serve Me.”
(b) these verses convey the message of identifying God by way of natural environment created by Him and the acknowledging that he alone is to be worshipped and obeyed. their message to the humans is that they should realize the essential purpose of sending down all the divine books and prophetic messengers: the universal message of Tawhid. They teach Muslims to avoid shirk and bow before the creator of all and closely observe God’s numerous favours and blessings as frequently mentioned in Surah 55:“Then which of the bounties of your Lord will you deny” this will inculcate a strong sense of gratitude to God and righteousness.they will be trained to remember Him. the best way of remembering God’s favours is to worship Him by rejecting shirk. Gods powers are evident in the form of tremendous balance in universe, Changing of seasons, coming of rainfall and productivity of land
{1} Read in the name of your Lord, who created, {2} created man out of a clot of congealed {= thickened}
blood: {3} Proclaim {or Read}! And your Lord is most bountiful, {4} He who taught {writing} by the pen,
{5} taught man what he did not know.
(a)These 5 verses of Surah al-alaq are the first ever revolution that the prophet received in cave hira in Ramadan 610 AD. the remaining 6 verses were revealed later when the prophet began to offer regular prayer in the precincts of the Kaba. The command of read in the name of your Lord in the first verse means that the prophet was already familiar w one Supreme God. The word Alaq was traditionally translated as a clot of congealed blood. in modern times it refers to primary state of embryo. the next verses mention Gods power to create humans from a humble origin and mature them to acquire wordly knowledge by using the pen. the ability to read and write shaped human intellectual evolution over the ages. the last verse points to God’s will to grant humans spiritual knowledge thru divine revelation as and when it was required for humans
(b) These verses teach Muslims to acknowledge God’s favors of creating humans from a low origin and then making them distinct from all other creatures by way of gaining knowledge. the gift of knowledge is so supreme that God commanded the Angels to bow down before Adam because he was made superior due to the knowledge granted to him by God. The Quran states “And he taught Adam the names of all things…’’ According to many Ahadith pen was among the first ever creations of God. That is why Surah 68 begins with God vowing the pen. The Quran at another place endorses the superiority of humans in these words ‘’we have indeed man in the best of moulds’’ they need to remember that God alone blessed them in multiple ways, and so, they need to worship and be grateful to Him. These verses highlight the importance of acquiring knowledge in order to keep the superior status.
{1} When the earth is shaken to her utmost7 convulsion8 {2} and the earth throws up her burdens {3} and
man cries out, ̳What is the matter with her?‘ {4} On that day will she declare her tidings9
, {5} for that your
Lord will have given her inspiration10
. {6} On that day will men proceed11 in companies sorted out12
, to be
shown their deeds. {7} Then shall anyone who has done an atom‘s weight of good see it, {8} and anyone who
has done anatom‘s weight of evil shall see it.
(a) this surah is surah zilzaal. many commentators believe it to be a late makkhan surah but some regard it as an early Madinian Surah. the Surah focuses on three main aspects of the end time. First it alerts humans about the initial horrible signs of the beginning of day of judgement. they include the terrible convulsions the Earth will experience. the earth will throw up its contents. another Quranic verse mentions the same as “And the Earth is flattened and casts forth what is within it.”
Secondly it informs humans about the earth bearing witness to all their deeds much to their surprise. Human will be distressed and shocked to see this as they had never imagined anything like this. Finally it presents the scene of the divine court where all will be categorized according to their good and evil deeds under the immaculate justice dispensed by God. Even the smallest possible deeds will be rewarded by God as He has arranged for the recording of each and every action of humans.
(b) This Surah strengthens Muslim’s belief in God’s powers to bring an end to time., and inculcates a genuine fear of acountability before Him. the mention of intense convulsions experienced by the Earth is in itself a horrifying thing to imagine. with such a belief, Muslims will realize the worthlessness of this world and the value of the true and eternal world. A strong fear of God and the hereafter will shape Muslim’s conduct so they obey God’s commands and not commit sins. If a believer has a true belief in the hereafter, he will not lose hope if he fails to get justice in this world. It will encourage him to avoid all possible sins and do as many good deeds as possible. the Quranic verse describes this Divine justice as, “Surely God does not do injustice to the weight of an atom, and if it is a good deed He multiplies it.”
{1} Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind, {2} the King of mankind, {3} the God of Mankind {4} from
the mischief of the whisperer who withdraws, {5} who whispers into the hearts of mankind {6} among jinns
and among mankind.
(a) This is the last Surah of the Quran revealed tgt w Surah 113. Both are called al-Muawwazatain. some traditions eclare them to be Makkhan but stronger sources prove them to be Madnian. both teach Muslims not to have any fears of the supernatural and unknown— internal and external evils that may affect them. Surah 113 mentions God’s protection from visible evils. This surah on the other hand reassures Muslims of God’s powers to protect them against invisible or internal forces. repetition of Gods attributes in first 3 verses implies God’s special bond w humans. for this reason, the Quran repeatedly declares, “verily satan is an avowed enemy to man.”
b) The first word ‘Qul/say’ requires Muslims to be obedient to God as that is the only way to seek His refuge against evil. a genuine obedience removes any arrogance towards God or a false belief of having control over their destinies. Once, the Prophet was riding a mule along w a companion. when the mule stumbled, the companion said ‘’ May Satan perish’’ the Prophet said “ do not say that. it encourages satan and he says ‘I knocked w my strength’. But if u say ‘In the nae of God’ satan in dwarfed and becomes like a fly.” this means rememberence of God gurantees defeat of satan. the surah tells Muslims to beware of satan injecting evil thoughts in their hearts. thus they follow the Prophet’s traadition of reciting the last two surahs regularly before going to bed. regular recitation of these surahss act as an antidote against all satanic forces however strong they may be cuz God has ultimate control over all forces.
2: 30-37
Behold. Your Lord said to the Angels. I will create a vicegerent on Earth.
a) These verses describe the story of the purpose of creation of humankind and its superiority over other creatures due to gift of knowledge. God told His angels abt appointing is vicegerent on Earth. He also told them the reason for the elevated status of Adam who was granted gift of the knowledge of ‘names of all things’. Angels were then comanded by God to prostrate before Adam. all obeyed except for Iblis who driven by arrogance disobeyed God. Ada and his wife Eve were sent to paradise for a comf living as well as to test their free will. there Iblis, now titled satan, successfully persuaded them to disobey God, as mentioned in another surah, “Then began satan to whisper suggestions to them…” repentance od both was however accepted by God who asked them to move to Earth for a new phase of life. Muslims are thus instructed to beware of satan in order to stengthen their rs w God.
b) These verses tell Muslims abt Gods wisdom behind creating Adam as the first human as well as first prophet who received divine guidance. Thus began the history of humankind and the institute of prophethood. Humans bec of God’s bounty of knowledge began to dominate the world in all domains of life. However, due to their free will, they may go astray under satanic temptations. Thus God made arrangements for their guidance to the right path. Muslims need to acknowledge the purpose of their creation, their supreme status as well as satans enmity towards them. All humans are born pure but its satan who can misguide em. Muslims thus should be grateful to God and should remember that if they commit sins but express repentance on it, they can hope forgiveness by God. this is testified by this Hadith Qudsi, “Truly, My mercy overcomes My wrath.”
so also did We show Abraham the power and the laws of the heavens and the earth…
a) The four verses were revealed during the late Makkahn period when polytheism was targeted in detail by the Quran. they describe the story of formal awarding of Prophethood of Prophet Ibraham. living in mesopotamia, he was surrounded by a community of idolatorsm, including his father. Being a an chosen by God, he was against idolatry and worshipping objects of nature. He smashed idols manufactured by his dad and argued w him abt the foolish practice of his community. after this he started his spiritual journey by looking closely at various heavenly bodies in quest of identifying his True Lord. He observed the stars, moon and sun, each brighter than the other. he realized that all these were under the laws of nature and hence could not be God. finally the truth was dawned on his heart as he identified God as ‘‘the Light of the heavens and the earth.’’ therefore he declared his belief in Tawhid and rejection of Shirk.
b) The verses invite Muslims to ponder on God’s unique powers, and worthlessness of idols and other false deities. they help Muslims understand human vulnerability of committing Shirk under satanic influence. shirk is a great human weakness and an unpardonable sin. the Quran catgorically declares ‘‘God does not forgive that partners should be set up w Him; but He forgives anyth else to whom he pleases.” for this rzn God sent 124000 prophetic messengers to keep humans from this grave sin. these verses remove any doubts of hypocrisy fro the hearts of believers to make em genuine servants of God. they provide guidance to Muslims abt how to live according to divine message. its recitation hence has a purifying impact on the hearts of Muslims. the verses also tell abt God’s will and wisdom of granting prophethood to his chosen men in a variety of ways.
Then Allah will say ‘Jesus son of Mary! Recount my favor to you and to your mother…”
a) This surah was revealed in Madinah w many subject matters including interfaith dialogues. The verse presents the convo bw God and Jesus on day of judgement. God’s address to Jesus confirms his prophethood and negates the corrupt belief of making him son of God. God reminds Jesus His special favors on him and granting him miraculous powers. the purpose of reminding is to make him grateful to God. miraculous birth of Jesus w out involving a father, ability to cure the blind and leper, giving life to dead and lifeless objects and finally God protecting him from crucification are mentioned to prove Jesus was a servant of God and by no means His son. the verse also outlines the granting of divine knowledge and wisdom to Jesus. there is repetition of ‘By My leave’ in the verse as it refers to God’s unusual powers and His will to grant prophetic signs to His chosen men.
b) This verse shows God’s powers, His love and care for His messengers as well as other human beings. the speical blessings of God on jesus prove his strong relationship with his chosen man who in turn became a source of guidance for their communities. He gave the book and the wisdom to Jesus as he gave the same to other messengers so that they could tell people their purpose of living. The Quran also reminds all Muslims that all such usual powers and miraculous happenings are under God’s will. “ And wtv of blessings and good things u have have, it is from God.” His miraculous powers to cure the disabled ppl show how much God is considered about his servants. God granted health, knowledge, wisdom and a healthy family life to humans. So they need to acknowledge these bounties by expressing gratitude to Him. This will keep them on the path of obedience to God and earning his pleasure.
By the glorious morning light, and by the night when it is still
a) This is an early makkhan Surah that was revealed after a break in many days and revelation. the prophet began to think that God had become displeased with him. This feeling got stronger as the Makkhan enemies began to mock him. Abu Lahab’s wife Umm Jamil tauntingly said ‘’your God has forgotten about you’’ in such conditions God sent this Surah and explained the wisdom behind the break by comparing the coming of revelation with the glorious morning light and a pause in revelation with the dark night. he was given the good news of success In the future after some initial hardships in his mission. His future success proved this. God’s reassurance is mentioned in terms of His passed blessings on the prophet. He arranged for his upbringing as an Orphan child and improved his financial status by way of marriage with Hazrat Khadija. the future support is linked with his kindness towards the poor and the orphans as an act of reciprocation
b) The Surah teaches Muslims to endure hardships and challenges with an unshaken faith in God. the contrast of day and night in the first two verses is quite meaningful. the morning light is soothing and comfortable while the night is marked by stillness and silence. However both have a role to play. human spend a busy day and then take rest at night. The Holy Prophet was tested by God on several occasions in order to strengthen his faith and his special rs w God. Eventually he became a living model of excellence for his followers. He remained steadfast throughout his prophetic mission so that ordinary Muslim should also retain their faith in God. with an easy trouble free life we cannot learn how to be patient. Patience and perseverance are always rewarded by God. This reassurance is given in another verse, “ So verily with every difficulty there is a relief.” In order to be blessed by God’s bounties, Muslims are taught to take care of the unsupported people around them.
To you have we granted abundance
a) Theme of the Surah is God’s special love and care for the Holy prophet. This is the shortest Surah revealed in the early Makan period. The prophet was mocked by the Makkans on the death of his Second Son Abdullah from Hazrat Khadija. On hearing this his uncle Abu Lahab came out of his house saying ‘Batara Muhammadun’ that means Muhammad has been cut off from future hope. Other pagans also began to mock him. The prophet then received this Surah which gave him the glad tidings of abundance. The word abundance carries multiple meanings that include the moral qualities of the prophet, his followers, the prophethood, the Quran, his knowledge and wisdom. It also refers to a specially blessed river in paradise that he had seen in his Mairaj journey. He, and by his way all Muslim we are asked to establish regular prayer and to develop the spirit of sacrifice so that he could continuously strengthen his bond with God and to get divine support. The last verse promised destruction of the prophet’s enemies who are no more remembered in a good way.
b) This passage, like Surah 93, teaches Muslims to have faith in God’s support that surely reaches the Noble people. the Holy Prophet was assured of abundance in the face of persecutions in Makkah. Muslims need to remember the Surah in times of difficulties. they should not worry about their losses but instead should focus on whatever God has given to them. God’s Greatest blessings on the Muslims is that they are the Ummah of the last prophet of God who was given the last divine book, the Quran. they should be thankful to him for this great favor. they should try to comprehend and follow the teachings of the Quran in order to avail the abundance of its spiritual and moral benefits. they should remember God in all circumstances. The best Way of remembering Him is by way of regular prayer as commanded by the Quran “And establish regular prayer in order to remember Me” The Surah teaches Muslims to be ready for any type of sacrifice that too brings them closer to God.