Quotes - IDENTITY Flashcards
‘Valiant Othello’
A.C Bradley suggests that Othello’s character is ‘purely noble, strong, generous and trusting’ - traits of a tragic hero.
His military status allows him to flourish in a society where he would’ve been repressed and shunned otherwise.
‘Bookish theoric’
Cassio’s military identity is tarnished by Iago.
‘She loved me for the dangers i had pass’d’
Military influence on Desdemona and Othello’s relationship.
‘He hath done my office.’
CONTEXT: male fear of cuckholdry was prominent in the Elizabethan era.
‘The moor’
Pejorative displays a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Arab inhabitant of N.Africa.
‘For I am black.’
Othello accepts his race whereas others (like Iago) do not.
Othello’s race is never specified, but him being dark-skinned is enough of a reason for the derogatory language used towards him.
‘Clime and complexion’
CONTEXT: Pale skin was the epitome of beauty - dark skin ranked below.
Iago says Desdemona should’ve been married to someone of her own ‘clime and complexion’.
Consonance reiterates this.
‘I am worth no worse a place’
Status frustration - Iago is malcontent with his identity.
GARBER -> Iago has sociocultural desires - ‘social grievances against Cassio and Othello, who outrank him.’
CONTEXTUALLY, Iago was more deserved of a higher rank than Othello and Cassio, as he was a white Venetian.
‘I am not what I am’
Fragmented identity of Iago - Iago’s fake identity as ‘honest Iago’ enables him to enact his devilish desires.
COLERIDGE -> ‘motiveless malignity’. Iago refers to his manipulation as ‘sport and profit’.