Quotes and Analysis Flashcards
What quotation shows the grief cycle to repeat, once with Lorenzo and once with her basil?
“Asking for her basil amorously”
In what quotation is Isabella shown to be the mother of her basil plant?
“A bird on wing to breast its eggs”
How is Isabella shown to be a mother figure of the basil plant?
She nurtures the plants with her tears becoming its water and nutrients, she also devotes all her time to her basil
What quotation directly references Isabella as a tragic protagonist?
“From the deep throat of sad Melpomene!”
Who is Melpomene?
She is the patron of tragedy in greek mythology
In what quotation is the motif of coldness used to show that Isabella is cold, and may foreshadow her death?
“Through the cold serpent-pipe refreshfully”
What quotation does Keats use a gory description, reflecting his reference to the Decameron and describing the brains of Lorenzo who’s body is dismembered?
“Ah! Wherefore all this wormy circumstance”
Why does Keats have Lorenzo’s body found neglected?
He wants everyone to remember their loved ones when they have passed away and not to neglect their memories
What quotation does Keats inflate the nature of the brother’s crimes and describe their newfound guilt from Lorenzo’s murder?
“Their crimes came on them like smoke from Hinnom’s Vale”
What was Hinnom’s Vale?
A camp where children were executed by fire in Jerusalem
Give a quotation that uses personification through capitalisation to show that love takes over and Isabella cannot stop thinking about Lorenzo.
“But Selfishness, Love’s cousin”
Her brothers have taken her future away from her
How does Keats interject and reference the Decameron, apologising for changing his story and making it more gory?
“O eloquent and famed Boccaccio”
What use of anaphora creates aggressive questioning making the antagonistic brothers appear cowardly?
“Why were they proud?”
how does Keats construct Isabella’s brothers?
To educate his audience on slavery and diamond mining
What quotation shows that Lorenzo won’t be able to keep his promise about returning to Isabella and so foreshadows his death, using mythology?
“Except in such page was Theseus’s spouse”