Quotes Flashcards
“It has been more than ten years since Henry Jekyll became too fanciful for me” - Lanyon
‘More than’ the argument offended him so much that he has lost count of how long it has been going on for. Jekyll was too much to handle and Lanyon didn’t want to deal with it anymore.
‘He began to go wrong, wrong in mind’
Repetition, ‘wrong in mind’ was associated with having a disease which links to Hyde as being his disease. Lanyon thinks that Jekyll is morally ‘He began to go wrong, wrong in mind’ wrong
‘There came a blackness about his eyes’
Metaphor- Jekyll is losing his soul as Hyde gradually takes over his life. oblivious to the power that Hyde has over him.
‘Smooth faced man of fifty’
Seems very relaxed and a typical Victorian gentleman which juxtaposes the end description of him. ‘Fifty’ = he’s had a lot of experience in his life so you’d expect that he would’ve leant to deal with his evil desires. ALTERNATIVELY, this emphasizes how long his evil desires have been suppressed for which explains why Hyde was so evil when he was released.
“Slyish cast”
‘Cast’ is used to cover up an illness or infection- suggesting he’s trying to cover up his evil desires with a respectable appearance. He is sly which connotes secrecy and mystery.
In Chapter 3 Jekyll uses a lot of commas
This represents his anxiety and how he is nervous because he is stuttering and can’t speak fluently
“My good Utterson”
He is trying to impress Utterson and convince him that nothing is wrong, doesn’t want to talk about the matter. Hyde has already taken over Jekyll’s mind.
‘Looking deadly sick’
Jekyll has deteriorated massively since chapter 3. During this chapter Jekyll is sat by the fire which could suggest he is trying to remove the evil from his soul and detox his body from sins.
‘They were crying it in the square’
Jekyll finds out about Carew’s murder through Newsboys shouting it. heightens the removal of innocence because young children are being exploited to it. Newsboys were also thought to be troublesome within the 1880’s- DUALITY
‘All human beings are commingled out of good and evil’
Declarative statement- juxtaposition. There is a thin line between good and bad- everyone has evil rooted within them but some choose not to show it. He is exploiting that all the other respectable people in society have evil desires as well.
‘My devil had been long caged and he came out roaring’
Metaphor- Hyde has been repressed for so long that his anger is exploding worse than ever before. The cage symbolizes Jekyll’s body and how he has attempted imprison his evil however he can no longer contain it anymore.
‘He had grown very silent’
Juxtaposition- Jekyll has regressed to the state of no longer being able to communicate. His stature and power is growing due to Hyde but his mental ability and control is deteriorating because it has been overtaken and now he has no voice.
‘Windows barred with iron’
Shows that Jekyll feels trapped - suppression.
“a certain sinister block of building thrust forward its gable on the street.”
Mystery Narrator 1 - story of the door
This description contrasts with the previous setting about the beauty of the scene and creates a sense of unease and suspense
“The man trampled calmly over the child’s body and left her screaming on the ground”
Violence and Mystery Enfield 1 - Story of the Door Oxymoron of the trampled calmly shows how sadistic Hyde is and already sets him out to be pure evil.
“Such scientific balderdash”
Science vs Religion,
Search for Mr Hyde
Hints that Jekyll’s experiments are darker than conventional science.
“Mr Hyde was pale and dwarfish, he gave the impression of deformity”
Evil reflected in the face,
Search for Mr Hyde
This quote further gives the impression that Hyde is less evolved than the normal person, and more savage.
“with ape-like fury, he was trampling his victim under foot”
Violence, Murder, Duality and Evilness of Men
The Carew Murder Case
The animalistic description of Hyde’s actions showcases his savagery and primality.