Quotes Flashcards
Angels shall fight
This earth shall have feeling
Am I not king?
I wasted time and now time doth waste me
Mortal temple of kings
Invincibility of kings
Observed his courtship to the common people
And yet amen if heaven think him me
Gods the quarrel for gods substitute
Thou shouldst not have been old till thou hadst been wise
Such is the breath of kings
Sense of loss
Seven vials of his sacred blood
Seven branches springing from one root
To wash this blood off from my guilt hands
Though I did wish him dead, I hate the murd’rer love him murdered
Essential loss
I pardon him with all my heart
A god on earth thou art
He in twelve found truth in all but one, i in 1200 none
Tragic fall
Down down I come like glistering phaeton
With mine own tears I wash away my balm, with my own hands I give away my crown
Two buckets filling one another, the emptier ever dancing in the air, the other down, unseen and full of water
For now the devil that told me I did well says that this deed is chronicled in hell
The field of Golgotha and dead men’s skulls
Then if angels fight… weak men must fall
Some of you with Pilate wash your hands
Some unborn sorrow ripe in fortunes womb
Consuming means soon preys upon itself
The ripest fruit first falls
Pray god we make haste and come to late
Not all the water in the rough ride sea can wash the balm from the anointed king
O call back yesterday, bid time return
Regain tragic stature
What must the king do now? Must he submit? The king shall do it?
Twixt my crown and me and then betwixt me and my married wife
Exceptional stature
Forgive forget conclude and be agreed our doctors say this is no time to bleed
Loss of identity
I have no name no title