Quotes Flashcards
WW2P - “sever…
…for years”
WW2P - “colder…
…thy kiss”
WW2P- “they name thee…
…before me”
WW2P - “knell in…
…my ear
WW2P - “after long years, how…
…should I greet thee. With silence and tears”
Love’s philosophy - “the fountains…
…mingle with the river”
Love’s Philosophy - “And the rivers…
…with the ocean”
Love’s philosophy - “law…
Love’s philosophy - “the sunlight clasps the earth…
…and the moonbeams kiss the sea”
Love’s philosophy - “What are all these kissing worth…
…if thou not kiss me”
Porphyria’s lover - “the sullen wind…
…was soon awake”
Porphyria’s lover - “to set it’s struggling…
…passion free”
Porphyria’s lover - “and give herself…
…to me forever”
Porphyria’s lover - “as a shut bud…
…holds a bee”
Porphyria’s lover - “perfectly…
…pure and good”
Porphyria’s lover - “that moment…
…she was mine, mine”
Porphyria’s lover - “god has…
…not said a word”
Farmer’s bride - “I chose…
…a maid”
Farmer’s bride - like the shut…
…of winter’s day”
Farmer’s bride - “little…
…frightened fay”
Farmer’s bride - “turned the key…
…upon her, fast”
Farmer’s bride - “ sweet as violets…
…she, to her wild self, but what to me?”
Farmer’s bride - “her eyes…
…her hair, her hair!”
Walking away - “like a satellite…
…wrenched from it’s orbit, go drifting away”
Waking away - “half-fledged…
…thing set free, into a wilderness“
Walking away - “eddying…
Walking away - “nature’s…
…give and take”
Walking away - “gnaws…
…at my mine still”
Walking away - “love is proved…
…in the letting go”
Follower - “his shoulders…
…globed like a full-sail”
Follower - “an expert…
…” - Yh he’s just an expert lol
Follower - “I stumbled…
…in his hob-nailed wake”
Follower - “today, it is…
…my father behind me who keeps stumbling and won’t go away”
Mother, any distance - “acres of walls…
…prairies of the floor”
Mother, any distance - “you at…
…the zero end”
Mother, any distance - “I spacewalk…
…through the empty rooms”
Mother, any distance - “fingertips…
…still pinch”
Mother, any distance - “a hatch that…
…opens to an endless sky [..] to fall or fly”
Winter swans - “the waterlogged earth…
…gulping for breathe at our feet”
Winter swans - “skirted…
…the lake”
Winter swans - “tipping…
…in unison”
Winter swans - “in the dark water…
… [..] ice bergs of white feather”
Winter swans - “porcelain…
…over the stilling water”
Winter swans - “we moved on…
…in afternoon light”
Winter swans - “our hands folded…
…like a pair of wings settling after flight”
Winter swans - “swum the…
…distance between us”
Neutral tones - “the sun was…
…white, as though chidden of God”
Neutral tones - “your eyes on me…
…we’re eyes that rove [..] over tedious riddles of years ago”
Neutral tones - “the smile…
…on your mouth was the deadest thing”
Neutral tones - “keen lessons…
…that love deceives [..] and wrings with wrong”
Neutral tones - “God…
… curst sun”