QUOTES Flashcards
Dulce et Decorum Est: Describing the Soldiers
“Bent double, like old beggars under sacks”
Dulce et Decorum Est: GAS!
“Gas! GAS! Quick, boys!-An Ecstasy of fumbling”
Dulce et Decorum Est: Haunted by the Death
“He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning”
Dulce et Decorum Est: Describing the Dead Soldier’s Face
“His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin”
Dulce et Decorum Est: Last Four Lines
“High zest”
“To children ardent for some desperate glory”
“The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori”
Dulce et Decorum Est
Wilfred Owen
The Early Purges: Recalling the Event
“I was six when I first saw kittens drown”
The Early Purges: Dan Taggart’s Description of the Kittens
“The scraggy wee shits”
The Early Purges: Harsh Verbs in the First Three Stanzas
The Early Purges: How the Kitten’s Were Killed (Alliteration)
“Slung on the snout”
The Early Purges: How the Remains of the Kittens Looked
”Mealy and crisp as old summer dung”
The Early Purges: He was Haunted by the Deaths
“Until I forgot them. But the fear came back”
The Early Purges: As You Grow up Your Sentimental Feelings Change
“Still, living displaces false sentiments”
The Early Purges: Death is Natural in Farm Life
“But on well-run farms pests have to be kept down”
The Early Purges
Séamus Heaney
Timothy Winters: Describing his Overall Appearance
“A blitz of a boy is Timothy Winters”
Timothy Winters: Describing his Hair (Metaphor)
“His hair is an exclamation mark”
Timothy Winters: He Doesn’t do Well in School
“He shoots down dead the arithmetic-bird“
Timothy Winters: Unfortunate Family Situation
“Timothy’s dosed with an aspirin”
Timothy Winters: Describing the Law (Simile and Alliteration)
“But the law’s as tricky as a ten-foot snake”
Timothy Winters: He is a Kind and Good Person
“And the loudest response in the room is when
Timothy Winters roars Amen”
Timothy Winters: Someone Help the Unfortunate Children
“So come one angel, come on ten”
Timothy Winters
Charles Causley