Quotes Flashcards
In act 1 scene 1 when Tybalt Confronts Sampson and Gregory what does he say?
‘What, art thou drawn among these heartless hinds turn thee, Benevolio look upon thy death’
In act 1 scene 1 Tybalt questions Benevolio what does he say?
What drawn and talk of peace, i hate the word, as i hate hell, all montagues.
What does Capulet say about Juliet in Act 1 scene 2?
‘she hath not seen the change of fourteen years… Ripe to be a bride’
In act 1 scene 3 in Capulet’s house how does she reply to what her mother?
‘Madam i am here, what is your will’
In Act 1 scene 3 when the Nurse is talking to Juliet in Capulet’s house what does she say about her Daughter?
Susan and she-God rest all christian soul’
In act 1 scene 3 Juliet is speaking to the Nurse and what does the nurse say Juliet will do
‘Thou wilt fall backward when thou hast more wit’
In act 1 scene 1 when Romeo is having a conversation with Benevolio what does he say?
‘O brawling love, O loving hate’
In Act 1 scene 4 what does Mercuatio say about Love to romeo?
‘Prick love for pricking and you beat love down’
In act 1 scene 4 what does Mercutio say about Rome’s love for Rosaline?
‘That dreamers often lie’
In Act 1 scene 5 Tybalt sees a Montague at the Party and says what?
Now by the stock and Honour of my kin, to strike him dead, i hold it and not a sin
When Tybalt sees Romeo he speaks in Rhyming couplets showing overconfidence and says what?
‘It fits when such a villain is a guest I’ll not endure him’
In Act 1 Scene 5 when Romeo and Juliet meet what does Romeo say’
My lips Too blusing pligrim ready to stand’
In act 1 scene 5 when the Nurse takes Juliet away from Romeo what does Juliet say for the Nurse to do?
Go and ask his name-If he be married. My grave is like to be my wedding’
When Romeo and Juliet are alone in Act 2 scene 2 What does Romeo describe Juliet as’
‘Juliet is the Sun, arise fair sun and kill the envious moon’
In Act 2 scene 2 Juliet is Cautious about her love for Romeo and she says what?
‘Too rash , too unadvised, too sudden
In Act 2 scene 2 Romeo and Juliet are take and Romeo tries to prove he is Loyal to Juliet by saying what?
‘Call me but love, and i’ll be new baptis’d, Henceforth I never will be Romeo’
When the Friar is introduced he talks about Plants then Romeo enters what does Friar say about plants in Act 2 scene 3?
‘Many for many virtues excellent’
When Romeo tells Friar about his love for Juliet how does the friar advise him in Act 2 scene 3?
‘Wisely and Slow they stumble that run fast’
In act 2 scene 4 Romeo and Mercuatio are talking and M cheers up Romeo, what does Romeo say?
‘Why is then is my pump well flowered’
When the Nurse is talking to Romeo about the wedding with Juliet Juliet is seen very protective what does she say in Act 2 scene 4?
‘Should lead her in a fools Paradise and deal double with her’
In Act 2 scene 5 in Capulet’s house the Nurse gives news to Juliet about the marriage and says what?
‘Is thy news good or bad? Answer to that’
In Act 2 scene 5 the Nurse criticizes Romeo saying he is not a write choice of man what does she actually say?
‘You know not how to choice a man! Romeo?”
At the wedding scene in Act 2 scene 6 Friar and Romeo are waiting for Juliet and Friar gives a word of advice to Romeo saying what?
‘these violent delights have violent ends, and in the triumph die, like and powder which they consume’
In Act 3 scene 1 Mercuatio winds up Tybalt and Forces Tybalt to speak in blank verse what does he say?
‘You shall find me apt enough to chat and you will give me occasion’
In Act 3 scene 1 Tybalt asks Romeo if he hangs out with romeo and wants to create to fight Mercuatio what does he say?
‘Therefore turn and draw’
In Act 3 scene 1 Tybalt wants to fight Romeo but he refuses saying he loves Tybalt
‘Love thee better thou canst devise’
In Act 3 scene 1 Mercuatio backs his friend Romeo and winds up Tybalt because he wants to fight instead what does he say?
‘Will you pluck your sword out of his plicker by the ears’
When Mercuatio dies He repeats a Phrase?
A plague on both your houses’
When Mercuatio dies he says Juilet has made him weak saying what?
When Romeo kills Tybalt he realises that he is a fool saying what?
O, i am fortunes fool
In Act 3 scene 2 when the Nurse gives the News that Tybalt is killed by Romeo Juilet shows real maturity and intelligence saying what?
‘That villain would have killed my husband’
When the Nurse reveals that her cousin Tybalt is dead the nurse is confused and doesn’t understand Juilet?
‘will you speak of him that kill’d your cousin’
In Act 3 scene 3 when Romeo is banished and is just about to commit suicide he says he wants to get rid of his name saying what?
‘Doth my name lodge’
In Act 3 scene 4 Capulet is very eager to have the wedding what day did he say to have it?
‘On Wednesday next’
In act 3 scene 5 Juliet is alone with Romeo and has a foreshadowing thought?
‘As one dead in the bottom of a tomb’
In Act 3 scene 5 Juliet stands up to her mother and says what?
‘He shall not make me a joyful bride’
In Act 3 scene 5 when Capulet finds out of Juliet’s disobedience he is very angry and says what?
‘My fingers itch’
In Act 3 scene 5 the Nurse says to Juliet that Paris is a better match for her saying what?
‘I think you are happy in this match, for it excels your first’
In Act 4 scene 1 when she is just about to take the Potion what does Juliet say before she takes it?
‘Dr bid me into a new + made gravel and hide me with a dead man in his shroud’
In Act 4 scene 4 what does Capulet call the Nurse?
Good angelica
In Act 4 scene 5 Capulet finds Juliet dead and says what?
‘However as, she was, deflowered him’
How does Lady Capulet react to the death of her daughter in Act 4 scene 5?
O me, O me, my child my only child’
In Act 5 scene 1 Romeo finds out Juliet is dead what does romeo say to the stars?
I defy you stars
In Act 5 scene 1 Romeo goes to the Apothercary and asks to get drugs?
‘Here lives a caitiff wretch would sell it him’
In Act 5 scene 3 when Romeo and Bathlasar enter the tomb Balthsar watches Romeo and says what?
His looks, i fear and his intents i doubt
In act 5 scene 3 Romeo kills himself right next to the tomb saying what?
The drugs are quick
What does Friar say to Juliet whilst she wakes up to Find romeo dead in Act 5 scene 3?
A greater power that we can contradict hath thwarted our intents
When Romeo dies and then Juliet dies she sees a Dagger and kills herself and says what?
‘O happy dagger’
In act 4 scene 2 when Lady C and Capulet talk about the wedding Capulet ignores Lady C saying what?
No not till Thursday..
Church tomorrow
In Act 4 scene 3 in Juliet’s room the Juliet rudely replies to her mother and the nurse saying what?
‘No madam…And let the Nurse sit up with you’
In act 4 scene 1 when Juliet is about to stab herself Friar stops her saying what?
‘I give thee remedy’
In Act 4 scene 2 Juliet is very happy and Apologizes to her dad saying what?
‘The sin of disobedient opposition to you’