Quotes Flashcards
“The boy with fair hair”
Shows connotations of ralph representing good
“I’ve been wearing glasses since I was three”
Piggy is special from the other boys
“Something dark tumbling along”
Jack’s first appearance in the novel
“Ugly without silliness”1
Jack’s appearance rules his out as a leader , which gives Ralph the upper hand
“You’re no good on a job like this”
Piggy’s appearance and attitude let him down
“Genuine leadership”
Ralph shows genuine leadership
“All three were hot, dirty and exhausted”
List of three
“They savoured the right of domination”
The boys enjoy the freedom of being alone
“Next time there would be no mercy”
Now ashamed and humiliated,jack tries to prove himself as a strong and capeable leader to the boys be killing the pig. Starts his obsession with hunting
“We’lol have rules… lots of rules. Then anyone who breaks them
Whee ooh
Suggests jack’s personality if he were to be a leader, he would be cries and ruthlessly punish his subjects for silly mistakes
“Jack clamoured among them, the conch forgotten”
Shows that jack has no respect for the conch. He disregards civilisation and slowly drifts toward barbarity
“The boys were dancing”
Makes you think of a tribe and suggests savagery
“One side the air was cool,but on the other side the fire thrust out a savage arm”
“I got the conch”
Shows that piggy doesn’t like being told what to do
“Trees … crawled away”
“The flames were a kind of wildlife”
“The separate noises of the fire merged into a drum roll that seemed to shake the mountain”
The fire is so great that it is now out of control
The fire “seemed to shake the mountain”
Extended metaphor should that Golding is using animal imagery to describe the fire.
“I said have you got any water ? I’m thirsty”
The manner in which jack speaks shows s signs of aggression and rudeness
“We want meat … And we want shelters”
Ralph is interested in building shelters and getting rescued whereas, Jack is only interested in hunting and eating meat. Shows a divide between civilisation and barbarity
“We want meet … We need shelters
“As if it wasn’t a good island”
Something evil is lurking in the island according to the littleness perspective
“The coarse mop of black hair … always darkish colour”
The long hair and deep tan makes him look like Jesus and presents Simon as a religious charecter
“Flower and fruit grow together on the same tree”
Shows connotations of the garden of Eden which represents Simon as a religious charecter with symbolic backgrounds
“The whole place was filled with dark aromatic bushes”
Shows imagery of a dark and haunting place. Suggests a dystopia
“Honey coloured sunlight”
Metaphor suggests the sweetness and shuttle was of the sun
Simon is helping the less fortunate people (littleuns).represents the same way Jesus helped the less fortunate and provided them food and shelter
“They accepted the pleasures of morning”
The boys accepted the new way of life and are enjoying the freedom as they are alone and are no adults on the island
“Life was so full that hope was not necessary”
The boys got used to the new life and are the place as an ocean of opportunity
“Strange things happened at midday”
Shows mystery and power of nature and how it can fool the young boys. Golfing used the short sentence which makes the reader pause and think about what might happen at midday. Creates mystery and suspense to the reader
“The sun gazed down like an angry eye”
Pathetic fallacy
The sun would make the boys angry and more violent
“Darkness dropped on the island like an extinguisher”
Similie suggesting quick sunrise and quick sunset
“Here, invisible yet strong, was the taboo of the old life”
Golding’s message in the novel.
“Piggy was an outsider, not only by accent … but fat, and ass mar and specs”
Shows that the boys disregarded piggy because of his appearance. Shows discrimination
“They let the bloody fire out”
Shows the desperation of Ralph. He is so desperate to get rescued,that he spoke out in the most foulest language possible
“Kill the pig cut her throat spill her blood”
Shows the themes of barbarity and the drift towards savagery
“Jack stood up … the bloodied knife in his hand”
The bloodied knife is symbolically jack’s attitude towards being criticised. It foreshadows what jack is capeable of doing
“Wearisomeness of this life”
Shows the struggle between childhood and innocence. Shows that Ralph takes on the role of an adult as he is showing maturity at a very young age
“Enthusiastic exploration”
“The meeting must not be fun but business”
Shows the seriousness of the meeting and shows Ralph as a true leader and suggests his cautious personality. Shows that Ralph has taken on the role of an adult
“Babies and sissies”
Jack’s response says that we need to tackle the beast and we must not be frightened. He also criticised the boys that are scared
“I know there isn’t no beast … but I know there isn’t no fear either”
Piggy states that there is no beast but it the fear of it that is troubling them
” maybe it’s only us”
Simon states that the beast is within us. Everyone has evil within them and this comes out at one point. Golding’s message in the novel
“Mankind’s essential illness”
States the evil within mankind. A religious idea
“Jack was up too uncontrollably angry”
Jack spoke without the conch which shows that order is slipping away as the boys are boing selfish
“Because we can’t have proper assemblies if you don’t stick to the rules”
A clear example to show how the boys are slipping away from order
“What are we humans animals or savages”
Shows that piggy is clever enough to understand the situation and realise that the boys are slipping away. He insists on changing this but the boy’s don’t listen
“Because the rules are the only thing we’ve got”
Ralph insists on following the rules as that is the only thing that keeps them together
“Bollocks to the rules we’re strong we hunt”
Shows Jack’s aggressive and arrogant attitude towards the rules and wants to go his own way, which is to hunt
“We’ll be like animals. We’ll never get rescued”
Ralph realised that order is slipping away but he cannot do anything about it as he now does not have any power