Quotes Flashcards
a mari usque ad mare
From sea to sea
Quid nomen tibi est?
What is your name?
et cetera (etc)
And so forth/the rest
Per diem
every day
Per annum
Every year
note bene (NB)
“Note well” pay attention
Ab Urbe condita (AUC)
From the founding of the city
Who founded Rome?
When was Rome founded?
April 21, 753 BCE
Where was Rome founded?
Palatine Hill
Bona fide
In the good faith; authentic
Carpe diem
Seize the day
Cave canem
Beware of dog
Circa (c.)
Around, about, approximately
Cum laude
With praise/honor
E pluribus unum
Out of many, one
Errare human um est
To make a mistake is human
Et alia
And others
Curriculum vitae (C.V)
The course of life; resume
Exempli gratia
Id est
(i.e) that is
In memoriam
In memory
Mea culpa
My bad
ab ovo usque ad mala
From the egg to the apple
“From start to finish”
Ab initio
From the beginning
Ad hoc
For this reason
Ad infinitium
To infinity
Ab libitum
(Ad lib.) At ones pleasure
Ad nauseam
To the point of sickness
An elsewhere
(Aka) also known as
Alma mater
Nourishing mother
Alumnus, a
Foster child
Alter ego
Another one/self