Quotes Flashcards
”. . . duller shouldst thou be than the fat weed/ That roots itself in ease on Lethe wharf,/ Wouldst thou not stir in this”
Act I, scene v, line 32
Ghost to Hamlet
Decay and corruption
“My father’s brother, but no more like my father/ Than I to Hercules”
Act I, scene ii, line 52
Hamlet to King and Queen
Family problems and revenge
“His virtues else be they as pure as grace,/ . . . Shall in the general censure take corruption/ From that particular fault”
Act I, scene iv, line 33
Hamlet to Horatio
Corruption (becoming corrupt by their own fault //// small defects can ruin a reputation)
“Marry, I will teach you: think yourself a baby.”
Act I, scene iii, line 104
Polonius to Ophelia
“As i perchance hereafter shall think meet/ To put an antic disposition on”
Act I, scene v, line 171
Hamlet to ghost
Madness, deception
“But you must fear,/ his greatness weigh’d, his will is not his own/ For he himself is subject to his birth”
Act I, scene iii,
Laertes to Ophelia
Rejected love/// corrupt family ///
” . . . Frailty, thy name is women!”
Act I, scene ii
Hamlet to Queen Gertrude
“… ‘Tis an unweeded garden/ That grow to seed; things rank and gross in nature/ Possess it merely”
Act I, scene ii
Decay and corruption
“The time is out of joint: O cursed spite,/ that ever I was born to set it right”
Act I, scene v
Hamlet to Horatio and Marcellus
“We pray you throw to earth/ this unprevailing woe, and think of us/ as of a father”
Act I, scene ii
King Claudius to Hamlet
Family pressure/corruption
“I would not, in plain terms, from this time forth,/ Have you so slander any moment leisure,/ As to give words or talk with the Lord Hamlet.”
Act I, scene iii
Polonius to Ophelia
Family pressures
“But, howsoever thou pursuest this act,/ Taint not thy mind, nor let thy soul contrive/ Against thy mother aught; leave her to heaven”
Act I, scene v
Ghost to Hamlet
“Sleeping in my orchard/ A serpent stung me; so the whole ear of Denmark/ is by a forged process of my death/ Rankly abused: but know, thou noble youth/ the serpent that did sting thy father’s life/ now wears his crown”
Act I, Scene v
Ghost to Hamlet
Decay and corruption /// revenge