Quotes Flashcards
Increasingly likely
“It seems increasingly likely that i really will undertake this expedition…”
My privilege
“It has been my privilege to see the best of England within these very walls”
Summed up
“This quality is best summed up by the term ‘greatness’”
“What is pertinent is the calmness of that beauty, its sense of restraint”
Truly good man
“A truly good man at heart, a gentleman through and through”
Possible repercussions
“By the very nature of a witticism, one is given very little time to assess its various repercussions”
My girls
“If you dismiss my girls…I will not continue to work in such a house”
“Why Mr Stevens, why, why, why do you always have to pretend?”
Flesh and blood
“Can it be that our Mr Stevens is flesh and blood after all?”
“And suddently the atmosphere underwent a peculiar change”
“The day his Lordship’s work is complete…will I be able to call myself, as you put it, a well-contented man”
‘Turning points’
“In anycase, while it is all very well to talk of ‘turning points’, one can surely recognise such moments in retrospect”
“Germany and Italy have set their houses in order by acting. And so have the wretched Bolsheviks”
“All we do is argue, debate and procrastinate”
“This employer embodies all that I find noble and admirable”