Quotes Flashcards
You won’t be the first pig I have cut. Shows how Mercedes feels towards Vidal and is an example of her showing the inner strength and bravery that she has had since the beginning of the film
No serás el primer cerdo que degüello
Having a child is complicated - well then I will never have one. Shows the close and honest relationship between Mercedes and Ofelia. Mercedes talks Ofelia through the horrible realities she is facing. Honesty creates trust.
Tener un hijo es complicado
Pues entonces yo no voy a tener ninguno
Above me there is no one. Highlights the power of Vidal and his place of authority.
Por encima de mí, no hay nadie
She is no more than a woman/ she is only a woman. This shows Vidal’s misogynistic views which may have been typical at the time where women were stripped of their rights by Franco. Perhaps Vidal underestimates Mercedes due to her gender and that is why he appears to trust her.
No es más que una mujer/ es solo una mujer
He won’t even know your name. This line marks a power shift at the end of the film between Mercedes and Vidal. The audience may question the point in Vidal’s pursuit if his so called legacy will not live on.
Ni siquiera sabra tu nombre
It is just that to obey for the sake of obeying, that is only what people like you do, captain. Highlights differing morals between the captain and the doctor
Es que obedecer por obedecer… eso solamente los hace la gente como usted, capitán
Magic doesn’t exist, not for you, not for me, not for anyone. Could be argued that Carmen does not understand Ofelia but perhaps she does understand the feeling of believing in magic and then losing hope and having to face reality.
La magia no existe ni para ti, ni para mí, ni para nadie
The world is a cruel place. Carmen says this.
El mundo es un lugar cruel
He prefers that you don’t make an effort, do it for me. Shows Vidal as patronising towards Carmen and that he cares about appearances
Prefiere que no hagas esfuerzos haz lo por mí
If you have to choose, save the boy. Shows the lack of care that Vidal has for Carmen.
Si tiene que escoger, salve al niño
Excuse my woman. She hasn’t seen much of the world. She believes that everyone is interested in these stupid tales. Shows that Vidal does not have respect for Carmen and doesn’t value her opinion as important
Perdona a mi mujer. No ha visto mucho el mundo. Cree que a todos nos interesante esas tonterías
Only a little bit of blood. Only a pinch. The faun says this to Ofelia to try and convince her to change her mind
Sólo un poco de sangre. Un pinchazo, tan solo
My brother stays with me. Shows the importance of family to Ofelia after her mother died and also highlights her as a brave character for risking her life to protect her brother
Mi hermano se queda conmigo
I want you to call him dad. Carmen may be trying to create a picture of a traditional family to live up to expectations.
Quiero que le llamas padre
It’s the other hand Ofelia
Es la otro mano Ofelia
I am the mountain, the forest and the earth. I am a faun.
Yo soy el monte, el bosque y la tierra. Soy un fauno
Tell my son, tell him the hour I died. Still giving orders but at this point Vidal knows that he will die so is also accepting defeat.
Decidle a mi hijo - decidle la hora en que morí
My grandmother said that fauns like to coax people
Mi abuela decía que a los faunos les gusta engatusar a la gente
Fairy tales. You’re too old to fill your head with so much nonsense/many trifles. Perhaps Carmen is not treating Ofelia as a child as she needs to face the harsh realities of war.
Cuenta de hadas. Ya eres mayor para llenarte la cabeza con tantas zarandajas
The captain is not my father
El capitán no es mi padre
I can walk perfectly. Does not want to be controlled or shown as weak
Puedo andar perfectamente
They are 15 minutes late. Vidal is obsessed with time - perhaps because he knows that some day soon his will run out
Quince minutos tarde
It was the moon that led you
Era es la luna que te llevó
This coffee is very burnt. Vidal criticising Mercedes.
Este café está muy quemado
Carmen says that she feels much better after Ofelia put the mandrake under her bed. The power of magic.
Me siento mucho mejor
I am the princess moana and I’m not scared of you. Ofelia says this to the toad
Soy la princesa Moana y no te tengo miedo
One day you will realise that it hasn’t been easy for me either. Carmen says this to Ofelia.
Algún día entenderás que para mí tampoco ha sido fácil
Take me with you. Ofelia wants to escape the mill with Mercedes
Llévame contigo
I want to ask you one thing. Only one thing. That you don’t harm mum. Ofelia speaking to her brother. Shows the care she has for her mum
Quiero pedirte una cosa. Solo una cosa. Que no le hagas daño a mamá