Quotes Flashcards
“H s, a s v l, w f,”
“‘M n i O, k o k: / l o m w, y m, a d!’/ n b r.”
“Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown”
“‘My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains.”
“M o w, m o w”
“C….b w p t m h.”
“Marks of weakness, marks of woe.”
“Curse…blights with plagues the marriage hearse”
Storm on the island
“W a p: w b o h s….s”
“Y k w i m”
“E c”
“S l a t c/t s”
“L…S, i i a h n t w f”
“We are prepared:we build out houses squat…slate”
“You know what i mean”
“Exploding comfortably”
“Spits like a tame cat/turned savage”
“Lair…strange, it is a huge nothing that we fear”
War photographer
“B. B. P p. A f i g”
“R e.”
“A H a i baw”
“Belfast. Beirut. Phnom penh. All flesh is grass”
“Rural england”
“A hudred agonies in black-and-white”
The Emigrée
“T w o a c…i l i a ac”
“M c h b m. T m d,”
“There was once a country…I left it as a child”
“My city hides behinds me. They mutter death”
“F/f s a t b/s t t s”
“A t, t d p, m, d.”
“T t h/a t h n l e,”
“M h w/ w h b t b w t d”
“Fishes/ flaming silver as believes/ swivelled towards the sun”
“A tuna, the dark princes, muscular, dangerous.”
“They treated him/ as though he no longer existed”
“Must have wondered/ which had been the better way to die”