QUOTES Flashcards
'’Setsuko only remembers you from when you were a tyrant
and ordered us all around. You’re much more gentler these days.’’ - Noriko to Ono
“…you pause at the Bridge of Hesitation
and look back towards the remains of our old pleasure district…’’- Ono
“Suichi thinks that American heroes
are the better models for children now’’ - Setsuko to Ono
“But these are the men who led the country astray, sir. Surely, it’s only right
they should acknowledge their responsibility. It’s a cowardice that these men refuse to admit their mistakes.’’ - Jiro to Ono
Brave young men die for stupid causes, and the real culprits are still with us.
Afraid to show themselves for what they are, to admit their responsibility.” - Suichi to Ono