Quotes Flashcards
The Shahadah
There is no god but allah and muhammad is the prophet of allah (and ali is the friend of god)
Supports Nahil amril mukar and amr bil maroof
Enjoy what is right forbid what is wrong -Surah 112
Supports god as eternal
“God the eternal” surah 112
Supports monotheism
He is god the one -surah 112
Supports doing good deeds
“God is well aware of whatever good u do” Quran 2:215
Supports donating to charity
“Alms are meant only for the poor, the needy” quran 9:60
God is all knowing
“God knows everything”
Supports Wudu
“if required wash your whole body”
God is supreme
“no one is comparable to him” -Surah 112
Importance of the night of power
“the night of glory is better than a thousand months” quran 97:2-3
God is the creator
“He created man from a clinging form” Quran 96:1-5
Muhammad Is commanded to read at the night of power
“Read! In the name of your lord who created”
God chooses fate
“Only what god has decreed will happen to us” -Quran 9:51
Supporting freewill
“God does not change the condition of a people unless they change what is in themselves”