Quotations Flashcards
What quotes show The Bling’s wealth through setting initially ?
- ‘Large suburban house, belonging to a prosperous manufacturer’ [ shows their status and economic security, prosperous Mr. B is wealthy and worked his way up ]
- ‘Substantial…not cosy’ [ shows the status of the family, more of a display than home ]
- ‘The parlourmaid…’ [ they have one, are acting rich ]
What quotes show the significant difference between before and after the Inspector’s arrival ?
- ‘Pink and intimate until Inspector arrives, brighter and harder’ [ Pink lighting shows luxury and comfort while harder lighting shows a change in atmosphere + threatening ]
What quotes show Mr. Birling’s appearance ?
- ‘ Heavy-looking, rather portentous…’ [ shows he has a presence, takes up space and is serious / self-important ]
What quotes show Mrs. Birling’s character ?
- ‘Cold woman… her husband’s social superior …’ [ empathetic and shows she has influence ]
What quotes show Shiela’s character ?
- ‘Pretty girl .. rather excited.’ [ shows she is initially naive, simply an air-head ]
What quotes show Eric’s character ?
- ‘Half shy, half assertive …’ [ conflicted, hesitant Eric ]
What quotes show Shiela defying female stereotypes ?
- ‘ I don’t believe I will. ( half playful, half serious … )’ [ shows she can be quite rebellious defying the stereotype of woman during this time ]
What quotes show a power imbalance in Shiela’s and Gerald’s relationship ?
- ‘You wanted me to have ?’ [ reveals the power imbalance, Gerald choses the ring ]
What quotes show Mr. Birling’s priorities ? initially
- ‘ Son-in-law I always wanted. Your father…’ [ Switches topic froths own daughter to business for his own business, shows were his priorities lie ]
What quotes show the dramatic irony of Mr. Birling ?
- ‘Miners cam out on strike… Don’t worry.’ [ glosses over strikes and labour trouble trying to be positive
- ‘War’s inevitable … fiddlesticks’ [ dismisses idea of wars whose how untrustworthy he is ]
- ‘The Titanic… unsinkable’ [ shows how he is wrong about everything, readers are aware of what would have happened, makes him seem untrustworthy, stupid ]
What quotes show Mr. Birling’s views initially ?
- ‘way some of these cranks talk… you’d think everybody has to look after everybody else,’ [ shows he does not have Socialist views ]
- ‘ Community and all that nonsense…’ [ not Socialist, discards the idea as if absurd ]
What quotes show the Inspector’s character ?
- ‘Sharp ring’ [ shows authority by interrupting Mr. Birling’s long speeches, few characters have been able to achieve the s affect so far ]
- ‘not a big man … impression of massiveness, solidity and purposefulness’ [ shows the Inspector has a strong presence, authorial figure ]
What quotes depict Eva Smith’s murder ?
- ‘Burnt her inside out’ [ grotesque imagery, makes her death seem more significant, stumps audience since they thought someone would be blamed / not suicide ]
- ‘She lies with a burnt-out inside on a slab.’ [ grotesque imagery , makes her murder seem almost inhumane, Mrs Birling even more cruel and vile ] ( said when Mrs. Birling is being interrogated )
What quotes show Mr. Birling avoiding responsibility ?
- ‘Look- there’s nothing mysterious - or scandalous …’ [ broken/ disjointed thinking shows he is ruffled, Inspector has an effect on Mr Birling ]
- ‘I can’t accept responsibility. If we were all responsible for everything that happened to evervbody we’d had anything to do with, it would be awkward.’ [ reasonable argument to socialist views, shows were Mr Birling stands on the other side ]
What quotes show Mr. Birling defending himself for his actions towards Eva Smith ?
- ‘ They were rather restless…’ [ adjective ‘restless’ shows he think they were irritating, belittles them and makes them seem like the problem ]
- ‘ they’d soon be asking for the earth.’
What quotes show characters such as the Inspector and Eric challenging Mr. Birling’s actions ?
- ’ It’s better to ask for the earth than to take it.
- ‘Why shouldn’t they try for higher wages?’ [ shows Eric, younger gen, taking Inspector’s side, rebellious against his father ]
What quotes show Shiela recognising Eva Smith, creating a link between them ?
- Was she pretty?’ [ Both Shiela and Eva Smith where pretty and young, shows how she is trying to imagine herself in her position, sympathises ]
- ‘Recognises it with a little cry… half-stifled sob…’ [ shows the immediate reaction, regret to the past , ‘half-stifled’ suggest its too overwhelming’
What quotes show Shiela challenging her fathers actions ?
- ‘But these girls aren’t cheap labour - they’re people’ [ shows Sheila , like Eric, taking a Socialist stance ]
What quotes show Shiela accepting responsibility ?
- ‘It was my own fault.’ [ taking responsibility for her actions , juxtaposes Mr B’s defensive nature ]
What quotes show Gerald’s recognition of Daisy Renton ?
- ‘(Startled) What ?’ [ like Shiela, immediate reaction to Daisy Renton, affected, spontaneous and noticeable ]
What quotes show the tension between Gerald and Shiela when they are left to discuss Gerald’s reaction ?
- ‘He does not reply.’ [ shows he feels guilt, cannot bring himself to speak of it ]
- ‘Why - you fool - he knows.’ [ Shiela realises everyone will be involved, is aware of the Inspector’s scrutiny, becomes rebellious, does not submit to Gerald as easily ]
What quotes show Gerald’s view of women ?
- ‘You think young women ought to be protected…’ [ shows Gerald’s view of woman, mirrors how he treated Daisy Renton ]
- ‘I hate those hard-eyed, dough-faced women.’ [ stereotype for prostitutes ]
What quotes show Shiela picking up Socialist view/ being converted ?
- ‘ If there is nothing else, we’ll share our guilt.’ [ shows socialist take on community, sharing guilt and responsibility for others around us ]
- ‘You mustn’t try to build up a kind of wall between us and that girl.’ [ a division between classes, says that they are all the same, should all care for each other ]
What quotes show Birlings trying to threaten Inspector using their status ?
- ‘Lord Mayor only two years ago…’ [ shows Mrs B trying to defend herself by using status and authority ]
What quotes show Gerald’s view of Daisy Renton ?
- ‘She was young and pretty and warm-hearted - and intensely grateful.’ [ views himself as her saviour, thinks his actions are inevitable , can’t be blamed for it ]
- ‘You were the wonderful Fairy Prince.’ [ how Gerald viewed himself ]
What quotes show The Inspector showing everyone should take responsibility no matter what ( Shiela ) ?
- ‘ Your daughter isn’t living on the moon. She’s here in Brumley too.’ [ sheila is no exception, like everyone else she must bare responsibility ]
What quotes show the break between Gerald and Shiela ?
- ‘She hands him the ring’ [ shows break between Gerald and Shiela, demonstrates the influence of the Inspector from the beginning where they were together ]
What quotes show Mrs. Birlings reaction to Eva Smith / Mrs. Birling ?
- ‘She looks hard at it.’ [ builds suspense, trying not to show recognition ]
What quotes show Mrs. Birlings avoiding responsibility ?
- ‘ only had herself to blame.’ [ insistent, defensive, shows she does not take responsibility at all , older gen not as influenced by Inspector ]
- ‘I did nothing I’m ashamed of…’ [ shows she feels no remorse ]
What quotes show the dramatic irony of Mrs. Birling’s blame ?
- ‘Go and look for the father of the child.’ [ dramatic irony, comes full-circle and shows how hypocritical she can be , sheds a negative light / makes her the villain ]
- ‘He ought to be dealt with very severely.’ [ dramatic irony ]
What quotes show Eric’s reaction to Eva Smith ?
- ‘Eric enters looking extremely pale and distressed.’
What quotes reveal Eric’s bad drinking habit ?
- ‘ Manner of handling the decanter … shows his familiarity’ [ reveals his drinking habit ]
What quotes show Eric’s view of Eva Smith ?
- ‘was pretty and a good sport.’ [ shows he had no feelings for her, viewed her more like an object ]
What quotes show Mr Birling’s priorities even after the truth of the scandal has been uncovered ?
- ‘I’ve got to cover this up as soon as I can.’ [ shows that Mr Birling priorities his possible Knighting over Eric and the scandal of his possible grandchild ]
What quotes show Eric’s reaction to Mrs. Birlings actions ?
- ‘Then - you killed her…came to you to protect me - and you …’ [ disjointed thinking illustrated by hyphens shows he’s become overwhelmed with emotion and anger ]
What quotes show The Inspector acting as a voice for Persley’s Socialist views ?
- ‘There are millions and millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths still left with us.’
- ‘We are members of one body.’ [ pronoun ‘we’ creates unity, addresses everyone universally ]
- ‘If men will not learn that lesson, they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish.’ [ he acts as a vocaliser for Perseley’s Socialist view’s how’s the consequences of selfishness and capitalistic thinking ]
What quotes show that the Birling’s haven’t learnt anything from the scandal ?
- ‘Nothing much has happened!’ [ shows Mrs Birling / Billings still don’t accept responsibility ]
- ‘The point is, you don’t seem to have learnt anything.’
What quotes show the divide between the younger and older generations ?
- ‘Look at the pair of them - the famous younger generation who know it all.’ [ shows stark difference between generations, different views ]
What quotes show the ending coming full-circle ?
- ‘The telephone rings sharply’ [ mirrors the inspector’s interception earlier ]