Quotations Flashcards
Shinji (almost sex scene)(1)
1.Shinji had a haphazard respect for moral things
2.He instead no further
3.There was this feeling forever and ever of pure and holy happiness
Shinji and Hatsue first kiss(2)
1.Their cheeks came so close they were almost touching
2.They could feel each other’s warmth
3.Their dry,chapped lips touched…It tastes like seaweed Shinji thought.
Shinji Boat scene(3)
1.Despite his great physical strength
2.The boy swam with all his might
3.His body was tossed on the waves
Hatsue (almost sex scene )(1)
1.It’s bad. It’s bad! … It’s bad for a girl to do that before she’s married
2.I’ve decided it’s you i’m going to marry
3.There was this feeling forever and ever of pure and holy happiness
Hatsue Handbag scene(2)
- She returned with the brown middle aged handbag which she pressed into the hands of shinji’s mother
2.I’ve always wanted to apologise ever since my father spoke so rudely
3.She’s a fine girl
Hatsue marriage scene(3)
1.Their hearts filled to overflowing with contentment
2.Nature too again smiled on them
3.They ascended slowly as though savouring the pleasure of each separate step.
Yasuo introduction scene(1)
1.He spoke glibly, without any trace of the local dialect
2.He possessed the power to make others follow him
3.He was quite fat
Yasuo assault Hatsue scene(2)
1.This was the moment Yasuo intended to jump out at her
2.Preparing to leap out
3.The sight quickened his imagination with delightfully carnal images of her healthy young body
Yasuo boat scene(3)
1.It gradually became abundantly clear that Yasuo was lazy
2.Yasuo’s lips quivered with fear
3.This ship will belong to me
Chiyoko introduction scene(1)
1.She always wore a gloomy expression
2.she never wore a trace of makeup
3.Until now this had been the most noticeable result of the “refinements”.
Chiyoko Spreading of gossip(2)
1.There in the city chiyoko all of the nature had been put into uniform
2.Chiyoko caught sight of shinji… with Hatsue snuggled against him
3. (her ugly face) could hide emotions far more clearly than a beautiful one.
Chiyoko’s departure(3)
1.a mask to conceal her long-felt desire to have him be kind to her.
2.It was a happy girl who was left standing at the water’s edge.
3.He said I’m pretty! He said I’m pretty!
Teru’s intro(1)
1.His white hair bristled wildly like the mane of a lion
2. Was the personification of all of utajima’s toil and determination and ambition and strength
3.Like a bronze statue
Teru’s bathhouse scene(2)
1.Terukichi was boiling red
2.He walked over to the two youth, poured icy water on their heads
3.(the youths) started to strike back. But then realised it was Terukichi they were up against and hesitated
Teru’s acceptance of shinji(3)
1.Shinji’s the one I’m adopting for Hatsue’s husband
2.The only thing that counts in a man is his get up and go
3.And that’s what he’s got shinji-get up and go
Shinji’s mother finds out about the gossip(1)
1.Her son’s unhappiness was always on her mind
2.The mother was firm in her courage
3.She would…champion her son’s innocence.
Shinji’s mom at Teru’s house(2)
- She recalled her long life of sweat and toil, all the hardships she had faced as a widow
- Never in my life will I cross this damned threshold again.
- Just the fact that she had come…would be enough to set the villagers’ tongues to wagging.
Shinji’s Mom diving scene(3)
1.She returned with the brown middle aged handbag which she pressed into the hands of shinji’s mother
2.The mother’s cheeks flushed red with delight.
3.The mother’s simple, straightforward heart had immediately understood the modesty and respect behind the girl’s gesture
Lighthouse keeper (1) +wife
The lighthouse-keeper and his wife have taken Hatsue into their hearts as if she were their own