Quizlet Questions Flashcards
T/F US Appearance for CAM is a cystic looking structure in the fetal chest
What is a defect in spine due to lack of fusion of two halves of the vertebral arch?
Spins bifida
Which form of spins bifida involves protrusion of only the meninges?
What is the most common location for meningocele and meningomyocele?
Lumbar sacral area
What is the most common location for cystic hygroma?
Posterior portion of the neck
What is a common type of hydrocephalus?
Arnold Chiari Malformation
Banana sign, lemon sign, dilation of lateral ventricles, batwing sign, partial absence of CSP, are all US appearance signs for?
Arnold Chiari Malformation
5% of Choroid Plexus Cysts are associated with which Trisomy?
Trisomy 18
Bilateral Cyst that may be transient and resolve by the end of the second trimester are called what?
Choroid plexus cysts
Failure of prosencephalon (forebrain) to divide into double lobes of cerebral hemispheres is a definition of what?
What are the 3 kinds of holoprosencephaly?
Caused by incomplete cleavage of prosencephalon, horseshoe shaped, and thalami are fused are all signs for?
Nearly complete separation of the cerebral hemispheres is the US appearance for which form of holoprosencephaly?
A single horseshoe shaped ventricle is the US sign for which type of holosencephaly?
Which form of holoprosencephaly is associated with cleft palate and has the occipital love present?
What is thought to be caused by bilateral blockage of internal carotid arteries?
What is something that anencephaly, cephalocele, diaphragmatic hernia,, fetal hydrops, fetal skeletal, dysplasias, thanatophoric dysplasia, neural tube defects, and genitourinary tract, anomalies all have in common?
They are associated with polyhydramnios
Absence of cerebral hemispheres and overlying skull and scalp is the definition of?
At what week are we able to see anencephaly, and with which probe?
9-10, transvag
What is the most common congenital anomaly of the CNS, is more common in females than males, and is common in areas of the world where spina bifida is common?
Cranial vault absence, intracranial contents absence, orbits and face present, bulging eyes, short neck, and polyhydramnios are the US appearances for?
What has a poor prognosis and may be caused by intrathoracic masses, abdominal masses, oligohydramnios, and small thorax related to skeletal dysplasia?
Pulmonary hypoplasia
What may cause amputation of digits, occurs when amnion ruptures and wraps around the fetal structures, and may entangle or wrap around fetal structures?
Amniotic band syndrome
What has a 50%-80% chance of mortality due to pulmonary hypoplasia, may be associated with other congenital anomalies, and is caused by improperly fused or formed diaphragm?
Diaphragmatic hernia
With which disease do bowel and abdominal organs herniate into the thoracic cavity?
Diaphragmatic hernia
What is a rare defect in the abdominal wall where the heart protrudes through the extrathoracic sac and is covered by skin or membrane?
ectopic cordis
What are three aka’s for dandy walker malformation?
Dandy walker cyst, dandy walker syndrome, dandy walker variant
What is a congenital brain malformation that is characterized by formation of cerebellar vermis, dilation of the fourth ventricle, and enlargement of posterior fossa?
Dandy walker
What is thought to be the result of obstruction of foramina and Luschka and Magendie?
Dandy walker
Cystic enlargement of the fourth ventricle, dilated third ventricle, variable dilation of lateral ventricles, and cerebellar lobes split apart and are abnormal in shape are the US appearances for?
Dandy walker
At waht level of the brain should dandy walker be imaged?
at the cerebellum
What is an abnormal development of the cartilage and bones?
skeletal dysplasia
The bones may be _____, _____, _____, _____, with skeletal dysplasia?
T/F skeletal dysplasias are associated with oligohydramnios
False, they are associated with poly
Which short-limb skeletal dysplasia is defined to be shortening of proximal extremity?
Which short-limb skeletal dysplasia is defined to be middle limb segment shortening
With rhizomelia, which extremities and shortened?
humerus, femur
With mesomelian which extremities are shortened?
radius, ulna, tibia, fibula
Which short-limb skeletal dysplasia is defined as distal extremity shortening?
Which short-limb skeletal dysplasia is defined as shortening of the entire extremity?
With acromelia, which extremities are shortened?
phalanges and metacarpals
Which skeletal dysplasia is the most common, lethal has severely flattened vertebral bodies, extreme rhizo and micromelia, bowed long bones, and narrow thorax with protruding abdomen?
Thanatophoric dysplasia
Macrocephaly with protruding forehead, horseshoe kidney and cloverleaf skull abnormalities associated with?
Thanatophoric dysplasia
What is the NL measurement for the placenta?
1.5 - 5cm
A thickened placenta may measure at what?
What is lack of adequate communication between duodenum and stomach?
duodenal atresia
Half of cases of duodenal atresia are associated with what 3 things?
VACTERL, Bowel malrotation, Trisomy 21
The double bubble sign is associated with?
Duodenal atresia
What occurs in male fetuses, results when thing leaflets obstruct fetal urethral and features an enlarged bladder, thickened bladder wall, oligohydramnios and dilated ureters?
The keyhole appearances is associated with?
What is the most common cause for fetal hydronephrosis?
When the renal pelvis is dilated > 8mm, what can we expected to see?
What is an AKA for omphalocele?
What is herniation of abdominal contents into base of the umbilical cord located at the midline, covered by amnion/ peritoneal sac and can be associated with GI tract and cardiac anomalies 29-66% of the time?
What is less serious than omphalocele usually to the right of the midline and involves herniation of the viscera through a fissure of the midline?
A hypoechoic ring around the abdominal wall that represents the muscles of the abdominal wall would be a sign of?
What is a congenital defect of abdominal wall that develops over the bladder, may cause a lack of visualization of the bladder and an echogenic mass protruding from the abdominal wall in close association with abdominal arteries?
Bladder extrophy
What are two types of diaphragmatic hernias?
Morgagni and Bochdalek
Where is bochdalek hernia located?
Posterolateral to the left
Where is morgagni hernia located?
anterior to the diaphragm
A cysts within the brain would be?
Choroid plexus cyst
What is a bony defect in calvarium, with herniation of brain and/ or meninges that may occur in the occipital region, frontal, or parietal and associated with polyhydramnios?
What is an AKA for a cephalocele that includes brain matter?
T/F hydrocephalus is present with cephalocele?
Deficient abdominal musculature, cryptorchidism, and GU tract anomaly (PUV) are all part of what?
Prune belly triad
Distended fetal abdomen with wrinkled appearance would be the definition for?
Prune belly triad
What which disease would the thalami be fused?
What two things could cause the fetal heart to displace to the right?
diaphragmatic hernia and situs inversus
What disease may not manifest until the end of the 2nd trimester?
skeletal dysplasia
WHat does the LS ratio determine?
Lung maturity
What is a small head whose AC measures greater than 3 standard deviations below normal that is caused by trisomies, uterine infections, and exposure to environmental teratogens and can be associated with mental retardation?
Inadequate RhoGAM dosage could be the cause for?
possible maternal sensitization
An adequate dose of RhoGram within 72 hours of delivery of RH+ baby would prevent?
maternal sensitization
At which week of pregnancy could RhoGAM be given?
Which treatment must be replaced with each pregnancy, miscarriage, and abortion, amniocentesis, and chorionic villi sampling?
Erythroblastosis Fetalis is aka?
RH disease
What is caused by an incompatibility between the blood of mother and fetus, and causes jaundice, anemia, brain damage, heart failure and death in the fetus?
Immune related hydrops
The most severe form of fetal hemolytic disease is called?
erythroblastosis fetalis
What is the most common tumor in the neonate that is made up from all 3 germ layers and is seen as a mass extending from the sacrum?
Sacrococcygeal teratoma
T/F a sacrococcygeal teratoma is always benign
False, it can be either benign or Malignant
T/F a sacrococcygeal teratoma is associated with the spine?
WHat does PUV stand for?
Posterior urethral valves
What do pulmonary hypoplasia, bilateral renal agenesis, PUV infantile polycystic kidney disease, and club foot all have in common?
They’re all associated with oligohydramnios
Abnormalities of the fetal thorax is associated with?
Fetal hydrops
Pleural effusion can be associated wit?
fetal Hydrops
Fetal ascites may be associated with?
fetal hydrops
What is an excessive accumulation of clear, watery fluid in any of the tissues or cavities of the body; synonymous, according to its character and location, with ascites, anasarca, edema, etc?
fetal hydrops
what are the two types of fetal hydrops?
immune and non-immune
A thickened placenta, polyhydramnios, fetal skin, edema, pleural effusion, scalp, edema, etc are all US signs for?
Fetal hydrops
What is the most common cause for immune related hydrops?
RH disease (erythroblastosis fetalis)
Which form of hydrops can be caused by over 40 conditions?
What is an AKA for hydrocephalus?
Abnormal increase in fluid in cerebral ventricles is the definition for?
Aqueductal stenosis, communicating hydrocephalus, and over production of CSF are classification for?
Turtle sign is the sign for?
male fetus
Failure of lip fusion prior to 35 days from conception is defined to be what?
facial clefts
What is an inherited disorder production or secretion of collagen, that is associated with bones that can be fractured or deformed easily, and possible stillbirth due to cranial fracture?
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Which form of osteogenesis imperfecta is the most lethal?
type 2
What form of osteogenesis imperfecta is the mildest form/
type 4
Which limb abnormality would someone have if they have more than 5 fingers or toes?
Polydactyl is associated with which trisomies?
13, 18, and 21
What does VACTERL stand for?
vertebral anal cardiac tracheoesophageal renal limb
Who is VACTERL common in?
diabetic mothers
Over 20 cm range for AFI would be considered what?
Less than 5cm for an AFI range would be considered what?
Thalami, and CSP are landmarks for?
THe fetal stomach, 3 ossifications of the spine and the portal vein are the 3 landmarks for what?
What is a rare, lethal autosomal recessive or sporadic rare disease in which shortening and bowing of long bones of legs, narrow chest, large calcarium with small face and hypoplastic scapula are involved?
campomelic dysplasia
Champagne cork appearance is associated with?
Thanatophoric dysplasia