Quizlet questions 2 Flashcards
Secondary Market Sales
Sales to non-regulatory user customers including such activities as capacity release, sales for resale and off system sales.
Shoulder Months
Lowest demand months of the year. May through June and Sept to October.
Spot Purchase
Short term sale of gas to an end-user, LDC or pipeline for shich the duration varies but is
Step rate
A rate based on a tiered or stepped price structure. The rate or price depends on the particular step within which the last consumed unit falls
Storage service
A service in which natural gas is received by the seller of the service and held for the account of the customer for edelivery at a later time.
Swing Supply
A supply of gas which provides the ability to vary receipts; serves the variation in the customer’s demand; generally supplements base load.
A location wher gas is received or delivered (lowest level of a pipeline). May be a physical or logical point.
Published statement of rate schedules and general terms and conditions under which services will be provided.
Contractual ability to take a percentage of gas at defined pipeline locations with the capability of increasing the allowed percentage at locations as you move toward the city gate.
Tenn Regulatory Authority (TRA)
Regulatory agency in TN that sets rates and service standards of telephone, gas, electric and water utilities.
Third Party Shippers
An individual or independent coproration engated in bringing together sellers and buyers, usually on a short-term basis. Broker.
Total of transportation volumes and tarriff sales; All gas volumes delivered.
Tiered Rates
A block type of rate structure where the unit price of gas changes with each of several preset consumption blocks for each billing period.
Upstream Pipeline Capacity
Capacity on a pipeline which delivers to another pipeline but does not deliver to a city gate.\
Weighted Average Cost of Gas - unit cost of supply as calculated as the total cost of all gas purchased.