Quiz Review Flashcards
Karatsuba’s divide and conquer multiplication algorithm is faster in practice than the grade-school multipleication algorithm no matter what the size of the integers its multiples.
Karatsuba works slower with very small numbers.
An array of 100 integers can be sorted in O(1) time.
100 Integers is a given constant input, meaning it will always return a constant time.
Tail-Recursive Function
Uses Linear recursion
Makes a recrusive call as its very last operation
What is the selection problem? What is the name of an algorithm that solves the selection problem, and what is its average case complexity?
Find the element in an unsorted array of numbers.
Quick Select
Average Case Complexity : Linear (n)
Describe a better way to pick the pivot
- Get First, Last, and Middle element. Get Median as pivot.
- Randomly select element.
Best-Case complexity for Quicksort
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n
O(n log n)
Worst Case Complexity for Quicksort
T(n) = T(n-1) + n
If a heap is used to represent a priority queue, and the first element is
removed, the heap property is restored by moving the last element to the root
of the tree, and then running MAX-HEAPIFY on the new root element. What
is the worst-case complexity of restoring the heap property in this way?
Worst: Log(n)
Best: Constant
Describe an algorithm that takes worst-case linear time to find the 100 largest elements in an array of n elements.
- Build Max Heap
- Turn into Priority Queue
- Remove/Collect 1st 100 Largest Elements.
“In Place” Algorithm
Uses at most O(1) space beyond initial array.
“In Place “ Algorithm Examples
“Stable” Algorithm
Does not change duplicate’s original ordering relative to each other.
“Stable” Algorithm Examples
“Adaptive” Algorithm
Runs faster when input is already partially or fully sorted.
“Adaptive” Algorithm Examples
Give an example of a hydrid sorting algorithm:
Quicksort but when arrays get smaller, swtich to Insertion Sort.
Name 3 Decrease and conquer algorithms:
Quick Sort
Binary Search
Euclid Algorithm
Square Root Algorithm
Heap Select
Name 3 Divide and Conquer Algorithms
Merge Sort
Russian Multiplcation (AKA Divide and Conquer Multiplication)
Name a sublinear-time algorithm
Binary Search
Interpolation Search
Name a linearithmic time algorithm:
Merge Sort
Quick Sort
Heap Sort
Name an algorithm with log-logarithmic average-case time complexity.
Interpolation Sort