Quiz Questions Flashcards
In the quantitative analysis of running in AFL, what was one of the key findings?
There is a persistent imbalance between left and right legs.
Transverse plane
Divides top and bottom halves
Sagittal plane
Vertical, dividing left and right halves
Frontal plane
Divides front and back halves
Frontal axis
Sagittal plane
Longitudinal axis
Transverse plane
Sagittal axis
Frontal plane
Contribution of sports medicine to developing an athlete
Injury management
Contribution of physiology to developing an athlete
Contribution of strength and conditioning to developing an athlete
Physical state
Contribution of psychology to developing an athlete
Mental state
Statics, in mechanical terms, is:
Mechanics of objects at rest or moving at constant velocity
Bar path and bar velocity are tied to body position during which 2 phases of the snatch?
First and second pull
As a bowler turns his arm over to bowl the ball, his arm is undergoing what motion?
Angular motion around the frontal axis
As a bowler runs towards the wicket prior to delivering he is undergoing what motion?
Linear motion in the sagittal plane
As a batsman steps forward before rotating to strike the ball his trunk is undergoing what type of motion?
Linear motion in the frontal plane
As a batsman plays the sweep shot to hit the ball, his trunk is undergoing what type of motion?
Angular motion about the longitudinal axis.
Ligaments are a ____ Body
Muscles are a ____ body
A cricket bat is a ____ body
Bones are ____ bodies
In a closed kinetic chain movement, the distal segments move…
Simultaneously with the proximal segments
What effect does body mass have on the relationship between minimalist shoes and risk of running injury?
Heavier runners have increased risk of injury when running in minimalist shoes
What is the definition of stride length?
The distance between consecutive foot-ground contacts of the same foot
What are the characteristics of minimalist footwear?
Lack of motion control devices
Low shoe mass
High flexibility
Low heel-toe drop
When compared to conventional shoes, what effect does running barefoot have on stride rate and stride length?
Increased stride rate
Decreased stride length
When compared to conventional shoes, what effect does running in minimalist shoes have on mechanical work at the knee and ankle?
Increased mechanical work at the ankle
Decreased mechanical work at the knee joint
Running in minimalist shoes is most likely to increase pain in which parts of the body?
Ankle, calf and shin
Good running economy is demonstrated by…
Using less energy at a given running velocity