Quiz Precision Attach Flashcards
What is a precision attachmnt?
a male or female type mechanism tht is made to precise tolerance utilized to securely and reversibly connect DENTAL PROSTHESIS to TOOTH/IMPLANT
What are attachment types?
Overdenture, intracoronal, extracoroanl attachments
What is an overdenture?
Removable dentalprosthesis that is supported by natural tooth root or implant ad mucosa
What is an overdenture attachment?
a prefab mechanism for support and retention of a removable prosthess with male and female parts positionedbetween coronal part of tooth roots and implants and intaglio surface of prosthesis
What is a zest attachment?
A zest attachement s where the matrix is IN THE ROOT, and the ball is coming off the hollowed area in the denture
What is a Zagg attachment?
A zagg attachment is where the ball is not embedded into a HOUSING so that as it wears out you dont have to keep hollowing out the denture itself but just take it out of the housing and replace the ball (the male portion)..minis are better for vertical dimensions
When using a zest atachment and now with an improve housing what is that?
a zagg attachment. Make sure to have the patient bite in PASSIVELY and not fully,
will the lttle ball in the tooth cause more or less stress than an rpd with clasps? is that a smaller moment arm?
Yes, and Yes, remember thats the zest attachment/zagg
What is a stud attachmetn?
Its a ball and socket type attachment where male (balls) is attached the TOOTH THIS TIME or implant, and female is retained in intaglio of removable prosthesis (so opposite of zest/zagg)
What is an intracoronal attachment?
A prefab mechanism for support or retention of removable dental prosthesis with male and female positioned within normal contours of abutment teeth.
What is an extracoronal attachment?
Prefab mechanism for support and retention of a removable dental prosthesis with male an dfemal components OUTSIDE the noraml contour of tooth
ERA attachments where do they fit?
the male nylon fits into the femail fixed cast metal
*made in overdenture design and extracoronal design
WHen doing extracoronal attachment
avoid placing them on premolars, focus on canines or teeth with long roots.
Comparing clasp with bal precision attachment which has smaller moment arm?
The ball, has smaller moment arm hence smaller amount of force.
Stress breakers
a device that relieves specific dental structure of part of all occlusal forces and redirects those forces to other bearng structure or regions
a device system or design that restribute direction or relieves potentiall damaging occlusal forces
Who said “shorter moment arms control levearage and save teeth?”
Dr. Taylor