quiz over pg. 221-233 Flashcards
is carried by water droplets, such as those discharged during a sneeze or a cough;
droplet infection
person who displays no symptoms of a disease but harbors the pathogens in his body and can pass them on to infect others
An animal that transmits infection
When pathogens enter the
body of a human and grow there
When a disease spreads rapidly and extensively
among a population
An epidemic that affects a large portion of the earth
a substance that stimulates your body to develop an acquired immunity to a disease.
used to prevent the spread
of diseases
white blood cells that do the work of protecting your body against invaders
any of the white blood cells that roam through the tissues and body cavities, engulfing and disposing of any bacteria, viruses, and cellular debris they encounter
chemical messenger, produced by white blood cells, that causes blood vessels to become more permeable, causing inflammation
chemical messenger produced by virus-infected cells to limit the spread of the virus
white blood cell that produces antibodies
Y-shaped protein molecule that binds to pathogen antigens to inactivate pathogens and mark them for destruction
fluid that originates in blood plasma and surrounds the body’s cells
Tissue fluid
works as a drainage and sanitation system for tissue fluid.
lymphatic system
name for tissue fluid that has entered the lymph vessels
either of two large ducts that empty lymph from the lymph vessels into the subclavian veins
lymph duct
special enlargement of lymphatic tissue that filters tissue fluid
lymph node
vessel that drains tissue fluid from the body’s tissues
lymph vessel
accumulations of lymph nodes in the throat that, with the adenoids, protect against pathogens entering through the throat
accumulations of lymph nodes in the throat that, with the tonsils, protect against pathogens entering through the throat
the tonsils often become infected resulting in
lymph node groups in the wall of the ileum that protect that digestive area from pathogens
Peyer’s patches
the body’s largest lymph organ, is about
the size of your fist and is located beneath the diaphragm just behind the stomach
one of the most inconspicuous lymphatic organs, is located between the lungs, above the heart.
sticky coating in the mouth and nose
type of membrane that lines openings to the outside
mucous membrane
enzymes that kill bacteria by destroying their cell walls.
elevated body temperature
condition of resistance to a pathogen in which the pathogen will be destroyed before symptoms of infection develop
immunity that results from circulating antibodies or memory cells
acquired immunity
immunity developed through a response to a pathogen where the body fights off disease
Active acquired immunity
develops when someone receives an infusion of antibodies from someone else.
Passive acquired immunity
immunity that results from factors other than the presence of antibodies and memory cells
Innate immunity
condition in which a person’s immune system breaks down, leaving him susceptible to infections to which he would normally be immune
immune deficiency
known as Bruton’s disease
XLA (X-linked agammaglobulinemia)
(severe combined immunodeficiency)
the most prevalent immune deficiency disease
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
causes AIDS
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
treatment and prevention of disease using vaccines and antiserums
Immune therapy
blood extract that contains antibodies to provide passive immunity
any procedure in which chemical compounds are used to treat a disease
substance produced by bacteria, mold, or other organisms that is effective in stopping the growth of microorganisms
a powerful antibiotic that is extracted from a yellowish excretion of the Penicillium mold, a bluish green fungus that is sometimes found growing on bread, cheese, and fruits.
a bacteriologist
working in London, discovered penicillin by accident in 1928.
Alexander Fleming