Quiz One Flashcards
Intro to Cleft Palate and Associated Deficits
most depressed part of the nose between the eyes
nasal root
midline point just superior to the nasal root
saddle-shaped area
nasal bridge
column that separates nostrils externally
anatomical name for the nostrils
outside curved side of the nostril
ala nasi
separates nasal cavity into two nostrils
nasal septum
paired bony structures that are covered in mucosa
nasal turbinates
air-filled spaces in the bones of the face and skull
paranasal sinuses
long indentation from columella to the upper lip
top of the upper lip
cupid’s bow
border tissue around the lips
white roll
skin of the lips
prominences on the upper and lower lip
labial tubercles
there are _ tubercles on the upper lip and there _ tubercles on the lower lip
3 and 2
once the bolus passed the _ the swallow is triggered
faucial pillars
made up of the dormsum and ventrum
what are the elevators of the velopharyngeal mechanism
levator veli palatini, superior pharyngeal constrictor, and palatophayngeus
what is the tensor of the velopharyngeal mechanism
tensor veli palatini
what is the depressor of the velopharyngeal mechanism
what muscle of the velopharyngeal mechanism provides bulk on the nasal surface of the velum during VP closure
musculus uvulae
requires airflow and air pressure
pneumatic activities
no airflow needed in these activities
non pneumatic activities
what are the four variation in VP closure
activity type, timing, type of phoneme, fatigue/weakness
at what week does closure of the lip and alveolar ridge being
7 weeks
at what weeks does closure of the hard palate and velum begin
9 weeks
structural or functional abnormality that affects the cranium or face
craniofacial anomaly
failure of parts of the lip and often the alveolar ridge to fuse appropriately during fetal development
cleft lip
midline of the root of the mouth does not fuse appropriately during fetal development
cleft palate
anterior to incisive foramen which include the lip and alveolar ridge
primary palate
posterior to incisive foramen which includes the hard and soft palate
secondary palate
extends through the entire lip, nostril sill, and alveolar ridge to incisive foramen
complete cleft of the primary palate
cleft does not extend to the incisive foramen
incomplete cleft of the primary palate
referring to one side
referring to both sides anatomically
small notch in the upper lip also known as a microform cleft
forme fruste
a band of tissue that bridges a cleft lip
simonart’s band
develops in the case of bilateral complete cleft o fate primary palate, the isolated philtrum and pre maxilla bone
what are some effects on structure due to a cleft of the primary palate
wide, flat nose, nasal Ala may be spread, and a short columella on the side of the cleft
effects of function due to clefts of the primary palate
reduced nasal airway, abnormal resonance, and bite abnormalities
extends through uvula and velum; follows median palatine suture line through hard palate to incisive foramen
complete cleft of the secondary palate
what are some effects on structure due to a cleft of the secondary palate
reduced nasal cavity and reduced nasopharyngeal depth
what are some effects of function due to a cleft of the secondary palate
hard to predict muscle function, Eustachian tube dysfunction
oral surface is intense but underlying structure is affected
sub mucous cleft palate
in an _ sub mucous cleft you can identify the signs via an oral mech exam
in an _ sub mucous cleft palate you will not see the signs with an oral mech exam