quiz math lab dilution (chapter 6) Flashcards
Two parts to a dilution
Sample (solute): the sample to be diluted
Diligent (solvent): the dilution used to perform the dilution
Solute + Solvent = solution
A dilution is often referred to as a “1 to 10” or “1 to 2” dilution
•1 to 10 dilution: for every 1 part of sample, there is a total of 10 parts of the solution.
•1to 10 dilution: for every 1 part of sample, there is a total of 10 parts of the solution.
•1 part of the sample is used and 9 parts of the diluent are used.
• If 10 parts of the diluent are used, then there these there would be a total of 11 partsto the solutions.
A simple dilution uses the following formula:
Sample volume
Sample volume +diluent volume or
Sample volume
Total volume
Simple dilution
• A 1 to 4 dilution of serum is to be made.
• The total volume of the dilution is to be 100 uL.
• What volumes of serum and diluent ( deionized water) are need?
Solve problem: use ratio and proportion.
1 part sample volume = x part sample volume
4 parts total volume 100 parts total volume
Cross multiplying the equation yields the following:
(1) x (100) = (4) x (x)
100 =4X
25= x
25.0 uL is the sample serum volume
100.0 -25.0, or 75.0 uL, is the diluent volume.
Dilution variations example:
• If you had a dilution in which you added 0.5 parts sample to 9.5 parts diluent, what is the value of the actual dilution you perform?
Dilution variations: To solver this dilution problem :
•because 0.5 is < 10.
5 must be multiplied by 2. (0.5x2=1)
• the denominator value of 10.0 (0.5 sample volume + 9.5 diluent volume) is also multiplied by 2.
•The value would be a1 to 20 dilution.
Diluted specimen volues the result
After the has been diluted and analyzed,
The result obtained must be corrected for the dilution.
Use a factor ( the reciprocal of the dilution that was performed) to correct the result.
Example: in a 1to 4 dilution, the factor for these dilution is the reciprocal of 1 to 4, or 4.
Example :
•a1to 5 dilution is performed on a serum specimen. The reanalyzed dilutes creatinine samples result is 4.5 mg/dL. What is the patient actual creatinine result?
Example :
•a1to 5 dilution is performed on a serum specimen. The reanalyzed dilutes creatinine samples result is 4.5 mg/dL. What is the patient actual creatinine result?
• The dilutes sample results must be multiplied byte dilation factor to determine the concentration in undiluted sample. 4.5 mg/dLx5(dilution factor) =22.5mg/dL.
•therefore, the patient’s actual creatinine result is 22.5mg/dL, Not 4.5 mg/dL.
Dilutions versus ratios
•A dilution formed by the ratio of sample volume to the total volume..
•ratio 1:4 = 1Part sampled,4 parts di vent
•dilation 1/4 =1 Part sample, 3 parts diluent
• in the above ratio example,a 1.4 ratio is a 1/5 dilation.
Serial and tube dilutions
• serial dilution n -same dilution for each tube in a series
•Very large dilutions of the serums can occurs with only a small amought of serum and diluent used.
•tube dilution series = different dilution for each tube..
In both cases, the final dilutio is the product of each individual dilution.
• final dilutions =( dilution 1)x( dilution 2)x(dilution3) and so on.
Serial dilutions:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 4
Step1: perform a 1 to 10 dilution of the serum (10uL of serum to 90uL of diluent):tube 1
Step2: perform a 1 to 10 dilution of tube 1(10uL tube 1 to 90uL of diluent in tube 2):tube 2
Step3: perform a 1 to 10 dilution of tube 2(10 uL tube 2 to 90uL of diluent in tube 3):tube 3
Step 4) discard 10uL from tube 3 ( for equivalent volume in all tubes)
Serial dilutions:
Step 1 tube
Step 2 tube
Step 3 tube
Step 4,tube ..
1) tube 1 is diluted 1 to 10.
2) tube 2 is diluted 1 to 100.
3)tube 3 is diluted 1 to 1000
4) 10uL of sample and 270 uL of diluent can make a 1 to 1000 dilution.
Serial dilution
Example: how is a 1 to 1000 dilution done using small volumes of serum and dilution?
Tube dilutions: determine the concentration of each tube
• divide first tube, in a series dilution factor used in it dilution.
•1/5 dilution was performed; factor =5
• the sample concentration in tube 1 is : ( 1650 mg/dL) / 5 or 330 mg /dl
Prefixes. SI system (base unit rated to metric system)
Meter = length
Kilogram = mass
Second= time
Mole=( amount of substance)
Cerisis =(temperature)
Tera = ( symbol = T)
Factor (10^12) = ( Decimal 1 000 000 000 000
Giga ( symbol G)
Factor (10^9) = 1 000 000 000
Mega (symbol M)
Factors (10^) 1 000 000
Kilo (symbol K)
Factor (10^3) decimal 1 000
Hector (symbol D)
Factor 10^2. Decimal 1 00
Dear symbol Da
Factor 10^1 decimal 10
Deci (symbol) D
Factor10^-1 dcimsl 0.1
Centi symbol c
Factor 10^-2 decimal 0.01
Mill symbol m
Factor 10^-3 decimal 0.001
Micro symbol u
Factor 10^-6 decimal 0.000 001
Nano symbols
Factor 10^-9 decimal 0.000 000 001
Pico symbols p
Factor 10^-12 decimal 0.000 000 000 001
Fem. Symbols f
Factor 10^-15 decimal 0.000 000 000 000 001
Atto symbol a
Factor 10^-18 decimal 0.000 000 000 000 000 001
St unit for length = meter
One-tenth of a meter is a decimeter (dm)
One-hundredth of a meter is a centimeter (cm) 100 meter = 1 cm.
One-thousandth of a meter is a millimeter (mm) 1000 meter = millimeter (mm)
One- thousand of a meters equal 1 kilometer (km) 1000 meter = 1 km
Si unit for Mass and weight: kilogram
Kilogram is divided into thousandths, called gram (g). 1000 divided 1 gram
One thousand grams (g) equals kilogram (kg). 1000 g = 1 kg
Gram is used much more often than the kilogram in the clinical laboratory.
Gram is divided into thousandths, called milligram (mg). 1000 G divided 1 milli gram
St unit for volume: liter
Liter is divided into thousandths, called milliliter (mL) 1L divided 1000
millionths, Called microliter (uL)
Billionths, called nano liters (nL).
Temperature conversion
convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
Subtract 32 from the temperature in Fahrenheit and multiply the five ninths (or five divided by nine= 0.56).
Celsius = 5/9( Fahrenheit - 32)
96.6 Fahrenheit - 32= 64.7
5 divided 9 time 64.7 = 35.94444
Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
Multiply the temperature in Celsius by 1.8
Which is 9 divided by 5
Add 32 degree.
Fahrenheit = (9/5 time Celsius) + 32
(9x5= 1.8 ) 9 divided 5 time 42 =75.6
75.6 + 32 = 107.6
Non- SI unit
Non-SI unit relevant to clinical laboratory analyses include minutes (min), hours (hr), and day (d)
Pressure is expressed in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and enzyme activity in international units (IU).
Reporting results in SI units
Report both the numbers and the unit by which the result is measured.
The unit expresses or defines ther dimension of the measured substance concentration,mass, or volume-and is an important part of any laboratory result
Regardless of composition, most laboratory supplies must meet certain tolerances of accuracy.
Vessels holding or transferring liquid are designed either
To contain (TC) or
To deliver (TD) a specific volume.
Must labwave can be divided into two main categories according to use:
Containers and receivers (such as beakers, test tubes, Erlenmeyer flasks, and reagent bottles)
Volumetric ware (such as automatic and Manual pipettes, volumetric flasks, graduates cylinders, and bursts.
Less expensive and more durable than glassware
Preferred for certain analyses in which glass can be damaged by chemicals used in the testing: Alkaline solutions must be stored in plastic.
Disadvantages of plastic are that there is:
Some leading of surface bound constituents into solutions.
Some permeability to water vapor.
Some evaporation through breathing of the plastic.
Some absorption of Arles, stains, or proteins.
Glassware: higher chemical stability and clarity than plastic.
Clinical and research laboratories use glassware for analytical work.
Certain types of glass can be attacked by reagents to such an extent that the determinations done in them are not valid. If is therefore important to use the correct type of glass for testing being done.
Containers and receiver:
Erlenmeyer flasks
Test tubes
Reagent bottles
Volumetric glassware
A rigorous process of volume calibration ensure the accuracy required for laboratory determinations. In very precise work, it is never safe to assume the v olume contained or delivered by any piece of equipment is exactly that indicated on the equipment.
Calibration of volumetric glassware.
Volumetric flask.
Graduated measuring cylinder.
Volumetric pippetted.
Graduated pippetted.
Serologic pippetted.
To contain (TC) pipettes
To deliver (TD) pipettes
Blowout pipettes
Pipetting technique using Manuel pipette.
Laboratory accidents frequently result from improper pipetting.r techniques.
The greatest potential hazard is when mouth Pipetting is done instead of mechanical suction.
Pipetting technique
- Using mechanical suction
- Wipe off outside of pipette with gauze
- Adjusting the meniscus
- Drain into receiving vessel
Reading the meniscus
1.Eyes level
2. Meniscus
3. Calibration
Pipetting technique using automatic Pipettes
Automatic micropipettors.
These automatic pipetting devices allow rapid, repetitive measurement and delivery of predetermined volumes of reagents or specimens.
The most common type of micropipetted used in many laboratories is one that is automatic or semiautomatic, called a micropipettor.
These pistons operated devices allow repeated, accurate, reproducible delivery of specimens, reagents, and other liquids requiring measurements in small amounts.
Cleaning laboratory glassware and plastic ware
Only larger pieces of glassware ( such as volumetric flasks, pipettes, and graduated cylinders) are usually cleaned.
Glassware that is containment, as by use with patient specimens, must be decontaminated before it is washed.
Cleaning pipettes.
Glass breakage: no broken or chipped glassware should be used.
Laboratory balances and centrifuges
General use of balance
Analytical balance
General principles
The basic principle is to balance as unknown mass ( the substance being weighed) with a known mass.
Before any procedure is started, reagent and standard solution are prepared. Standard solutions are always very accurately prepared, and the analytical balance is used to weigh the chemicals for these solutions. The analytical balance might be called the “ starting point” of each method used in the laboratory.
Laboratory centrifuges
Centrifugation is used in the separation of a solid material from a liquid by applying rapid rotation or spinning.
Precipitate=sediment packed at the bottom of the centrifuge tube.
Sypernatant = liquid or top portion of fluid at the top ofthe centrifuge tube.🧪
Reagents used in Laboratory assays.
1) Transfer and dilution of chemicals for reagents
2) labeling the reagent container
1) in quantitative transfer, the entire amount of the measured substance is transferred from one vessel to another for dilutions. Dissolving the chemical into solution.
2) containers for storage of reagents ( usually reagent bottles) should be labeled before the material is added.
A reagent should never be placed in an unlabeled bottle or container.
If an unlabeled container is found, the reagent I. It must be discarded.
National fire protection association
red Diamond
Like( flash point, 4 below 73 F, 3 below 100 F, 2-above 100 F not exceeding 200 F, o- will not burn,
National fire protection association
Blue Diamond
Health hazard
Like( deadly, extreme danger, 2 hazardous , 1 slightly hazardous o normal material.
National fire protection .
yellow Diamond
Like ( may detonate, shock and heat may detonate, 2 violent chemicals changed, 1 unstable if heated o stable.
National fire projection association
White Diamond
Specific hazard
Like( acid, alkali, corrosive, radioactive and use no water)
Reagent usted in Laboratory assays
Storagen of chemicals: Reas the label!
- Come requiere immediate refrigeration or freezing.
- Store solids in a cool, dry area.
- Acids and bases are stored separately in well-ventilated storage units.
- Especial consideración:
- Flammable solventes are stored and labeled per osha regulations. 6. Acetore and ether are Stored inspección Safety cans and in approved storage unitrs
.7. Fuming and volátil chemicals are only oponed and prepared under a hood so what vapors will not scape into the room.
Reagent used in laboratory Assays
Reagent preparation
A reagent is defined as any substance used to produce a chemical reaction.
Introduction for preparing a reagent identify the name of the chemicals needed, the number of grams or milligrams needed, and the total volume to which the particular reagent should be diluted.
The solvent most often used for dilution is deionized or distilled water.
In highly automated clinical laboratories, very few reagent are prepared by laboratory staff.
In many cases, only water or buffer needs to be added to a prepackaged reagent.
Laboratory reagent water - water grade- types i,iI,iI,reagent water.
Laboratory reagent grade water is water that is suitable for use in a specified procedure and does not interfere with the specificity, accuracy, and precision of an assay procedure.
Laboratory water needs to have inorganic or organic Impurities in the water removed before analysis.
Level of water purity.
Type 1 reagent water is the most pure. { for preparation of standard solutions, buffers, and controls, and in quantitative analytical procedures, electrophoresis, toxicology screening tests, and high performance liquid chromatography. Use immediately after it is produced. It cannot be stored.
Type 2 reagent water { for qualitative chemistry produces and for most procedures done in hematology, immunology, microbiology, and other clinical test areas.
Type 3 reagent water { for some qualitative laboratory tests, such as general urinalysis. Can be a water source for preparation of typos 1 one 2 water. Type 3 water can be used for washing and rinsing laboratory glassware.
Any glassware should be given a final rinse with either type 1 or type 2 water, depending on the intended use for the glassware.
Reference material about the individual chemicals are provided by all chemical manufactures and supplier by means of the safety data sheet (SDS).
This information accompanies the shipment of all hazardous chemicals and should be available in the laboratory fore anyone to review.
The SDS contain information about possible hazards, safe handling, storage, and disposal of the particular chemical it accompanies.
Checking a reagent before use
A reagents log should be kept to indicate date in use, expiration date of the reagent, and lot numbers of controls. After the reagent has been checked, this is indicated on the solution can be used for laboratory testing.
Ready made reagents.
Special commercial reagent kits are often used for clinical immunology tests.
Each new kit must be evaluated by the laboratory per a strict protocol, and then a periodic monitoring program must be maintasined to ensure the reliability of the results produced.
Laboratory reagent water
Storage of reaqgent water
Types 2 and 3 water can be stored in borosilicate glass or polyethylene bottles but should be used as soon as possible to prevent contamination with airborne microbes.
Containers should be tightly stoppered to prevent absorption of gases.
It is also important to keep the delivery system for the water proctected from chemical or microbiological contamination.
Laboratory reagent water
Purification of water process
Two general methods are employed to prepared water for laboratory use: deionization and distillation.
Distilled water
Double distilled water
Deionized water
Combination of deionization and distillation
Reverse osmosis
Other processes of purification.
Laboratory cenrifuges
The number of revolutions per minute and the centrifugal force generated are expressed as relative cewntrifugal force (RCF)
- Use for centrifuges
Process blood specimens
Prepare urinary sediment for microscopic examination
tissue receptor assays.
Laboratory centrifuges
Technical factors in using centrifuges
1.Always balance the tubes placed in the centrifuge.
2. Tube being centrifuged must be capped.
3. Special centrifuge tubes can be used.
4. Covers specially made for the centrifuge should be used, except in certain specified cases.
5. Keep the centifuge cover closed at all times, even when not using the machine.
6. Do not try to stop the centrifuge with your hands.
7. Centrifuges should be checked, cleaed, and lubricated regularly to ensure proper operation.
Laboratory cewntrifuges
Precuations for centrifugation of blood and bloddy fluids.
- Place a biohazard label on the centrifuge.
- Include centrifugation procedure and decontamination plan in laboratory standard operating procedures
3.after each use, check for possible spills or leaks. - if tube breakage occurs, turn centrifuge off immediately. Leave the lid closed for 30 minutes to reduce the risk of aerosols.
- decontaminate centrifuge interior, safety cupsw or buckets, and rotors, if tube breakage occurs. the laboratory employee should wear proper gloves, remove debris, and diposed of in a rigid sharps container). Clean and disinfect centrifuge interior, rotors, safety cups, or buckets following the manufacture’s instructions.
Laboratory centrifuge
precautions for centrifugatgion of blood and body fluids.
If a spill of infectious materials transmitted by inhalation occurs in the centrifuge, hold you breath, close the centrifuge lid, turn the centrifuge off, and immediately leave the laboratory.
notify others to evacute the laboratory, close nthe door, post a biohazard spill sigh at the laboratory door.
remove any contaminated protective clothing and place in a biohard bag.
wash hands and any exposed skin surfaces with soap and water.
immediately report the incident to the laboratory supervisor.