Quiz - Chapter 16 - Serverless Overview Flashcards
What type of file is used to build a container image?
You’d use a Dockerfile to create the container image
What is the maximum amount of RAM you can allocate to a single Lambda function?
Lambda supports up to 10GB of RAM
Which AWS service allows you to use Fargate without needing ECS or EKS?
Fargate requires either ECS or EKS
What is one thing EC2 instances allow you to configure but a serverless application doesn’t?
Operating System
In a serverless application, you don’t have access to the OS
What AWS service can create EC2 instances and place containers in them based on your task definitions?
ECS manages this process for you
Which open-source container management engine powers EKS?
EKS is a managed version of Kubernetes
Which IAM entity is assigned to a Lambda function to provide it with permissions to access other AWS APIs?
Roles should be used for Lambda to talk to other AWS APIs
What is the maximum length of time Lambda can run?
15 minutes