Quiz 9 Flashcards
What was the ninth plague with which God punished Pharaoh?
A plague of darkness
Who met Moses in the desert, kissed him and then was told by Moses about all the miraculous signs God had commanded him to perform?
Who did Paul write to telling him not to ignore his gift?
As he was holding two stone tablets whose face was seen to be radiant because he had been in the Lord’s presence?
During Jesus’ transfiguration, what did Peter suggest they should assemble?
3 shelters
During Jesus’ transfiguration, what did he speak about?
His departure
After one person was healed on a certain island, all the people came to be healed by whom, according to Dr. Luke?
Who gave an interpretation which came true about a dream concerning seven fat cows and seven lean cows?
Who said, “If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven”?
The risen Jesus
During Jesus’ transfiguration, what words did the three disciples hear?
“This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him” (NIV)
Which Old Testament prophet told a king that there “is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries” ?
What miracle took place after Jesus’ transfiguration?
The healing of a boy with an evil spirit
Who demanded that his dream should be interpreted but would not say what his dream was?
Through what kind of message did Timothy receive his spiritual gift?
To whom did Jesus say, “Everything is possible for him who believes.” ?
The father of a boy who had an evil spirit in him