Quiz Flashcards
An individual on the attest engagement team (team member) is a Covered member
An individual in a position to influence the attest engagement (PTI) is a Covered member
A partner, partner equivalent (defined as “a person who is not a partner of the firm but either has the ultimate responsibility for the conduct of an attest engagement, or has the authority to bind the firm to conduct an attest engagement without partner approval”), or manager who provides 10 or more hours of nonattest services to the attest client within any fiscal year (10-hour person) is a Covered member
A partner or partner equivalent in the office in which the lead attest engagement partner or partner equivalent practices in connection with the attest engagement (other partner in office) is a Covered member
The firm, including the firm’s employee benefit plans is a Covered member
An entity whose operating, financial, or accounting policies can be controlled by any of the individuals or entities described in items (1) through (5) or two or more such individuals or entities if they act together is a Covered member
where Maria, a partner of the ABC audit firm also works for DEF Co., which is an audit client of GHI audit firm. GHI proposes to purchase ABC. If the acquisition occurs, Maria may suddenly be an employee of her new firm’s audit client. Independence should not be impaired so long as:
A . Maria terminates her relationship with DEF before the closing date of the acquisition;
B. Maria is not a team member or a PTI on the DEF audit if the engagement covers any period in which she worked for DEF;
C. Maria dissociates from DEF, including ceasing participation in its employee benefit plans if she is a covered member;
D. A responsible person within the new firm assesses Maria’s prior relationship with DEF to ensure that any threats to independence are at a reasonable level. If Maria has any interaction with the attest engagement team or if the team evaluates any work done by Maria while she worked for DEF, an appropriate person within the firm should review the engagement prior to issuing the report to ensure that the team maintained integrity, objectivity, and professional skepticism; and
E. All safeguards should be discussed with DEF’s management and the discussions should be documented.
Covered members or their firms that were independent when they first issued an audit report may reissue that report or consent to its incorporation by reference, even if they are no longer independent, so long as they do not perform new procedures that would require updating the date (or dual dating) of the original report.
Covered members or their firms that were independent when they first issued an audit report may reissue that report or consent to its incorporation by reference, even if they are no longer independent.
In this connection, it is acceptable if necessary to assess the effect of recent facts on the original report to:
- Make inquiries of successor auditors
- Read subsequent financial statements
- Undertake similar procedures
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and other regulators disapprove of engagement contracts that indemnify auditors for the effects of their own mistakes, it is NOT okay for an engagement letter to require an attest client to indemnify or hold harmless a member firm for liability and costs resulting from knowing misrepresentations by the client’s management.
Although the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and other regulators disapprove of engagement contracts that indemnify auditors for the effects of their own mistakes, it is okay for an engagement letter to require an attest client to indemnify or hold harmless a member firm for liability and costs resulting from knowing misrepresentations by the client’s management.
It would NOT impair independence for a covered member to agree to indemnify an attest client for losses resulting from the client’s own acts.
It would impair independence for a covered member to agree to indemnify an attest client for losses resulting from the client’s own acts.
Engagement letters may NOT require use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to resolve disagreements with clients.
Engagement letters may require use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to resolve disagreements with clients.
If alternative dispute resolution is initiated, binding arbitration is sufficiently similar to litigation that it could place the member in public practice and the client in positions of material adverse interests and thereby impair independence, so the Conceptual Framework should be applied.
Financial interest—Includes ownership (or an obligation to obtain ownership) in equity, debt, or derivatives issued by an entity.
Direct financial interest—An interest:
1. Owned directly (even if managed by others)
2. Under one’s control (even if managed by others)
3. Beneficially owned through an investment vehicle, estate, trust, or other intermediary when the beneficiary either:
a. Controls the intermediary, or
b. Has the authority to supervise or participate in
the intermediary’s investment decisions.
Indirect financial interest—An interest beneficially owned through an investment vehicle, estate, trust, or other intermediary when the beneficiary neither:
1. Controls the intermediary, nor
2. Has the authority to supervise or participate in its
investment decisions.
D. Beneficial ownership—Occurs when an individual or entity is not the record owner but has a right to some or all of the underlying benefits of ownership, such as to:
1. Direct the voting 2. Dispose of the interest 3. Receive its economic benefits
Financial Interests—These rules about financial interests normally apply only to covered members; however, even if a partner or professional employee of a firm is not a covered member, that person (and his or her immediate family, or any group of such persons acting together) cannot own more than 5% of a client’s ownership interests without impairing independence.
Unsolicited Financial Interests
A. If covered members receive or learn they will receive an unsolicited financial interest in an attest client (perhaps through gift or inheritance) that is either a direct interest or a material indirect interest, independence will not be impaired.
If the covered member does not yet have the right to dispose of the interest (perhaps a relative who wrote a will is still alive), then independence will not be impaired if:
- The member does not participate on the attest engagement team.
- The interest is not material to the member.
If the member owns 5% or less of the outstanding shares of a diversified mutual fund, the interest in the underlying investments of the fund is indirect. Immaterial and indirect interests do not impair independence.
if the covered member owns more than 5% of a diversified fund’s shares or owns a financial interest in an undiversified fund, then the member must evaluate the fund’s underlying investments to determine whether he or she holds a material indirect financial interest in any of the underlying investments.
A covered member who owns shares in a mutual fund has a direct financial interest in the fund itself.
In case of Retirement, Savings, Compensation, or Similar Plans;
If covered members or their immediate family members (IFMs) self-direct their investments into such a plan or have the ability to supervise or participate in the plan’s investment decisions, then the financial interests held by the plan are direct financial interests that impair independence even if they are immaterial.
Independence will not be impaired if:
A covered member is trustee of a retirement plan and supervises its investments, which include shares of an attest client.
Independence will be impaired if acovered member is trustee of a retirement plan and supervises its investments, which include shares of an attest client.