Quiz Flashcards
A float thermostatic steam trap is a return trap
An inverted bucket steam trap is a nonreturn trap
A globe valve should never be used as a main steam stop valve
Gate valve offers no restriction to flow when open
A steam header is a distribution pipe that supplies steam to the branch lines
Condensate in the steam lines helps to keep them clean
Steam traps are located throughout the system after each device where steam is used
Air trapped in the top of the bucket of an inverted bucket steam trap causes the steam trap to remain closed
Return steam traps discharge condensate directly back to the boiler
Boiler main steam stop valves should be______valves
Gate valves should always be_____or_____closed
Wide open or completely closed
Steam header valves should be____valves
Os&y gate valves
When open, an os&y gate valve offer_____to the flow of steam
No resistance
Steam traps are_____devices
______allow movement caused from the heating and cooling of steam lines
Expansion bends
Steam traps remove____and_____from the steam lines
Air and water
Condensate in the steam lines can result in______
Water hammer
A valve_____is a type of globe valve that allows a boiler to be cut in on-line automatically when the boiler pressure is at or above the header pressure
A(n)_____steam trap is the most common steam trap used after a heating unit
Condensate from a nonreturn steam trap is pumped from the condensate return tank to the_____
Steam returning to the vacuum tank could cause the condensate pump to become____
Steam strainers should be located on the steam lines______
Before the steam trap
A(n)____is a device used to test steam teap function by analyzing the sound waves emitted
Ultrasonic tester
When an os&y valve is open, the stem is in the_____position
A thermodynamic steam trap opens and closes by a(n)____
Movable disc
In a float thermostatic trap, the float rises to discharge_____
A steam trap that fails to open causes the heating unit to become______
______remove dirt and impuritiesthat may cause the steam trap to malfunction
Steam strainers
A(n)_____is a device used to measure radiation emitted from an object
Imfrared thermometer