Quiz 6 Flashcards
What is an eigenvector of a matrix A?
An eigenvector is a vector v such that there exists some scalar x for which
Av = xv
What is the characteristic equation of A and how can it be used?
det(A-λI) = 0
It was be used to solve for λ, which gives us the eigenvalues of a matrix
What do you need to review from last chapter?
How do you find the eigenvector corresponding to an eigenvalue?
Use the equation
(A-λI)x = 0
Plug in your found eigenvalue and solve for the vector x
What is true of similar matrices?
They have the same characteristic polynomial (and as a result the same eigenvalues)
If two matrices do not have the same characteristic equation they are not similar
What is the eigenspace?
An eigenspace is a vector space specific to a given λ of a given matrix.
It is the kernel of (A-λI)
Essentially it is the space containing all eigenvectors for a given eigenvalue
What problem do you need to figure out in chapter 4.1?
Example 7
What is the sum of all a matrix’s eigenvalues?
Their sum is equal to the trace of their matrix
What is true of an upper or lower triangular and diagonal matrix?
Their eigenvalues are the elements of the main diagonal
What is a singular matrix and what is true in relation to eigenvalues?
A matrix is singular if and only if it has a zero eigenvalue
What is true of the inverse of an invertible matrix A?
If x is an eigenvector in A according to eigenvalue λ, then it is also an eigenvector in A^-1 corresponding to 1/λ
What are some equivalencies to all eigenvalues of A being non-zero?
A has an inverse. A has rank n. A can be transformed to an upper diagonal using elementary row operations. A has a non-zero determinant
What is true for a matrix kA?
If x is an eigenvector of A for eigenvalue λ then x is an eigenvector for kA corresponding to eigenvalue kλ
What is the product of all eigenvalues of a matrix?
It’s determinant
What is true for a matrix A^n?
If x is an eigenvector of A for eigenvalue λ then x is an eigenvector for A^n corresponding to eigenvalue λ^n
What is true of a matrix A - cI?
If is an eigenvector of A corresponding to eigenvalue λ then for any scalar c, λ-c and x are a corresponding pair of eigenvectors and eigenvalues in A - cI
What is important to remember when working with basis transformations for finding eigenvalues?
The final eigenvectors which you have for the eigenspaces must be replugged into the original basis equation to get the basis with respect to the proper basis