Quiz Flashcards


Which of the following statements comparing fixed and variable annuities is TRUE?

A. The amount of the payout will be level with a fixed annuity but may increase or decrease with a variable annuity
B. The number of years of benefit payments is specified with a fixed annuity but is not specified with a variable annuity
C. The rate of return must increase for a variable annuity but remains level for a fixed annuity
D. Variable annuities make periodic payments to an annuitant but fixed annuities make lump sum payments to an annuitant


The best answer is A.

The amount of the payout will be level with a fixed, but may increase or decrease with a variable annuity. Both fixed and variable annuities promise payments for the lifetime of the annuitant. The rate of return remains level for a fixed annuity, but can increase or decrease for a variable annuity. Both fixed and variable annuities make periodic payments (typically monthly) to annuitants.

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As the economy fluctuates, the holder of a fixed annuity contract should know that:

A. payments will fluctuate based upon the actual return that the separate account earns
B. payments will not fluctuate over time
C. during periods of negative economic growth, annuity payments are subject to reduction
D. during periods of negative economic growth, it is likely that annuity payments will increase


The best answer is B.

Fixed annuities are just that - fixed. No matter how well or poorly the insurance company’s general account performs, or how much the economy fluctuates, the annuitant receives a fixed monthly amount.

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Which of the following investments trade in the market?

I Limited partnership
II Closed-end fund
III Variable annuity
IV Listed option

A. I and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II and IV


The best answer is D.

Limited partnerships are illiquid - they do not trade because partnership units are not transferable unless the general partner approves. Closed-end funds are listed and trade like any other stock; in contrast, open end funds do not trade - they are redeemable, not negotiable. Variable annuities use a mutual fund held in a separate account to fund the annuity - they are also not negotiable. Listed options trade, so they are negotiable.

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Which of the following is MOST likely to fluctuate for an annuitant during the payout period of a variable annuity?

A. Death benefit
B. Mortality risk
C. Investment return
D. Expense risk


The best answer is C.

With a variable annuity, the investment return and benefit payments will vary based on the performance of the underlying securities held in the separate account. During the payout period, there is no death benefit - the insurance company simply promises to make the fixed monthly payments until the annuitant dies. The mortality risk and expense risk are carried by the insurance company and are not subject to market fluctuation.

Mortality risk is the risk that the purchaser lives longer than the insurance company expects, and the insurance company is obligated to pay for as long as that person lives. Expense risk is the risk that the insurance company’s expenses increase faster than expected - the insurance company caps the expenses that it can charge against the annuity. If these increase beyond the capped amount, this is the insurance company’s problem.

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A customer who is short stock will buy a call to:

A. hedge the short stock position in a falling market
B. protect the short stock position from a falling market
C. protect the short stock position from a rising market
D. generate additional income in a stable market


The best answer is C.

A customer who has shorted stock is bearish on the market. However, the potential loss for a short seller of stock is unlimited if the market should rise, forcing the customer to replace the borrowed shares at a much higher price. To limit this risk, the purchase of a call allows the stock position to be bought at a fixed price (by exercising the call), if needed, in a rising market.

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For an investor seeking a tax sheltered investment, the primary advantage of a real estate direct participation program is the:

A. high level of liquidity provided by the investment
B. ability of the program to generate losses for tax purposes but provide positive cash flow
C. ability to offset passive losses generated by the program against the investor’s earned income
D. ability of the program to generate increasing losses until liquidation


The best answer is B.

Limited partnership interests are not liquid. To avoid the corporate characteristic of “free transferability of shares,” most partnership agreements place restrictions on transfer. The ideal structure for a partnership is to generate losses for tax purposes (in a real estate program, through mortgage interest and depreciation deductions), yet show positive cash flow (since depreciation is a “paper” write-off). Since real estate is considered a passive investment, any losses can only be offset against passive income - not earned income. The structure of partnerships generates higher losses in the early years, and lower losses in the later years. This gives people with “tax problems” the incentive to buy such a program, since the deductions are “front loaded,” and the potential purchaser needs those deductions today.

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Which of the following options strategies provides a gain equal to the premium in a bull market?

A. Long Call
B. Short Call
C. Long Put
D. Short Put


The best answer is D.

The writer of a put (short put) collects a premium in return for agreeing to buy stock at a fixed price, no matter how low the market price of the stock may go. If the market price rises, the put expires “out the money” and the writer keeps the collected premium. This is the maximum potential gain.

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An individual, for a fee, prepares a custom financial plan for a client that includes a section covering life insurance needs. In order to do so, the individual:

I must be a licensed insurance agent in the State
II is not required to be a licensed insurance agent in the State
III must be a licensed investment adviser representative in the State
IV is not required to be a licensed investment adviser representative in the State

A. I and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II and IV


The best answer is A.

To prepare customer financial plans for a fee, the individual must be licensed as an investment adviser representative in the State, but this does not cover life insurance! To sell life insurance, a separate State life insurance license is needed.

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A customer sells short 100 shares of PDQ at $49 and sells 1 PDQ Sep 50 Put @ $6. The maximum potential loss is:

A. $4,300
B. $4,400
C. $5,500
D. unlimited


The best answer is D.

The maximum potential loss for a customer with a short stock / short put position is unlimited. If the market rises, the put expires and the short stock position must be covered (bought in) in the market.

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A customer buys 100 shares of ABC stock at 39 and sells 1 ABC Jan 45 Call @ 2 on the same day in a cash account. The customer’s maximum potential gain until the option expires is:

A. $200
B. $300
C. $700
D. $800


The best answer is D.

If the market rises above 45 the short call will be exercised. The customer must deliver the stock that he bought at 39 for the $45 strike price, resulting in a $600 gain. Since $200 was collected in premiums as well, the total gain is $800. This is the maximum potential gain while both positions are in place.

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The very first option style used was:

A. American
B. European
C. Eastern
D. Western


The best answer is A.

The CBOE started in 1973 with single stock options only - and these were American style options (options that could be exercised at any time). When the CBOE introduced index options in the late 1970s, they found that portfolio managers who used them to hedge did not want to be hit with an unintended exercise - so they made them European style options - which can be exercised only at expiration. There is no such thing as an Eastern or Western option.

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All of the following information is included in a (standardized) commodities futures contract EXCEPT the:

A. acceptable grades of the commodity
B. quantity of the commodity
C. delivery location of the commodity
D. price of the commodity


The best answer is D.

Commodities futures contracts are “standardized,” which makes them easier to trade. Each exchange has its own contract for a standard size (quantity) and quality of the commodity (the exchange sets the different varieties or grades that can be delivered at various price differentials to the contract price) and there are standardized future delivery dates for the underlying commodity, if the contract is not closed by trading as of that date. What is not standardized is the price of the commodity - this is determined in the marketplace.

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Payments received by the owner of a tax qualified variable annuity are:

A. 100% taxable as investment income
B. only taxable to the extent of earnings above the holder’s cost basis
C. only taxable to the extent of the holder’s cost basis
D. non-taxable


The best answer is A.

Funds paid into “tax qualified” retirement plans were never subject to tax, since the contribution amount was deductible from income at the time it was made. Earnings build up tax deferred in the plan. When distributions are taken, since all of the dollars in the plan were never taxed, all of the distribution is taxable.

Funds paid into “non-tax qualified” retirement plans are not tax deductible. Any earnings build up tax deferred. When distributions are taken, the portion that represents the return of original after tax investment is not taxed, while the portion that represents the tax deferred earnings buildup is taxable.

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When comparing the Alternative Minimum Tax calculation to the Regular income tax calculation, which deductions are ONLY permitted in the Regular income tax calculation?

I Personal exemption
II State and local tax deduction
III Miscellaneous itemized deductions
IV Medical expense deduction

A. I and II only
B. III and IV only


The best answer is C.

When calculating the Alternative Minimum Tax, aside from adding back “tax preferences,” many of the basic deductions permitted when calculating Regular income tax are not allowed, increasing the amount of AMT income that is subject to tax. When calculating AMT, there is no deduction for the personal exemption; no deduction for state and local taxes paid (including property taxes paid); no deduction for miscellaneous items such as tax preparation fees; and no standard deduction; among other items.

Medical expenses are deductible from Regular income tax to the extent they exceed 7.5% of Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). They are also deductible from the AMT computation, but for AMT, they are only deductible to the extent they exceed 10% of AGI.

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A representative is making a presentation to a married couple, ages 77 and 81, about their need for continuing income as the expected life spans of the general population have increased. The representative is strongly recommending that the couple buy an equity indexed annuity (EIA). Which statements made by the representative would be misleading and fraudulent?

I “EIAs guarantee a minimum rate of return that is equal to the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index”
II “I do not earn any commissions when I sell you an EIA”
III “EIAs are tax qualified, allowing you to reduce your taxable income by deducting any contribution that you make”
IV “EIAs provide a minimum guaranteed rate of return that is guaranteed by the issuing insurance company”

A. I and III
B. I and II


The best answer is C.

Equity indexed annuities (EIAs) are an insurance product that falls somewhere between a fixed annuity and a variable annuity. They give a return linked to a well-known index, such as the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index, but the return is typically capped to a maximum interest rate per year. Thus, if the cap is 10% and the S&P 500 Index grows by 15%, the customer only gets a 10% return for that year. Thus, Choice I is a misleading statement. Technically the salesperson does not earn a commission, but he or she does earn a very steep sales charge, so choice II is misleading. There is no deduction for contributions to the contract (these are non-qualified plans) making Choice III a misleading statement. Choice IV is true - the contracts have a minimum guaranteed rate of return (like around 4%) that is guaranteed by the insurance company. Of course, if the insurance company fails (which rarely happens, but it has happened), then the guarantee is worthless.

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Which of the following statements describes a whole life insurance policy?

A. A policy owner has flexibility in skipping some premium payments
B. The cash value increases based on equity investments
C. The death benefit is fixed and guaranteed for the insured’s entire life
D. Premium payments are low for a young insured and increase with age


The best answer is C.

Whole life insurance protects the purchaser from increasing premiums as that person ages, and there are no renewals - the policy is good for that person’s “whole” life. With a whole life policy, the annual premium is level, and will start out higher than a term life policy. Part of the premium is invested in the insurance company’s general account and is guaranteed to grow at a fixed, guaranteed rate. As the general account investment portion grows, the policy builds “cash value” that can be borrowed.

Universal life gives the policyholder the flexibility to skip some premium payments. Variable life invests premiums in a separate account and typically invests in equities, whereas both whole life and universal life invest premiums in the general account, which is heavily invested in fixed income securities. Term life has low premiums for young insured individuals that increase with each renewal as that person ages.


Which of the following statements are TRUE about a Life Annuity?

I A Life Annuity will cease when the person dies
II A Life Annuity will continue to pay to a beneficiary if the person dies before a stated date
III The periodic payment for a Life Annuity will be lower than the periodic payment for a Period Certain annuity
IV The periodic payment for a Life Annuity will be higher than the periodic payment for a Period Certain annuity

A. I and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II and IV


The best answer is B.

A life annuity ceases when that person dies. A life annuity-period certain continues to a beneficiary if the person dies prior to the end of the “certain period.” For example, if a life annuity-10 year period certain is purchased, and the purchaser dies after the 3rd year, the annuity continues to pay to a beneficiary for another 7 years. Because of the minimum guaranteed payment period, the periodic payment amount is lower than a simple life annuity (since the insurance company must pay for a longer guaranteed time period).


A customer invests $100,000 in an Equity Indexed Annuity contract tied to the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index. The contract has a 90% participation rate; a 15% cap and a 3% floor. Interest is credited to the contract under the annual reset method and is compounded annually. The performance of the Standard and Poor’s Index over the next 3 years is:

Year 1: + 10%
Year 2: - 5%
Year 3: - 10%
At the end of year 3, the customer will have a principal balance of approximately:

A. $95,000
B. $100,000
C. $116,000
D. $121,000


The best answer is C.

The first year increase in the index of 10% with a 90% participation means that 9% would be credited to the account. The 15% cap is irrelevant. Thus, at the end of the first year, the $100,000 balance is worth $109,000. Because of the 3% floor, even though the index fell in each of the next 2 years, the account value increases to $109,000 x 1.03 = $112,270 at the end of year 2; and $112,270 x 1.03 = $115,638 at the end of year 3.


Hedge funds are set up as:

A. management companies
B. limited partnerships
C. general partnerships
D. unit investment trusts


The best answer is B.

A hedge fund is a private investment fund that uses sophisticated investment strategies and leverage to enhance returns but also takes on higher levels of risk. They are set up as limited partnerships, where the investor is a limited partner in the venture. They are not set up as general partnerships because general partners assume unlimited risk. They are not set up as management companies or unit trusts, because then they would be subject to regulation under the Investment Company Act of 1940.


A customer buys 200 shares of Ford at 68 and sells 2 Ford 70 Calls @ $3. The maximum potential loss is:

A. $6,800
B. $13,000
C. $13,200
D. $13,800


The best answer is B.

The worst case is that the stock becomes worthless. The customer paid $68 per share reduced by $3 in collected premiums for a net cost of $65. As the market drops, the calls will expire “out the money”. The customer can lose all $65 per share X 200 shares = $13,000.


A customer buys an annuity requiring an initial payment of $20,000. The annuity offers a 3% Bonus Credit. This means that:

A. the customer is only required to make an initial payment of $19,400
B. the insurance company will pay an extra $600 into the contract on top of the customer’s $20,000 payment
C. the insurance company will issue a check to the customer for $600 upon acceptance of the contract
D. the customer will receive a $600 credit from the insurance company that can be used to buy an additional life insurance policy offered by that company


The best answer is B.

When a variable annuity contract offers a “bonus credit,” the company matches any customer payment made into the contract with an extra payment of anywhere from 1-5% of the amount paid. Since this customer is paying $20,000, the bonus credit of 3% means that the insurance company will pay an extra 3% of $20,000 = $600 into the contract. Usually annuity contracts with a “bonus credit” have higher annual expense ratios - a classic example of the fact that “you don’t get something for nothing.”


A customer buys 1 ABC Jul 40 Put at $6 when the market price of ABC is 38. The maximum potential loss to the holder is:

A. $600
B. $3,400
C. $4,000
D. unlimited


The best answer is A.

The holder of a put buys the right to sell at a fixed price. If the contract expires “out the money,” the maximum loss is the premium paid. This occurs if the market price rises above the strike price.


Which of the following statements are TRUE when comparing a corporation and a limited partnership?

I A corporation is a taxable entity
II A partnership is a taxable entity
III A corporation allows for the flow through of gain and loss
IV A partnership allows for the flow through of gain and loss

A. I and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II and IV


The best answer is B.

Under IRS rules, a corporation is a taxable entity. If the corporation has net income, the corporation pays tax on that income. If the corporation wishes to distribute cash dividends to shareholders, the dividends received are paid out of after tax income and then the shareholders pay taxes on this, too. If a corporation has a net loss, no corporate tax is owed for that year and the corporation cannot distribute the losses to its shareholders. A partnership is not a taxable entity, rather, each partner is taxed on his or her pro-rata share of income or loss. The losses can be used to offset other “passive income.”


Hedge funds are:

I registered securities
II unregistered securities
III offered to the general public
IV offered in private placements

A. I and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II and IV


The best answer is D.

A hedge fund is a private investment fund that uses sophisticated investment strategies and leverage to enhance returns but also takes on higher levels of risk. Hedge funds are typically limited to 99 investors so they do not have to register as investment companies under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (which states that registered investment companies are those that have at least 100 investors). They are offered in private placements only to accredited (wealthy) investors.


A customer invests $100,000 in an Equity Indexed Annuity contract tied to the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index. The contract has a 90% participation rate; a 15% cap and a 3% floor. Interest is credited to the contract under the annual reset method using the simple interest method. The performance of the Standard and Poor’s Index over the next 3 years is:

Year 1: + 20%
Year 2: - 5%
Year 3: + 10%

At the end of year 3, the customer will have a principal balance of: approximately:

A. $100,000
B. $105,000
C. $124,000
D. $127,000


The best answer is D.

The first year increase in the index of 20% with a 90% participation means that 18% would be credited to the account - however, because of the 15% cap, this is the first year credit of $15,000. ($100,000 principal x .15)

Under the simple interest method, the second year interest credit is still based on the $100,000 principal amount (there is no “interest on interest” as is the case with compound interest) and because of the 3% floor, the credit will be $3,000. ($100,000 principal x .03).

Under the simple interest method, the third year interest credit is still based on the $100,000 principal amount (there is no “interest on interest”as is the case with compound interest) and because of the 90% participation, 90% of the 10% index increase, or 9% will be credited. The credit will be $9,000. ($100,000 principal x .09).

Thus, the principal value after year 3 will be $100,000 + $15,000 + $3,000 + $9,000 = $127,000.


Which of the following are tax preference items included in the Alternative Minimum Tax?

I Excess depreciation
II Excess depletion
III Excess intangible drilling costs
IV Private purpose municipal interest income

A. I and II only
B. II and III only


The best answer is D.

All of the items listed are “tax preference” items for the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) calculation - excess depreciation deductions above straight line; excess intangible drilling cost deductions (IDCs); excess depletion deductions; and non-essential use private purpose municipal interest income.


All of the following statements concerning universal life insurance are correct EXCEPT the:

A. policy owner can skip some premium payments after cash value builds
B. cash value is invested in the insurer’s general account
C. cash value increases at a fixed and guaranteed rate of return
D. policy owner can use cash value to increase the death benefit


The best answer is C.

With a universal life policy, any cash value is invested in the insurer’s general account, and the policy owner’s account is credited for the interest income earned on the general account. This rate of return can vary from year to year. The policy owner can use cash value to increase the death benefit or to skip some premium payments.


A customer buys 100 shares of ABC stock at $56 and buys 1 ABC Jul 55 Put @ 2.50 on the same day. The maximum potential loss is:

A. 0
B. $250
C. $350
D. unlimited


The best answer is C.

If the market should fall, the customer will exercise the put and sell the stock at the strike price, limiting potential loss. The put contract gives the customer the right to sell the stock at $55. Since the stock was purchased at $56, 1 point will be lost on the stock. In addition, 2.50 points were paid in premiums for a maximum potential loss of 3.50 points or $350.


Which of the following statements are TRUE when comparing a Life Annuity to a Life Annuity with Period Certain?

I Both annuities will cease when the person dies
II Only the Life Annuity will cease if the person dies before a stated date
III The periodic payment for a Life Annuity will be lower than the periodic payment for a Period Certain annuity
IV The periodic payment for a Period Certain Annuity will be lower than the periodic payment for a Life Annuity

A. I and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II and IV


The best answer is D.

A life annuity ceases when that person dies. A life annuity-period certain continues to a beneficiary if the person dies prior to the end of the “certain period.” For example, if a life annuity-10 year period certain is purchased, and the purchaser dies after the 3rd year, the annuity continues to pay to a beneficiary for another 7 years. Because of the minimum guaranteed payment period, the periodic payment amount is lower than a simple life annuity (since the insurance company must pay for a longer guaranteed time period).